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Volume XX Titles

Mystery Science Theater 3000: Volume XIX is out one week from today. If you order it from Amazon we would appreciate it if you would use THIS LINK.

And we are pleased to be able to reveal the episodes that will be included in Vol. XX from Shout Factory. No street date yet, but I assume it will be some time in the first quarter of 2011.

Departing from the “two Joel/two Mike” paradigm, it’s an all-Joel set with:

• 109- PROJECT MOONBASE (with shorts: Commando Cody, parts 7 & 8)

(Let the choruses of “MASTER NINJA THEME SONG” commence.)

140 Replies to “Volume XX Titles”

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  1. Yipe Striper says:

    The first volume that has more episodes i haven’t seen than ones i have…

    Magic Voyage is a great episode… finally get to see the master ninja!


  2. frankenforcer says:

    Amazon stating the release date as November 9. Was there a change and they didn’t update?

    Confused in Deep 13.


  3. frankenforcer says:

    and yes, finally the great work of Timothy Van Patten will be available and preserved forever on DVD… MY GOD WHAT HAVE WE DONE!!!!!! DARN YOU DICK VAN PATTEN!!! YOU’VE FINALLY WON!!!!

    Hog Wild in Deep 13.


  4. Hamdingers says:

    Isn’t that 4 Joel episodes?


  5. Horace Rumpole says:

    Yeah, I’m pretty sure Sampo is mistaken, and this comes out next week. Shout Factory’s website says the same thing as Amazon. However, everybody reading this should go out and buy the DVD of Winnebago Man, which does come out today.


  6. Dangeroso says:

    @Hamdingers Yep. Four Joel eps.


  7. Sampo says:

    Thanks for the catch, folks. Now fixed.


  8. Zebulon Pike says:

    Hasn’t Tim van Patten become a TV director with “The Sopranos” and “Boardwalk Empire”? If so, he’s done rather well.

    I’m excited about this set and I’ll be sure to order it as soon as it comes out.


  9. Zim says:

    season three finally gets some love


  10. thedumpster says:

    Nice. If memory serves me correctly, isn’t one of the “Master Ninja” episodes Joel shoves grapes into his mouth mocking someone? Or is it “Time of the Apes” episode?

    Anyway, glad this is coming out.


  11. Zee says:

    Wow, I just assumed that any made-for-TV product that was riffed would never be released so this comes as a real surprise. Another season one episode…. grrrr. Still, maybe the cheapness of Project: Moonbase allowed them to afford the rights to Master ninja.

    can’t wait to hear the extras for this!

    Wish they could time the grouping of episodes better- The Crawling Eye and Soultaker should’ve been in the 20th Anniversary set, having Beast of Yucca Flats & Bride of the Monster released together would’ve been cool, and Magic Voyage of Sinbad & Jack Frost would’ve been good in a set (a set with those plus The Sword and The Dragon and The Day the Earth Froze would’ve been AWESOME).


  12. Zebulon Pike says:

    How many episodes remain unreleased? no matter, if you keep releasing them I’ll keep buying them.


  13. Gary Bowden says:

    This is a nice change of pace,to have 4 Joel eps all at once.Maybe there might be a Joel figurine as well? Nice to have both of the “Master Ninja” episodes in one box set..Great job Shout!!


  14. klisch says:

    I’ll pass on any Shout! products. The last one I purchased, two of the 4 movies were unplayable. And I was looking forward to viewing Jack Frost.


  15. jjb3k says:

    I never thought I’d see more Season 3 on DVD. And with “The Magic Voyage of Sinbad” too? Bravo, Shout!

    @ #12: With the announcement of Volume XX, 89 episodes have been released on DVD, including some titles that went out of print. Out of 177 episodes (not counting the KTMAs, which will likely never be released, let’s face it), that leaves 88 episodes to be released – which means we now have approximately half the entire regular series on DVD. (Here’s looking forward to Volume XXXX in 2017!)


  16. dsmany71 says:

    Project Moonbase is an ok episode..the Master Ninja Series are highly requested & shocked a lot of people I bet..and Sinbad is another beloved episode..
    I never thought we’d get an all Joel episode, which I dont mind at all since I liked the Joel era better but the Mike fans – I hope they’ll get this set because these are some mighty good episodes…and Im sure the next Volume will be mostly Mike


  17. Jose Chung says:

    Project Moonbase was a gimme. Magic Voyage was also a Gimme. Master Ninja was almost completely unexpected.
    Project Moonbase should be o.k. Magic Voyage sure is a horrible episode, But the Master Ninja’s more than make up for it.


