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Weekend Discussion Thread: Moments in Life that Remind You of MST3K

Alert reader Timmy suggests:

How about a topic on things that remind you of MST3K. i live near a busy airport in the dc area and i see planes take off ever so often. i always say once a day, “john sununu goes for a haircut” when i see a plane takeoff. also some news things i see i say mst3k lines. there was a story about a man getting bit by a snake, i said, “watch out for snakes”.

When I see a plane taking off, I tend to hum the Starfighters music: o/` “Laaa, da-da-daaaa…” o/`

What examples can you think of from your life?

120 Replies to “Weekend Discussion Thread: Moments in Life that Remind You of MST3K”

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  1. itsspideyman says:

    Whenever I’m watching someone do something extremely stupid on television, my natural response is..

    “He tampered in God’s domain.”


  2. mstgator says:

    Watching football on TV, I always hope for the play-by-play commentator to announce a penalty with “Flag on the play” so that I can respond flatly with “How did it get there?”


  3. Farmland says:

    Whenever someone’s being particularly melodramatic, I sometimes think, “NELL!!!!”


  4. Jan In the Pan says:

    My hubby and I do a theater program for teens. Sometimes after a really bad audition or line read, we can’t help but say, “Really good read, Ross.” Also, when we are talking about a perceived problem that another couple is having we usually end up saying, “Let’s talk about our superior relationship.”


  5. maclen says:

    Whenever I take a drink of something and if some spills over the side of my face, I always say, “Ah, that’s great beet juice.”


  6. Depressing Aunt says:

    Also, “The hell…?” comes up a lot for me. In many situations!


  7. feargal says:


    The whole family bursts into song whenever the checkerboard treats are served, or even mentioned.


  8. Steve K says:

    Whenever I see/hear a list of items (doesn’t have to be ingredients, but that helps) I always think “… beans … corn … {breathe} … onions …”


  9. Mills says:

    When someone says ‘please’ I say “Do I please you?” and then they look at me funny.

    Also when I see a picturesque view I often think ‘Sessions presents…’


  10. Neptune Man says:

    I’m tempted to shout, every time I want to annoy someone: “JEEEEEEED! JEEEEEEEED! JEEEEEEEEEEED!” But the problem is that nobody has the faintest idea of what is MST3K, let alone knowing about Leech Woman, and than I’m the only one who still remembers the Beverly Hillbillies.


  11. Can’t we just get beyond Thunderdome?

    I’d been sitting on that one for years and then bam, a bunch of people I knew starting talking about thunderdomes for some reason. Unfortunately, it never elicits the knowing response I’m going for.


  12. Skink Lizardman says:

    At one of the parking lots at the local mall, they have speakers playing some light jazz music. So naturally, every time I’m there, I assume I’ll be kidnapped by the Lite FM.


  13. Cornjob says:

    Whenever something doesn’t go right in my own life or in the news I’m prone to commenting, “Well, that could have gone better.” Sadly this also works quite well with history books.

    It just so happened that in the early 90’s right at the time when myself and most of my close friends were dealing with mental health issues, we watched Attack of the Giant Leeches, and I’m a Danger to Myself and Others”, became something of an unofficial theme song.

    Aside from the typical chuckling at the sight of a forklift, once when I was playing a Grand Theft Auto game I came across a forklift and immediately got on and tried to kill the closest person. I didn’t succeed, but that’s beside the point. The point is, that I tried to kill him with a forklift. And that made all the difference.


  14. Eric says:

    If I seeing someone running through my workplace(especially if it’s a woman) I think of Angels Revenge: “running and running and running, she’s really really running and running and running …”


  15. eric in NJ says:

    Whenever I see anything sciencey or techy I always think of MST3K The Movie- “Industry, science and technology… Big men putting screw drivers into things, turning them, and adjusting them”. I have to go and watch the movie again! Oh and mullet = “Rowsdower”!


  16. Janine says:

    And when someone starts going on about a movie or tv show and how did they do that and that’s impossible, I say If you want to know how he eats and breathes and other science facts, just repeat to yourself its just a show and you should really just relax!


  17. Paul says:

    Whenever I see a bodybuilder, I say, under my breath, Chunk McLargehuge! Yesterday I heard the theme from “The Greatest American Hero” and without thinking sang “Believe it or not, this movie’s still on. It should’ve ended three hours ago!”


  18. Remmie Barrow says:

    When ever I come across something on the TV that is difficult to watch (That seems to happen a lot, unsurprisingly), I seem to have the inclination to say out loud DEEEP HURTINGGGG!!!!


  19. Crow T. Robert Denby says:

    I’m often found with the inspiration to refer to people by two groups: Makeup-less clowns and naturally occurring ones. It’s hard to bite back on it sometimes.


  20. goalieboy82 says:

    when i am at the air and space museum in dc, when i see the skylab backup, i say “hey look, its skylab” and when i see the nasa F-104 starfighter i start singing to my self, “here’s to the guys and gals who like to fly”. also say “the hell” when i hear loud noises. also say every so often when i see someone on tv, “not an actor”. also say, whoopty s*** (can i put that here by the way)


  21. Hotchka! says:

    Going out to inspect a future construction site, the engineer was driving us around in his Hummer. So when he told us how great it is at getting through sand, I was thinking, “My tires are filled with water!” A few minutes later, we got out and I headed towards a pond. At that moment, the engineer said, “Watch out for snakes!” I almost lost it.


