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RiffTrax Live: Your Thoughts?

Here are mine: Terrific show, probably their best one yet, and there was quite a bit going on.

First of all: how did this “three riffer” riff of HOHH stacks up against the previously released one? Simply put, it blasts it out of the water. I watched the previous “three riffer” version over the weekend, and what struck me most was that there was considerable room for new riffs and plenty of riffs that could be retooled or just abandoned and replaced. While nothing they do is ever not funny, the old riff was not among their best efforts, IMO.

To my delight, that’s exactly what they did. I would estimate there were roughly 25 percent MORE riffs than the previous version, and that about 50 percent of the total riffs were new. The result was easily as consistently funny as the tightly-packed “Plan 9” or “Reefer Madness” riffs they did in previous shows, maybe funnier.

The other thing I noticed when watching the old version over the weekend was, well, how LONG the movie seemed, perhaps because much of it consists of people standing around talking to each other and strolling down hallways.

(“Reefer Madness” is 10 minutes shorter and it seemed, when I saw that show, to be just about a perfect running length for a show like this. “Plan 9” is actually a few minutes longer than HOHH, but the zaniness of the movie and the finely tuned riffing makes it seem like a lot less. That 70-80 minute time range seems to be ideal for average viewers who are not hardcore riffing fans.)

Again I was delighted that the writing team had jammed the script with so many more riffs — and really funny ones, of course — that I didn’t look at my watch once. It seemed like every character got his or her own running gag, and the endless variations on them kept people laughing.

As for the shorts, well, what can I say? Between the fanciness-hating supermarket witch and Coily’s brown paper cousin (did the character have a name?) the guys had plenty to work with. Another pair of gems.

(Graphics courtesy of Sabrina, aka @introvertedwife)

I also want to commend Paul F. Tompkins, who did a great job in unfamiliar terrain. They let him do a few minutes of material and he picked a bit with just the right tone, that didn’t go on too long. The sign of a pro. It took him a little while to get into the rhythm of the riffing, but once he did, he blended right in with Mike, Kevin and Bill. And his cameo during the feature was a nice break in the movie, inserted at a strategic moment.

Riff from the previous version that didn’t make it to tonight’s version that I kind of liked: “Hey, I guess you CAN push a rope uphill!”

Updated riff: “Sen. Ted Stevens” became “Congressman Barney Frank.”

Oh, and my theater was, again, about two-thirds full (maybe it’s the same few hundred people?) and people seemed to enjoy it quite a bit.


Your thoughts?

109 Replies to “RiffTrax Live: Your Thoughts?”

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  1. Sampo says:

    About Elisha Cook Jr: In my riffing group, whenever we see him, our standard line is: “THE GUNSEL!”

    And it was nice to see that there was a guy in the Nashville audience who was wearing one of our catchphrase T-shirts… :-)

    Oh, and I liked the very last thing before the feed faded out: A guy in the audience yelled: “ONE MORE!”


  2. mataglap says:

    Do these theaters that have technical problems also show the Met opera simulcasts? There’s a crowd you don’t want to tangle with, the theater I go to seems to have everything under control. I may be one of the few people who has been to both! It was pretty empty, though, maybe 30 people tops.

    Seems like the Rifftrax boys have listened to comments on previous shows that the other extraneous stuff is truly unnecessary, and I think this show proved it, it was hilarious from start to finish. That Thompkins guy was much more of a natural at Riffing than Weird Al, and was used just the right amount.

    I have to say a number of riffs went right past me, don’t know if they were newer pop culture references to shows or movies I haven’t seen, but that’s ok, they’re smart to expand their riffing purview as it were. I did catch how when Dr. Trent at one point was walking down the hall, Bill had him humming that Lady Gaga jingle.

    Only disappointment was no encore!


  3. losingmydignity says:

    As always great, great. The two shorts were spooktacular. Still does’t top the Xmas show or maybe even Reefer Madness but time well spent.

    I agree with everyone about Elisha Cook and no coily (sad), but was there a Big Valley reference that I missed?

    Now, if you’ll excuse, I’m off to the supermarket to purchase some generic oatmeal…


  4. Raptorial Talon says:

    @ Dan in #44:

    This is Bay Park Cinema? I estimated more like 40 or 50 people, not 30. Certainly the highest attendance I’ve seen there in three Rifftrax events.