  18. Project Moonbase! One of the only season 1 episodes I really enjoy!


  19. MrTorso says:

    @klisch: You didn’t try to return the set? There are times when defects happen. I have never had an issue with any Shout DVDs and out of the hundreds of sets sold out of my store I never had a return.


  20. Erich says:

    BOTH Master Ninjas in one set? All Joel episodes!? Gutsy moves. I like. Chin-derwear for the Win-derwear!


  21. dsmany71 says:

    Magic Voyage is a popular episode…Master Ninja 1 was the highest episode in this set on the old Rhino Poll while Project Moonbase was dead last .
    Sinbad and MN # 2 are actually in the middle on top of each other on the poll..
    This will be a fun set ;-)


  22. RockiesFan4life says:

    Shout factory has hit another one out of the park!


  23. Justin T says:

    I am stunned, I had a feeling Project Moonbase was going to come out
    eventually, and with Jack Frost on Vol 18 it was only a matter of time before we got more Russo-Finnish episodes like Sinbad.

    But BOTH MASTER NINJA 1 and 2?! WOW!!

    This is a major coup by Shout Factory. Alot of fans like the Master Ninja episodes (Myself, I like part 2 more than 1, but both are fun episodes)

    Plus anything outside of Fu Manchu for Season 3 was thought to be
    difficult if not impossible but Shout Factory came through.

    I’m shocked they went all Joel, but getting both Master Ninja’s must have caused them to bump the 2 Mike episodes off this set for later from what B Ward said before.

    But this set is great, I really love Magic Voyage of Sinbad, Moonbase is good for a Season 1, and I already said how I feel about the Master Ninja’s

    Way to go Shout Factory!


  24. Seth L says:

    That’s a great set.

    Project Moonbase curls my toes with it’s rampant misogyny. The Commando Cody lead ins are fun though.


  25. Travis H says:

    AWESOME! Totally blindsided by the inclusion of MASTER NINJA!!! Way-to-go, Shout!


  26. Brian says:

    Woo hoo! The Master Ninja episodes crack me up! I’m loving this one already.


  27. Steve K says:

    @ #13 — I may be wrong, but they generally have one special release, in the 4th quarter (20th Anniversary with Crow, XVI with Tom, and now XIX with Gypsy.) Having said that, I would not object at all to them breaking with tradition by including a Joel figurine with this set. And then perhaps an all Mike set with a Mike figurine, maybe, if it’s possible, pretty please?

    It would be especially cool, because my nephew, who has visited while we were watching some MSTies, sometimes fiddles with the Crow and Tom figurines (we have them set up in front of the TV, so everything we watch is in Shadowrama), and he suggested this weekend “You should get the human figurine and put him in the middle so it’s just like the show.” I didn’t even know he had been paying attention!


  28. MitchellRowsdowerBeardsley says:





  29. Yay! Three I have never seen before, and one I’ve only seen once! (disclaimer: I “yay!” for any new MST set regardless of what is in it)


  30. dsman71 says:

    Yes I concur Master Ninjas 1 & 2 had to have been the 2 eps Jordan acquired and bumped what they had for a future release


  31. ck says:

    But I like Mike episodes better! :rotfl: (ducks to avoid bricks).


  32. SAVE FERRIS says:

    Wow……..all Joel, all the time………that’s different…….. :shock:


  33. wedestroymyths says:

    wow, this is a heck of a set.


  34. Roxie says:

    I’m in love with this set and want to make a life with it and bear its children.


  35. Mr. B(ob) says:

    Four awesome episodes again. I have zero complaints about this one. Can’t wait!


  36. As usual, I could do without the season one episode, but I’m stoked to see the Master Ninja, uh, duology(?) finally get released. Magic Voyage is also a very good episode. A nice, solid set, and here’s hoping for a Timothy Van Patten interview!


