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Weekend Discussion Thread: MSTed Movie to Broadway?

Longtime MSTie Charlie asks:

Which MST movie should be made into a broadway musical?

Hey, if “Spiderman: Turn Off the Dark” can be wrestled into acceptable form, lots of other movies might be adapted. My pick would be “Teenagers from Outer Space.” You got the sensible heroine, the misunderstood hero, the wacky grandpa and the terrifying lobster creatures! I smell a hit!

What’s your pick?

121 Replies to “Weekend Discussion Thread: MSTed Movie to Broadway?”

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  1. YourNewBestFriend says:

    OK #98.


  2. Hayley says:

    Funny this topic should come up… I’ve actually SEEN MST3K’d movies adapted into live theater.

    It wasn’t a musical, but the show was called Science Fiction Triple Feature LIVE! and it adapted ‘It Conquered the World’, ‘Cat-Women of the Moon’, and (I kid you not) ‘Robot Monster’. And then, as icing on the cake? Parts from ‘Killers from Space’ was used as a bridging device between segments. It was WONDERFUL and hilarious!

    You never know what wonderful things will turn up on coffee shop community boards.

    As for what episode would make a great musical? I’m not sure… you’d need something with a lot of emotional moments to adapt into songs… Oh hey, how about Swamp Diamonds? I always thought that film just needed a little more pizazz! A big jailbreak number, the death of the annoying girl, a cheerful drinking-and-pants-cutting sequence- it could be big, baby, BIG!


  3. Pete says:


    Featuring the songs:

    “My Maricaibo”
    “Wide, Narrow, Wide, Narrow”
    “I’m Sorry, Ray”
    “If Only I Could Lick You, Espanol”
    “The ‘Ol Quanset Hut Work Bench”
    “If Only I Could Lick You, Escobar”
    “Mowin’ Down The Pedestrians In Carracas”
    FINALE: “I Have A Bag-O Of Love In The Car-O For You And The Boys”


  4. trickymutha says:

    #99 you get points, and, a point after touchdown. Great suggestion.


  5. Glen BW says:

    Perhaps the Broadway version of Manos will be 1000000X better than the original movie itself!


  6. JimmyBruce says:

    Standed in Space. Perfect musical to see.


  7. Cheapskate Crow says:

    @92 Fred Burroughs:
    Awesome reference, damn I wish they would make a proper DVD series set of Get a Life someday.

    As to the thread question, how could nobody mention the Giant Gila Monster? I mean he already sings whenever he sings whenever he sings.


  8. Michael H. says:

    The Violent Years.

    Think of it like Annie…but with delinquent girls with guns.

    Imagine the toe-tapping songs like:

    Trashing the School.
    It’s all our fault.
    So What.


  9. Magicvoice says:

    I was a Teenage Werewolf. Eeny Meeny, Miney, Mo!


  10. BenJHedrick says:

    I know it isn’t TECHNICALLY a MST3K episode, but Plan 9 would make a great musical. I should know, because I was in one three years back. Little clips made it online: Oddly Plan 9 has been turned into a musical more often that you’d think (or less often, depending on point of view).
    As far as MST3K eps go, I gotta go with Space Mutiny. A pure rock opera with plenty of senseless dancing from the Bellarians!


  11. SuperSwift says:

    The Starfighters.



  12. A Clockwork Orange: The Musical just got announced. Riffing on ACO has never really occurred to me but I think it has real Rifftrax possibilities. Imagine jibing on the crazy Burgess language from the book and McDowell’s rather fey (albeit genius) characterization. If there’s a problem it may be that there is too much music in the actual movie.


  13. Barry says:

    Aside from Manos, which has already had a few live stage adaptations, I’d go with The Final Sacrifice. Retitle it “Sacrifice! the Musical”.

    Songs could include “Rowsdower’s Lament”, “Alberta or Bust”, “Pipper’s Hoedown” and “On The Horizon – the Ziox Love Theme”.


  14. Kenneth Morgan says:

    Sorry, I’m a bit late to the party.

    I’d have to agree with an ealier poster that “Santa Claus” has possibilities in this respect. Sure, you’d have to tone down the racial/national/ethnic stereotypes, but that could be done. You’d just have to make a big, colorful Holiday season offering at Radio City Music Hall. That way you can have the Rockettes perform the “Hell Gets an NEA Grant” dance number.


  15. I saw the Pirates of Penzance at the Radio City Music Hall. I thought it sucked, but I was only fourteen. It was one of those affairs with costumes but no props or sets. What a waste. I would have much preferred to see the Rockettes.


  16. browncoatmstie says:

    Hmmm. The Mole People. They can do walking puppet thingies, like The Lion King.

    Cave Dwellers. They can do walking puppet thingies, like The Lion King.

    Pod People. They can do walking puppet thingies, like The Lion King.

    Oh, and 3 members of the cast must be in the audience, maybe in a Greek chorus kind of way. Don’t know why I thought of that…Maybe two of them can be puppets, like The Lion King.


  17. fatbarkeep says:

    Easy peasy, lemon squeazy:
    Torgo on Ice!
    Manos: the Hands of Skate!
    ‘Nuff said.


  18. Really? No one went with “Hired! The Musical?”


  19. Sitting Duck says:

    Beautiful Mind, see post #11.


  20. Beautiful Mind says:

    Thank you Sitting Duck. My faith in humanity has been restored!


  21. servo_ the_ terrible says:

    Earth vs. Soup!


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