    And I’m one of those young folks. I got into MST3k as a teenager when it was on the SciFi Channel, so I basically started not long before the end. Since then I’ve intoduced about a dozen other people in my demographic to the show, and of course informed them of Rifftrax. I was there with a moderate-sized group of them last night.

    Good times.

    And the show was the best one yet, with excellent shorts and a performance by Tompkins that far outclassed the four lines or whatever that Weird Al did last year. Now I just gotta grab my goodies . . .

    That sounds terrible.


  5. PrivateIron says:

    Loved the show. Don’t get the hate for the DVD version; it is one of the favorites at my house. But all of the new jokes were good too.

    Favorite riff: Join me in the abyss of savings! Runner up: the drawn out: Ladies. (Mike did say ladies even though it did not match the scene.) Also good: Mike’s short-circuit of Bill’s always unfunny What’s Happening riff: Oh Hi, Re-Run!

    Favorite trivia: the first draft of The Sixth Sense.

    Brought my 12 year old and I think the ticket lady thought I was a bad parent.


  6. Dan in WI says:

    Raptorial> I suppose I could buy 40 to 45. I suppose I could have actually counted since it wasn’t that many. But again glad to see a younger demographic because that is the best chance this kind of thing sticking around a while. I hope we don’t ever have to go through another stretch of nothing like we did from 1999-2006ish. And it’s good you brought a group. I still a have a small circle of friends that tries to get together for some of the bigger releases like Twilight. It’s always better in a group.
    Anyway since you are from the area, you a fan of Ned the Dead? Not the same thing and I wouldn’t claim it is, but charming in its own way.

    Wow not much love for “Weird Al” last year. In full disclosure mode I’ll admit I am a lifelong fan of Al. And his guest star on Jurasic Park remains on my top ten of RiffTrax and Cinematic Titanic combined. But I’ll also admit his appearance in the Christmas thing last year was flat.

    Private Iron: I’m not sure most of us “hate” the previous RiffTrax treatment of this film. I did like the old three-riffer edition. It’s just this show improved drastically on somthing that was already good. At least from my perspective.


  7. Halomek says:

    #10 Steve K

    You’re not the only one who was reminded of Madeline Kahn during the grocery witch short.

    Great show as always, and as other people have said, it seems like RiffTrax has been listening to the complaints about the previous shows. Paul F. Tompkins was great and didn’t overstay his welcome. I even enjoyed Paul’s brief replacement of Kevin.

    By far the best bit of the evening was Paper and I. It started off strange and then just got disturbing. Keeping the rotting paper bag under his pillow at night? Seriously? I think his parents were right to be worried.

    I was hoping they’d announce a Holiday Show too, but I can understand why they may not do one this time around.


  8. Raptorial Talon says:


    For me, it’s not just better as a group. Since the time MST3k ended as even reruns, I have not watched a single episode, Cinematic Titanic, or any Rittrax movie/short/Live without at least one other person. I just don’t watch them by myself. I do, however, love introducing new people to it, or new episodes/etc to them.

    I’m of course familiar with Ned the Dead, but he never held my interest. The guy on TNT (can never keep his damn name straight) sometimes did, albeit inconsistently, but I’m approaching MST3k fandom more from a comedy/it-is-what-it-is perspective, rather than as somebody who legitimately enjoys older monster/horror/etc films and extends it to MST3k. I enjoy some, granted. And I know a fair few folks here are movie buffs for that sort of thing (as are some good friends of mine). But mostly I just like solid riffing.

    I’m a Weird Al fan as well. Not hardcore, but definitely a fan. Which, really, is what drove my disappointment at his Christmas-show appearance. I wasn’t expecting a musical number or anything, but a couple of lines in a single short – that just seemed like a hollow ploy to tease people into attending without much backing it up.

    Not that I blame *him* – I understand he’s an extremely busy man. But still. Disappointing.


  9. Thomas K. Dye says:

    #53: No Big Valley reference for Richard Long, no. It’s weird how the MST/Rifftrax/CT guys reference certain shows all the time, but when the actor comes on from that show… nothing.


  10. Mike in GR says:

    #59 – not to mention “Nanny and the Professor” – does anybody remember that Bewitched/Jeannie clone with a British woman from the early 70’s? Richard Long played the 60’s/early 70’s sitcom single Dad…


  11. schippers says:

    My wife and I saw the rebroadcast of the Plan 9 live show, and we both thought this one was a lot better (partly because of the merciful absence of the lame opening musical acts, and partly because the movie and the shorts were much better targets for riffing).