  37. Four great episodes!!! I find Project Moonbase to be one of the most enjoyable Season 1 episodes – it helps if you’ve read some Robert Heinlein; the movie positively reeks of his cliches. And The Master is quintessential MST3K. The Mike-only fans who haven’t bothered to see these episodes are really missing out. I feel sorry for them.


  38. I love the idea of a Tim Van Patten interview, but he’d have to have one great sense of humor to agree to it – the Brains were really rough on him in these episodes.


  39. Sharktopus says:

    Bah-bah bop BAH bah-bop BAH!

    I had a hunch we might get Master Ninja soon, as I spotted “The Master” in a cheapo “Ninja Classics” DVD multipack at Target recently. I didn’t want to get my hopes up too high, though.

    I’ve never seen Project Moonbase, but I quite like the Season One episodes, so this set’s 4 for 4 with me. :yes:


  40. Sharktopus says:

    Sampo, these new smilies are way too tiny. I feel like holding a magnifying lens up to the screen. This is meant to be a thumbs-up: :yes:, but it looks a whole lot like the middle finger to me, and that’s at 1024 resolution. It’s probably just a wee yellow blob at 1600.

    (I can’t complain about Volume XX, so I have to bitch about something. ;-) <- That's a wink.)


  41. raul says:

    Sharktopus,is that Green Lantern Servo?! :rotfl:


  42. MikeK says:

    Excellent! I get one episode I’ve never seen, Project Moonbase, two great episodes in Master Ninja I and II, and the episode with the dirtiest invention exchange ever, The Magic Voyage of Sinbad. :yes: :yes: :yes:


  43. Very happy with the set. Given that we’ve had all-Mike sets in the past (from Rhino), I think it’s justified to finally have an all-Joel one. Yes, I became a fan during the Joel years, so I’m biased in favor of him. And now I get to show my friend, a big fan of late 70’s/early 80’s kitsch, the wonder that is Master Ninja.

    And I think the inclusion of Magic Voyage of Sinbad, with its wonky spectacle, helps off-set the low budget cheapness of the Master Ninjas. (Have never seen Project Moonbase, but I welcome it into my collection.)

    Regarding Shout DVD issues – I am aware of issues with the condition of certain master tapes causing some minor defects in the video of certain episodes (to me, it’s sad but never a deal-breaker), but the post above was the first I’ve ever heard about discs being “unplayable.” Agreed that you should take them back and replace them, as it’s not typical of Shout and I’ve been happy with all their releases so far.


  44. Ted H. says:

    I have a personal fondness for Project Moonbase. It was the very first MST3K episode I ever saw, back on the Comedy Channel. (Jeez, I feel old) I pre-order all volumes, but I’m really looking forward to this one.


  45. Alex says:

    Alright, finnaly! The Master Ninja episodes! To think those would have never been coming out. The also two episodes are a neat edition too. Thank you Shout, for all your hard work. Maybe now this means Stranded in Space might be coming out soon…..


  46. Alex says:

    @ 12

    Never say never. Sure, it does seem unlikely the episodes may get a release anytime soon….. but you never know. Things change, after all.


  47. bluelinegoddess says:

    klisch – why didn’t you return them? Any retailer that has them in stock will exchange the set straight over the counter, and Amazon has NEVER given me an issue with returns for defective products. Just seems weird you’d complain about not having something that works but then refuse to do the most simple thing ever and return it.

    I’ve never had an issue with Shout Factory either, for the record.


  48. UHMEEEEBA says:

    I’m just glad we finally got something from Season 3 again let alone BOTH Master Ninjas.

    An all Joel set seems fine, Mike had Volumes 4 and 5 to himself just off hand so I don’t see why Joel can’t have one for a change.


  49. MASTER NINJA episodes are two of Joel’s best. I hope Shout! interviews Timothy Van Patten.


  50. Max Keller says:

    ‘Bout time. ;)

    The Master Ninja episodes are the ones which got me into MST3K in the first place. I fondly recall coming home from a drunken bender in my youth, switching on the TV, and going….”are the robots talking to the movie????”

    I taped the show the next week, was introduced the Max Keller, the Master, and Claude Akins’s rump, and have been a fan ever since.

    Bartender: What’ll you have?
    The Master: At one time, a Singapore Sling would have been the only answer.
    Tom Servo: Now, I want a Peanut Buster Parfait!!!

    Still makes me laugh all these years later.


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