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Weekend Discussion Thread: What Has MST3K Taught You?

Alert reader Stacy writes:

I was thinking that a possible discussion thread might be this…

“If MST3K has taught me anything, it’s… (fill in the blank).

For me, MST3K has taught me to be careful when saying the word “peanuts”. :-)

For me, it’s that meteors roam around space in swarms.

What about you?

162 Replies to “Weekend Discussion Thread: What Has MST3K Taught You?”

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  1. fatbarkeep says:

    Biker film lessons:
    Only love pads the film.
    The best reason to do anything is “for the kicks.”
    Citrus-based economies are swimming in cash.
    And always watch the movie first before riffing it!


  2. Ray Dunakin says:

    I’ve learned that WWIII will look a lot like the Blitz.

    I’ve learned that the best way to survive a nuclear war is to live in the suburbs, not in the city.

    I’ve learned that you can carpet bomb today, and entertain guests tonight!

    I’ve learned that the U.S. government has trouble finding manufacturers willing to make tanks.


  3. GarthVader says:

    I learned that, in less than a fortnight, I will be signing up to Netflix.


  4. Dan says:

    Thanks to MST, I really did learn to make an egg cream & they’re yummy & delicious.
    Hold the carnivorous worm however.


  5. fatKen says:

    MST3K taught me that I can make fun of anything and relax more.
    It also taught me that I can enjoy milk in pieces (The Giant Spider Invasion) and
    that there is a Prince of (in?) Space…


  6. Ray Dunakin says:

    I’ve learned that Japan once had a Hitler building.


  7. Bat Masterson says:

    I learned, that no matter how good the prices, you should not vacation at Valley Lodge.

    I learned that you can shriek and roast a disabled guy and still be considered the hero

    I learned that the inability to dance does not stop you from getting a gig at a nightclub and becoming the number one attraction in Los Angeles.

    I learned that there was no monster.


  8. Cam says:

    Avoid wearing red jumpsuits, green jumpsuits, teal jumpsuits, blue jumpsuits… pretty much avoid wearing any jumpsuit – even if it is gray and covered in Braille dots.

    Do not wear one.

    Else you could find yourself being shot up into space.


  9. Ray Dunakin says:

    I’ve learned a lot of “alternative” science facts. For instance:

    I’ve learned that the heart is a single cell. (“Amazing Colossal Man”)

    I’ve learned that the most vicious and bloodthirsty creature on Earth is either the shrew or the praying mantis, depending on who you ask.

    I’ve learned that a simple change of atmosphere can cause a person to shrink down to a few inches tall, or revert back to full size.

    I’ve learned that being hickory smoked in a giant bong will prevent a human from being crushed by the pressure of an alien planet.

    I’ve learned that a piece of moon rock can turn a man into a murderous were-lizard.

    I’ve learned that exposure to a nuclear blast can cause humans, reptiles, insects, and arachnids to grow to enormous size.

    I’ve learned that being extremely large automatically makes anything virtually indestructible.

    I’ve learned that there is life on the Moon, as well as on nearly every planet.


  10. Jay says:

    Thanks to Angels Revenge, I learned that women CAN make a difference, apparently all by running around in tight jumpsuits, bikinis, or silk dresses and high heels, and fake punching people.

    I learned that I am grateful that you specified WOMEN in that post.


  11. Ray Dunakin says:

    I’ve learned that rampaging giant creatures can destroy buildings and kill numerous people and still be considered “good”.


  12. Ray Dunakin says:

    I’ve learned that strip mall reviews can level entire cities.


  13. BBA says:

    From the preview screening of 1101, I learned that every [REDACTED] has a [REDACTED] to call its very own.


  14. GodzillaVsMegalon says:

    I learned from “Horrors of Spider Island” that if I’m on a plane of dancers going to Singapore that I can find myself with them on a deserted island even after my plane is on fire and crashes into the ocean.

    I might be passing out like Tom though if they start fighting……


  15. GodzillaVsMegalon says:

    I learned it would take 11,550 turkeys to fill the bridge of the Satellite of Love.


  16. Suzanne says:

    I learned that, if I’m ever given a choice between walnut ranching and pecan ranching, I should go with the pecans.


  17. John Hanna says:

    I learned that no matter how many ships you blow up, there will always be three.


  18. Jay says:

    I just learned that Paramount Studios has announced plans for a second Mystery Science Theater: The Movie starring the new cast. It will be done using a segue format along the lines of That used for Star Trek, The Next Generation. Rumor has it this will be generously budgeted with a multinational distribution. No word on a title yet, but an anonymous source says they are leaning away from Roman numerals.


  19. Jay says:

    Re: #118 –

    April Fools!


  20. Droppo says:

    I learned that post-war Japan is tranquil.