    Those two shorts are easily among the weirdest things I’ve ever seen (and I’m a big fan of the films of Alejandro Jodorowki). I can’t believe the producers of the film really think we would have no problem drinking (gag) evaporated milk on a regular basis? Whuh? Huh? Who was this short intended for? People on welfare?

    And oh, the bag…first of all, the choice of the creepy ventriloquist dummy to play the child actor…oh wait, that wasn’t a dummy? Anyway, the kid’s lack of any kind of expression for 99% of the short was so, so disturbing. And the parents! I half expected the dad to start hitting the kid. It’s like “Spring Fever” as seen through a very dark, grimy, disturbing lens (also note that the animated flying child, wiggling and flapping at the end of the magic paper bag, looks like his arm ought to be completely dislocated by the end of his flight).

    HOHH is the first William Castle movie I’ve seen, and dear lord what a stinker. The FLW house is cool, and that’s about the only nice thing you can say. Why, oh why, was the ugly blind chick floating if she wasn’t really a ghost? How did they rig Vinnie’s wife up outside the (ostensible) heroine’s window? And how did Vinnie’s wife and the doc get the rope to magically float in a stroke the heroine (see: The Evil Dead)? How did Vinnie manage to puppeteer the skeleton without making himself visible to his wife during the completely believable and terrifying finale? Why doesn’t Elisha Leprechaun, Jr. notice that Vinnie’s wife is VISIBLY BREATHING in the weird scene where he’s standing there staring at her because the ghosts told him to (yeah right, I bet he says that to all his breaking and entering victims)? Why bother establishing the old drunk woman as a character at all, given that she never does a goddamn thing in the whole movie? Oh, speaking of which, why bother with the Lady Macbeth-blood dripping thing with that character when that never amounts to anything at all? What really happened to Lance “Head Injury” McSortahero if there aren’t really any ghosts? Is he really stupid enough to go charging head-first into the wall? How does Vinnie get all the candlelights in the acid basement to whiff out one after the other when he’s about to skeleton body slam his wife into the acid vat? Does he have a candle light switch there in the secret compartment? What, exactly, is the doctor’s past relationship with Vinnie’s wife? Why would Vinnie want to hand out the guns at all? Are we supposed to sympathize with Vinnie, a man who we see physically and verbally abusing his wife on several occasions?

    The doc’s pronounciation of “sedative” is reminiscent of the way the word is pronounced by a character in Peter Jackson’s fantastic horror film “Dead Alive.” I guess that’s too obscure/nerdy a reference.


  12. John Ellis says:

    Mike’s eerily accurate imitation of Paul Lynde in character as Templeton the Rat seemed to be -the- big hit riff at the theater I attended.

    My own guess is so many people saw the HB version of Charlotte’s Web as a kid that the surprise reference hit home in a big way.

    The shorts were pure awesome.

    I hope they do more of these holiday-themed shows.


  13. Watch-out-for-Snakes says:

    @61 schippers: Dead Alive. Sidative. Totally.



  14. I did think HOHH was done MUCH better Live than on either of the two RT takes released. For me, the best part of the evening was the “Paper and I” short — it just had such a weird vibe that I really wished it had been the digital goodie instead of the grocery witch (which wasn’t bad but not in the same league).

    Overall I think this was a better show than “Reefer” but not as good as “Plan 9” (but part of that might be due to the crowd we were with — as with “Reefer” we had only a handful of people in the theater, unlike both “Plan 9” and the Christmas shorts show, which was packed in both cases). I did think this was the absolute best use of a guest so far — Paul not only fit in well you could tell he was very respectful of Mike and the gang and other than him not making his final curtain call it just all clicked. I wouldn’t mind seeing him back again — but not for a whole movie, just a short again (the dynamic of Mike, Kevin and Bill just works, still yet another reason I prefer RT to CT).

    I’m sorry others have had technical issues — all four times we’ve had no problems at all (perhaps those with issues should seek out a new theater).


  15. Ralph C. says:

    Though I didn’t see the show, it doesn’t surprise me to read that Paul F. Tompkins was funny and did well, as he was a cast member on one of the funniest, smartest, intelligent comedy shows in the history of comedy, “Mr. Show”. Every cast member on that show was talented and funny.