  22. misfit4242 says:

    I’ve got two. Whenever in meetings, and I see someone making idea points on their fingers, (i.e. ‘One…, two…, etc), i think of HIRED 2- “You, put a handkerchief on your head, you, swat at imaginary elves…..” The other is my all-time favorite riff. Whenever I hear somebody pontificating about their un-met desires, be it romantic, political or personal. If it’s unsolicited, I think of ONCE UPON A HONEYMOON. “Aim high, sister!”


  23. Robert L Lippert Jr says:

    I live in New Jersey so every time I go passed the sign on the Garden State Parkway I always say ” HAZLET? “


  24. Huggo says:

    It reminds me of MST3K when I buy my brown dress slacks from JCPenny’s which can be formal or casual.


  25. casterberus says:

    What a fun topic! My neighbors are probably wondering why I’m laughing so loud.

    When I attended a family anniversary dinner some years ago, there was a pause at the beginning so my grandmother could say grace, and I couldn’t not hear Crow in my head saying, “Please God, take me now.” Fortunately, I didn’t repeat this out loud, but it did require some serious stifling effort.

    “We need actors! People who can read – lines with – and interact with others,” comes up a lot when I’m watching television.

    And of course, whenever anyone says, “Push the button,” I have to add “Frank.”


  26. NHCrypto says:

    “Time for go to bed” when I put my boys to sleep, then “Boys, wake up. We’re at grandma’s” when I get them up for school.


  27. Big McLargehuge says:

    Ah, so many. Where do I start?

    Anytime I do something physically strenuous with my friends in earshot, I’ll give out a hearty “Hikeeba!”

    Anytime I see my wife enjoying a glass of wine or a beer, I’ll give her a “You hittin’ the booze again?” from Giant Spider Invasion.

    During a long faculty meeting at work, I’ll look at my friend, a big-time MSTie, and give him a “You’re stuck here!” from Fugitive Alien.

    Anytime we’re outdoors, there’s the obligatory “Watch out for snakes!”

    Anytime someone says something along the lines of “Did you know so-and-so?”, they get a “Know him! He was delicious!” from Final Sacrifice.

    I love to throw out “I regret nothing!” whenever I get the chance.

    Anytime I see a souped up motorcycle, I can’t help but say “Megaweapon! Megaweapon!”

    Whenever I need the support of my good friends, I’ll say, “(Insert name here, it’s time for you to decide if you’re going to be one of my team players or not.”

    Ah, so many. I know I missed a few. And we’re not even talking about the Cinematic Titanic and Rifftrax references I use on an almost daily basis.


  28. Steve K says:

    One more: When I have to compose a proposal via e-mail, I often have to struggle to (and sometimes fail to) prevent myself from closing with:

    What do you think, Sirs?

    What do you think, Sirs?


  29. scarina says:

    I have a really bad habit of saying “You’re wellllllcome” like Merlin in “Merlin’s Shop of Mystical Wonders.” I really try to hold back on doing that since so few people get it.


  30. Edward says:

    Awesome! I was wondering if this topic had come up before.
    When I scratch an itch I always say I’m “itchy, itchy, itchy” from Space Mutiny.
    I can’t remember where it’s from but if I hear the name Neil it always sounds like, “Neil, Neeeiiill!” in my head.
    I say “I regret nothing!” all the time. And there are a bunch that I’m forgetting too.


  31. fireballil says:

    I have a couple of these. I work in the produce section in my local grocery store, and whenever I work with grapefruits, I think of the dancers in Hercules. I even say some of the things Joel and the bots say, like ‘They really unclog you!’ Also, occasionally Seals and Crofts’ ‘Summer Breeze’ will play over the PA. When that happens, I’ll go ‘Iiiiiiiinnnd!’ like Joel does when he starts singing it in The Rebel Set, where he pretends to start it and is interrupted by going through a tunnel and ends with the ‘Iiiiiiind!’ :-D


  32. Duck 182 says:

    This is probably out of left field compared to everyone else, but…

    Whenever I hear about Star Wars day (May the 4th), I would like to tell those people,”Yeah, you can have your May the 4th, but we MSTies have a whole Thanksgiving weekend!!!”

    Yeah, four days!!! Long Live Turkey Day!!!


  33. Creeping-Death says:

    When I hear a “suggestive” sound, I frequently think, or say “Sorry, lentils”


  34. itsspideyman says:


    Neptune Man, “Leech Woman” may be my favorite Sci-Fi MST3K episode, one for the great riffing and the other for Kevin’s over-the-top portrayal of Granny.

    I’m a BIG Beverly Hillbillies fan, and I get it!!