  21. Bob(NotThatBob) says:

    I just learned that Paramont Studios has announced plans for a second Mystery Science Theater:The Movie starring the new cast.It will be done using a segue format along the lines of That used for Star Trek, The Next Generation.Rumor has it this will be generously budgeted with a multinational distribution.No word on a title yet, but an anonymous source says they are leaning away from Roman numerals.

    Ahhhh hahaha! – I know what day TODAY is :^)


  22. Ray Dunakin says:

    I learned to sing whenever I sing. Which seems pretty obvious, in hindsight.


  23. Ray Dunakin says:

    I learned that whether you’re an Italian mobster fleeing a Texas Ranger, a faux beatnik on a heist, or the agent of an international crime syndicate kidnapping a young woman, your “go to” disguise is either a priest or nun.


  24. EricJ says:

    I just learned that Paramount Studios has announced plans for a second Mystery Science Theater:The Movie starring the new cast.It will be done using a segue format along the lines of That used for Star Trek, The Next Generation.Rumor has it this will be generously budgeted with a multinational distribution.No word on a title yet, but an anonymous source says they are leaning away from Roman numerals.

    What, Paramount NOT trying to force a film to tie into their Hasbro/Transformers-verse? Recognizing Trek:TNG’s existence instead of the JJ Abrams reboot-verse?

    …Obvious April 1. ;)


  25. Cornjob says:

    I learned that when you are on a scientific expedition you should always bring along an atom bomb in case there is a miraculous beautiful discovery you need to vaporize.


  26. ServoTron3000 says:

    Never hit Big Jake.


  27. Bat Mastersion says:

    I learned that there are a lot of railings in spaceships.

    I learned that reporters and anthropologists sometimes pull pointless pranks on friends in the New Mexico desert.

    I learned that in the Old West, guests sometimes stayed in the halls of hotels.

    I learned that there is a race of aliens where Ken is a very common name.


  28. ck says:

    I learned that Peter Graves had a fascinating education at the University of Minnesota.

    I also learned there was an American Civil War of which nothing is known now. Really, it was on a documentary produced by a C. T. Robot.


  29. Ro-man, aka one of several possible Steves says:

    I’ve learned that sometimes common sense does prevail, and that good things sometimes do come to those who wait!

    Plus, what an amazing community this group of fans is. :)


  30. The Insomniac says:

    I learned how to tell Merritt Stone and Gene Roth apart.


  31. Ray Dunakin says:

    I’ve learned that chili peppers burn some people’s guts.


  32. Ray Dunakin says:

    I’ve learned that even doughy, boozy, unappealing slobs and drifters can be action heroes.


  33. Ray Dunakin says:

    I’ve learned that Canadian movies are required to have at least one character with a ridiculous cartoon voice.


  34. Spade Aceman says:

    If MST3K has taught me anything, it’s that the Star Trek Enterprise episode Strange New World is only the second-worst story ever told about humanity taking their first steps on an alien world. (Thank you, “King Dinosaur” – it’s actually eerie how similar they are to one another in establishing that “first-ever scientific exploration of an entirely new planet” means acting more like unprepared tourists wandering around through suspiciously Earth-like forested areas.)


  35. trickymutha says:

    I’ve learned that all men are free, and, all men are Gods.


  36. Ray Dunakin says:

    I’ve learned that all men are free, and, all men are Gods.

    And pumas can fly!


  37. goalieboy82 says:

    i learned:
    Trumpy can do stupid things!


  38. Cornjob says:

    I learned that although Saturn should be avoided since looking at the rings can make you melt, the moons of Jupiter are populated with nubile scantily clad sorority girls that like to playfully tie each other up for slumber parties and human sacrifices. Great place to visit.


  39. Killdozer says:

    I have learned that the Master would not approve.


  40. Ray Dunakin says:

    I learned that if you are young, naive, wimpy, and not too bright, the best place to get mugged is in a railroad freight yard. Because there’s a good chance you’ll be taken in by a kindly hobo who will teach you important lessons about self-defense, women, and life.


  41. Ray Dunakin says:

    I’ve learned that everyone deserves a second chance — even if they’re dead.


  42. Ray Dunakin says:

    I’ve learned that Satan’s arch nemesis is Santa Claus.


  43. Cornjob says:

    #139: But Master Ninja might.


  44. Michael P says:

    I’ve learned that God has a spring.


  45. bartcow says:

    I’ve learned to stop having lunch in the gas expulsion tank.


  46. Matt says:

    Who Merritt Stone is.


  47. Torgo"s Pizza-NJ says:

    Do Not set your head on fire, unless you have an ample supply of them on hand…


  48. Ray Dunakin says:

    Never order from Torgo’s Pizza.


  49. BBA says:

    Who Merritt Stone is.

    HE’S NOT MERR–oh, wait, I guess he is.


  50. MikeK says:

    Aside from working on the gym floor and knowing a little about rubber and plastics used in sports equipment, I can’t say I learned much from MST3K.


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