  16. M "LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLadies" Sipher says:

    For me, Kevin’s brief firing in the middle of the movie highlights something I’ve always loved about later MST3K, and the stuff I love about Rifftrax… the “conversational” bits. Where the movie is left alone, still running, and the riffers have their own little conversation going. Interacting with each other, not merely reading lines. That just always strikes me as very funny for reasons I can’t quite pin down. And of course, “What the HELL, Paul?!” was icing on the cake.

    Also… I love the new Rifftrax commercials they played with “Bob Rifftraxes” and Bill’s really, really disinterested “Mr. Rifftrax”.

    The movie itself… I went with a group of friends, and at least half of them were audibly going “what the HELL?!” at the ending. As were a fair few other people in the audience. I mean… what?! The movie was only just starting! That’s our ending? What, precisely, the crap?

    “Helllooooo, doorknob!”


  17. JT in Austin says:



  18. SAVE FERRIS says:

    “Brought my 12 year old and I think the ticket lady thought I was a bad parent.”

    Thought your comment was pretty funny, “PrivateIron”.

    Just curious, does your 12 year old “get it” (the whole riffing thing), and did he/she enjoy the experience? ?:-)


  19. awfulgoodmovies says:

    Had a fantastic time! :clock:

    Shorts were incredible and the ‘Bob Rifftrax’ commercial was inspired.

    Paul F. Tompkins was excellent.

    Good turnout….Just about normal 40-50 people.

    Can’t wait for the next one!
    :ghost: :skeleton:


  20. RaptorX8 says:

    At AMC Theaters in Oldsmar, FL, I think the theater was less than half full. But then again, they did stick us in a bigger theater than they did for Plan 9 or the Christmas shorts (didn’t get to see Reefer Madness, couldn’t get off from work :-( ) so it may have been the same amount as normal. No problems to speak of, and thankfully no Gloria concert before the show.

    The shorts were unbelivably hilarious. And I do swear the same people did ‘A Case of Spring Fever’ and ‘Paper and I’. I went home and watched the Spring Fever one, and I swear the creepy character voice was the same guy. Kept waiting for a LOTR reference, and finally it came! There was cheering in the theater at that, so I wasn’t the only one waiting for it.

    Anybody else feel that the kid’s father looked like Nixon and they missed a perfectly good riff on that?

    The grocery witch one made me want to find some frozen breaded zuccini just to spite her.

    HoHH made me think of The Killer Shrews with less alchohol involved. Just stand around and do nothing for most of the movie. So many great riffs, most have already been mentioned by others. Not as good as the Christmas shorts, but still a great time.


  21. Thomas K. Dye says:

    During the Grocery Witch short, did anyone else go “EEEEWWWWW!” when the kid ate the dripping pudding from the bowl? The audience over here did. I was pretty repulsed, too.

    And yes, Willie’s dad did look a lot like Nixon. I was surprised they didn’t pick up on that.


  22. BIG61AL says:

    AMC 24 Highland Ranch Littleton Colorado – The show was fantastic!!! The shorts were outstanding and HOHH was by far the funniest of all the live shows. We had about 50 – 60 people this time. Reefer madness had about 20 people. I brought two dudes who lost their Rifftrax live cherries. Kevin Mike and Bill totally hit it out of the park. Great Show, what is next??? Oh, I was drooling for the Maniac promo dvd…..I want it NOW. My paper bag commands you!


  23. Erik @ RiffTrax says:

    #16: “Quick turnaround time from Reefer Madness?” Really, ~3 months is “quick”? They have pretty much spent that entire time writing it.

    #31 et al, no encore this time.

    #8 etc. The Reefer Live DVD is on the way. We are contractually obligated with a blackout of 90 days past the show’s original date to release anything on DVD, so the first day we can release it is coming up in November.

    About the “Coily” callbacks and stuff, those are either too obvious or too obscure, IMO. I’ve talked to them about it, and the guys tend to be aware of these things, but mainly they should feel natural and not forced. There are the occasional mst3k callbacks but part of the point of RiffTrax is to appeal to a mass audience at the same time. Sounds like an excuse I know, but you should also realize that they DO put in MST callbacks but exercise restraint when it comes to “they should do MST callbacks at every opportunity” sort of a thing.

    Glad everyone had fun; I wasn’t able to fly out this time, so I watched the West Coast feed with probably 100 others in Mission Valley (here in San Diego) and it was a blast. I own the Mike DVD and there was plenty of new material, and of course the shorts were amazing. I think I might go as the Paper Bag Face for Halloween this weekend.