  35. DarrG says:

    Seems like whenever something slightly femmy is observed my wife will say “That cape looks fabulous” from “Cave Dwellers”. Crow really delivers that line well. Seems like “Oh there goes the piano lessons, I can’t remember my dad” is said whenever there is some kind of injury. Around Thanksgiving time we always have lots of reason for saying “enough L-tryptophan to knock you on your sorry Thanksgiving ass” from one of the Thanksgiving day commercials. I often think of whenever I have to enter my email address on any kind of form.


  36. Dropo221 says:

    What doesn’t remind you of MST3K?

    Everytime I leave for work I say to my wife: “See you when I can.” Just like Carl Parkins said to his wife in ‘The Violent Years.’ And my wife says “Is that vague enough?”, mocking Crow’s riff. Sad…isn’t it?


  37. Creeping-Death says:

    Thought of a few more. “Coffee? I like coffee!” comes up frequently. During football season, I usually root for my favorite team by exclaiming: “PACKERS!” When they won it all in 2010, I said “Packers won the superbowl!” and anytime I re-watch it. When on a road trip, I say “Here are some moo cows”. When playing Skyrim, there is a item that is “Dog meat”, so I say: “The dog’s meat, have you seen it? And whenever someone does a particularly terrible job of acting in a movie, I note “Dull surprise”


  38. Dr. Erickson says:

    When it’s storming and there is a slow, low, rumble of thunder, it’s a race in our house to be the first to say, “Diarrhea is like a storm raging inside you.”

    On the infrequent occasion when I’m forced to run (late for a plane or whatever) I sing to myself, “Heart pumpin’, veins cloggin’ – Mitchell!”

    The best was last year at my daughter’s eighth grade play. The actors were wearing cordless mikes and were supposed to turn them off backstage, of course. One kid forgot, so during a pause in the action on stage, when no one had a line, you heard a disembodied voice through the speakers say, “No, don’t touch that.” At which point my son and I leaned in to one another and simultaneously whispered “Watch out for snakes!”


  39. Troy Thomas says:

    Whenever the name “Billy” is said, like in, say, “Predator,” I have to go “Billy…” like Servo does in “Giant Spider Invasion.”


  40. Statskeeper says:

    MST3K enters my life on a daily basis as my cats all have middle names after MST3K characters (almost all of them came to me already named). Mitchell, Rowsdower and Benton have passed on, but I still have Greta, Nastenka and Troy. And just like my parents did, when one misbehaves the whole name comes out. That happened with Rowsdower at the vets one time – the vet had no idea but the tech laughed. (Rowsdower and Mitchell were Maine Coon mixes – 25 and 17 lbs respectively so they were aptly named.)

    Packers highlights are always greeted with “Packers hoo!” and pompous politicians are often greeted with “My job, my way” from San Francisco International. And any time I see any of these actors on reruns (John Saxon, Mark Richman and Jason Evers come up the most) the lines from their episodes come out.


  41. Cherokee Jack says:

    My daughter and I often tag observations with “what with all the shenanigans and goings-on…” and agree with each other with a knowing “Nanu”


  42. GORTO says:

    When I see “SLOAN” on the fixture for a urinal can’t help but think of Rick Sloane, Hobgoblins’ director


  43. goalieboy82 says:

    when i watch star trek V and VI, i say when Kirk and Spock and the rest of the landing party in STV (star trek V) i say, “here comes the delta knights” (since david warner is in the film). also when i watch the trial of Kirk and McCoy, when the klingon judge says, colonel worf, i say, “you have been hitting the booze again” since the judge was played by Robert Easton.


  44. Michael Howe says:

    Whenever I pass near the Wendy’s a few blocks from my workplace Servo’s Voice-over regarding the Fat Man comes to mind:

    “To Wendy’s!”


  45. MikeK says:

    When I buy a can of coffee, or drink coffee, I sometimes think or say, “Coffee? I like coffee.”


  46. Goshzilla says:



  47. ceecee says:

    I’m doing a Cantonese course at the moment. The word for ‘now’ (??) is literally pronounced ‘ee-gah.’ I keep giggling in the middle of class!


  48. Cornjob says:

    Anytime a resident of the Bronx is moving away in the news or a movie/TV show it brings obvious chuckles. The same with any mention of anything being in “perfect order”, especially if it is an organization of some sort. Sadly, more than once a news article about extraordinary rendition to detention in black sites has made me think of “being sent to Ward E.” I know that’s not funny except in the most acidly and cynically morbid sense. I can’t help it.”


  49. ck says:

    When either a real life problem, or a tv/movie character
    has something needing a plot resolution (which happens a lot!)
    just recall Melissa’s observation:

    Melissa: No. There’s a way.
    Crow: Right after this.


  50. penny g says:

    There are too many times at work that I do the MST3K connection thing but unfortunately there aren’t to many folks at work that get. I work at a mail processing plant so I’m dodging many forklifts or the occasion rises for me to day “what in the fresh hell is this”. ( Having trouble remembering if that’s actually and MST3K or Rifftrax reference as I’ve watching both of them a lot…late-ly)
    Fortunately whenever my daughter and I get together we go into Mystie overdrive and and nothing is safe for quotes, riffs or whatever. Our latest thing it the “Hello & Thank You” bit from one of the Gamera movies
    So good to have an Mystie near by.


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