  24. darthservo says:

    It was also nice to see in the pre show DID YOU KNOWs that the riff of MANIAC will soon come out on DVD!


    The Burlington Regal is the next closest theater to me, so since the AMC Neshaminy has botched up several Rifftrax showings I will be happy to switch theaters. So save the Servo seat for me, even though the next show is probably a year away!


  25. Thanks for explaining the “Coily” business, Erik.
    What a lot of younger people here don’t realize is there were maybe *dozens* of those “A World without X” shorts. People who remember all of them might not expect a reference to a specific other short, but they might expect jokes about the whole genre.
    It’s not like the paper one was some kind of sequel to the Coily one. There were a whole bunch of them.


  26. Thomas K. Dye says:

    #75: There’s even a parody of it in Zucker/Abraham/Zucker’s “Kentucky Fried Movie” in 1977. Really funny stuff.


  27. me says:

    Another amusing manner of speech courtesy of the doctor in Haunted House was his way of pronouncing hysteria as hystEERia.

    After the show was over, a lot of people just sat there looking at the giant Rifftrax logo on the screen, like, do we have to go now?

    Came home after and popped in Mike’s HoHH. The print on this dvd is VASTLY superior to the one shown for Rifftrax.
    Very bright and sharp-the one in the theater was drab and fuzzy but at least the color was good.


  28. Erik @ RiffTrax says:

    #77: The print of the movie was the same; the broadcast (or, more likely, your theater’s projection) was dim, fuzzy, etc. We actually created a high-def transfer of HOHH for the show (all of our features have been for the live shows) and the high-def transfer tends to look better in person. Needless to say, it’ll look better once it’s on DVD and you’re looking at the actual image and not a projection of it.


  29. Trilaan says:

    I bought tickets for 6 of my friends, 4 of which were noobs at the whole thing riffing a movie experience, and nobody told me they had anything less than a splendid time. This was the best Rifftrax Live so far with two agonizingly bad shorts and my favorite Vincent Price movie. The first short was bizarre though I was surprised and delighted to come across a good and helpful witch character that helped people like in real life. Rare for the time it was set.

    The second short was, as the boys pointed out, very Lynchian in it’s subject matter. I could certainly see it as a short watched by Eraserhead in school. Or maybe that kid WAS a young Eraserhead. Kudos to Sabrina for that Evil Dead-inspired picture.

    The House on Haunted Hill is one of my favorite movies. I just love Vincent Price in it and the cheesy effects and silly scares and whatnot. This is definitely my favorite outing with the boys riffing the movie. Personally, my favorite moment in the riffing was when Lance was opening the doors in the basement with Nora while the boys riff on her tragic family history, culminating in the “Hey, canned peaches!” riff. A close second is the extended “Ladies?” riff.

    If this keeps up, someday collecting Rifftrax Live will be as time-consuming as collecting live shows of your favorite music group.


  30. losingmydignity says:

    #59 Oh, my God, there’s a GAP in the Big Valley!

    Yep, I agree.

    #60 I was trying to think of his other show. Thanks for reminding.


  31. Matt D. says:

    Very sparsely attended in Oaks, PA once again (less than 1/4th full in the theater and even less people there than the Reefer Madness show), but those there had fun as always. I really liked the first short, so I’m very happy that it was the short we got for free. I enjoyed the second one, but for the life of me I couldn’t really understand its point. Heck, it made Spring Fever look coherent. The grass short still killed these two shorts.

    I also thought that Reefer Madness was better than HOHH. I love running gags as much as anyone, but at about the fifteenth mention of “siditive” I got bored and tired. The movie really dragged, which didn’t help RT one bit. Still, not saying the riffing was bad, just a step down from previous movie riffs.

    The real step up this time was Paul F. Tompkins. Like others said, he didn’t overstay his welcome at all. I may be biased because of being a fan of Mr. Show, but I think Paul hit it out of the park. If RT gets Bob Odenkirk or even Jill Talley for the next show, my brain might explode.


  32. shypop1 says:

    I’m in NYC and there were 3 theaters showing it in Manhattan. My first choice at Union Square was sold out when I tried to buy tix online about 2 hrs before the show.
    It figures because that theater is located right near NYU and I can see the a lot of college kids checking it out.
    My second choice was the Chelsea location and it was at least 85% full. Enjoyed it as much as the Cinematic Titanic show at the Nokia Times Square in April. I really hope that overall they are pleased with the turnout and continue to do these live shows a few times a year.


  33. Mighty Jack says:

    Great fun, probably my favorite of the bunch. But yeah, their should have been a Coily riff, hell they’ve done obvious before and one quick whistle or a “no paper” would have been a nice nod. I don’t expect them to pack a show with callbacks, but the fact that so many are mentioning it shows that was a sorely missed quip (it wouldd’a been a crowd pleaser).

    Aside from that I had a blast. And to think I almost didn’t go – I have to take the night off from work to go to these, and since I did that a few months back with Reefer I didn’t know if I wanted to lose another nights pay – glad I did, it was worth every penny.


  34. Raptorial Talon says:

    @ 83 – I agree, a quick whistle at the end of the short would have done it for me. Not so much for the hilarity but more as a nod to what every MSTie in the audience was thinking. Other than that, I’m fine with their desire to pursue new material. That’s the point, after all.

    I believe there have been two “Spring Fever” references and one reference to Prince of Space in the Rifftrax shorts overall, which isn’t much or anything, but does set some precedent. Can’t recall any other MST3k refs off the top of my head.


  35. Aldo Farnese is Mr. Krasker says:

    I notice a Pumaman in the crowd and I loved how the Observer (don’t know if there where more than one) was dressed as a nurse.

    The whole frozen breaded zuccini thing started my mental gears turning. He wanted breaded zuccini, not just regular zuccini, but the witch never told us the cost of the bread crumbs or the egg (or what ever is used to stick the crumbs on the zuccini). So, the incomplete bearded one might end up paying more money for what he wants. Of course, breaded zuccini might be a tad to fancy and hence you would be a bad person for wanting it.

    Fav riff nobody mentioned yet: “If anything should happen to me make sure in forty years my mustace goes to Bob Dylan.”


  36. PumamanRedux says:

    [BTW: #76 mentioned something about The Kentucky Fried Movie – the short alluded to by #76 was called Zinc Oxide and You ]

    Anyway, I saw my first Rifftrax Live the other day — what a fun time I had at the Newington Regal 15 in NH .. wish there had been more folks there and I hope the next Live show plays there.

    I missed anything prior to the guys’ pre – show where they were discussing their costumes, if there was anything shown at my location.

    The shorts were a riot .. we learned how to save 5 cents by buying generic, bland food and a few things about paper …

    Having never seen HoHH in any form prior I was amazed by how little actually happened .. well, not as much as could have happened anyway

    1) I had one issue with the print that was used for Rifftrax Live — the out of focus exterior shots … I felt like I was watching the pre-taking of the med Claratin footage on their TV ads … or I was waking up after my siditive

    2) I love many of the jokes mentioned in prior posts … so I won’t repeat them
    I liked the Peter Frampton riff on the Grocery Witch and “Ladddddddddddiiiiiies:” in the main feature among others.

    During the Paper and I short, I did riff out loud but no one probably heard my poor attempt at a “No Papeeeeeeeeeeeer. Hee Hee” joke and I noticed the simularity to Peter Pan before the guys used their riffs.

    4) I wished they had used the guest riffer a little more …

    5) Regarding Elisha Cook, Jr .. he was also in Rosemary’s Baby and was ‘Icepick’ in Magnum, PI [which is where I remember him from, for the most part]. He has an impressive body of work listed over at


  37. Chief?McCloud! says:

    Ypsilanti MI attendance = 60-75 tops
    Shorts = Bizarre & funny
    Paul F Tompkins = Refreshing
    HoHH = Funny & glitch free


  38. Bob(bi) Executive says:

    My husband spent the entire first short whispering “Vote for Pedro!” whenever the kid came on the screen. There was a pretty striking resemblence.

    The “two days of Hanukkah covered” riff got a huge laugh out of our group.


  39. lpydmblb says:

    Ah, now I feel bad about bringing up the Elisha Cook Jr stuff. The show was certainly good, but it just irritates me when someone misses something in their wheelhouse. This may or may not have something to do with the Phillies losing the NLCS.


  40. John Ellis says:

    “The first short was bizarre though I was surprised and delighted to come across a good and helpful witch character that helped people like in real life. Rare for the time it was set.”

    From the way she kept trying to imitate Elizabeth Montgomery’s iconic nose twitch, I think it probably wasn’t all that rare at the time. *grin*

    I think the idea of kindly, helpful fairy tale witches was popularized by “Bewitched”, though probably L. Frank Baum’s wise and helpful Glinda the Good Witch of the South was also an influence.

    *ends geek references*


  41. Kenmore says:

    I attended the Tulsa Cinamark for this event and it was half to two thirds full, a little more than for “Reefer Madness”. No “technical difficulties” this time out and everyone seemed to love the show.

    Everyone else pretty much covered the riffs that really hit the target. The “llllllllllladies” one got the biggest howl from our audience. As for the grocery store “witch”, to me she looked like a somewhat less interesting Mrs. Roper from “Three’s Company”.

    My fave was the drunken Frank Lloyd Wright take-off, which I’ve used a time or two since. First time I can remember anyone poking a bit of fun at this icon.



  42. Watch-out-for-Snakes says:

    @85 Aldo Farnese is Mr. Krasker :: “Fav riff nobody mentioned yet: “If anything should happen to me make sure in forty years my mustace goes to Bob Dylan.””

    HA! Totally. Loved that one!

    Who’d ever thought that Bob Dylan and Vincent Price would have something in common??



  43. Joe Klemm says:

    #12 Being one of the people who had to go out and inform the theater workers about the problem, I’m well aware of the problem that took place at the Regal Cinema in Bowie.

    However, as someone who has attended the previous Rifftrax Live events at that theater, this incident was the first time that the people running the theater were at fault here (as the original Plan 9 event had technical issues in all areas, and the theater did show the Xmas show and Reefer Madness without a hitch). My best guess as to the problem may have something to do with the people running the projector being more focused in setting up Saw 3-D than setting up the Rifftrax event.

    I’d recommend giving the Regal Cinema in Bowie a second chance, as the problems that took place on Thursday was probably a “one time only” thing (especially since there were no problems that were the theater’s fault when they showed the other Rifftrax Live events).


  44. Joe Klemm says:

    @ 21 I think I also some people dressed up as Pearl, Batwoman, and Puma Man in the Nashville audience.


  45. SAVE FERRIS says:

    Open Note to “porpoise” in (I believe) Nashville…..

    Just curious, “porpoise”, if you “chickened out”, or ended up going as ‘Brain Guy’ ( in battle field nurse regalia ) ?????? ?:-)


  46. porpoise says:

    to Save Ferris: I did go as “Brain Guy” in battle field medic regalia. I’m so pleased #21 and #85 saw me. Was suprised more people weren’t in costume considering it was “House on Haunted Hill” and 3 days from Halloween.
    I saw about 6-7 people in costumes. Did I make it to the big screen anyone? Will try to see re-broadcast Tuesday if they still are doing it.
    BTW, #49 and Sampo. that was my husband in the “Weapons are Useless Against Me” Tee shirt and I saw a couple wearing Satelite News Tees besides him.
    Joke I enjoyed from the show was when one of the male stars knocked on a bedroom door and the riffer goes “Crreeeeepy Guy”.
    And enjoyed chanting along with Kevin, Mike and Bill when one of them asked “Would you like to see one of those heads?” The whole audience chanted with them, “Heads, heads, heads, heads.”


  47. Erik @ RiffTrax says:

    The show was certainly good, but it just irritates me when someone misses something in their wheelhouse.

    Curious as to why you think they “missed” it rather than ignored it entirely.


  48. Steve Horton says:

    Porpoise: Yes, you were very visible on the big screen! Very memorable costume. Congrats.


  49. Mr. B(ob) says:

    Regal Cinema, Bowie, MD Rifftrax Live Oct. 28:
    When I got home from the show last week I immediately wrote to Regal Cinema through their website and complained about the late start of the show as described in my post at #12 above. I actually got a fairly decent and worthwhile response. If you were also at that show, you might wish to provide feedback through the Regal Cinema website so that they hopefully improve.

    No Encore Showing?
    It appears that this Rifftrax Live show is the first to have no encore showing. That’s a shame because I would have loved to have gone to an encore showing to see what we missed due to incompetence at the theater the first time. I wonder if encore showings have been dropped because of low attendance at previous encore shows.


  50. Dan in WI says:

    This thread can’t end on 99 posts. I know how to make it longer! Who’s live shows do you like better? Mike’s or Joel’s?

    Just kidding.

    Can’t wait for the next one. But I’ll renew my call that they need to do a feature fill NOT previously released on RiffTrax.


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