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ACEG Copies Running Out

I’m not quite sure when this happened, but as we approach the 13th anniversary of the arrival of the Amazing Colossal Episode Guide in bookstores, Amazon has run out of new copies.

60 Replies to “ACEG Copies Running Out”

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  1. Emily says:

    it’s out of print


  2. Chuck says:

    I’m glad I got mine when it first came out! I was afraid this would start happening.


  3. Wilford B. Wolf says:

    Maybe you need to talk to BBI to get a unified/updated version to include Season 7 and Sci-Fi era writings, even if it is an e-Book.


  4. dropo221 says:

    Although a paper-type book with a more detailed Season 7 and Sci-Fi Channel descriptions would still sell pretty well (as evidenced by the sell-out of the original by Amazon). Are you out there Jim Mallon?


  5. MattG says:

    I know I’d update my copy of the book (which as fallen apart over the years due to either overuse or cheap glue) if they came out with a full second edition. I’d want the Sci=Fi years and Season 7, of course (which we already have online, but let’s see it in print!), but also more about The Movie. Now that it’s long done, it’d be nice to hear some recollections and stories about the production (and yes, I’ve read where BBI has said they were never 100% happy with the finished product). And as long as I’m dreaming, it’d be nice to have an official list of all of the other TV shows that J/M&TB appeared on over the years (MTV News, CBS This Morning, Talk Soup, etc.).


  6. mst3ktemple says:

    MattG, while we’re waiting for ACEG2 to come out, here is a list of all the cast appearances I know of:


  7. The Toblerone Effect says:

    Bantam Books were the publishers of the ACEG, wouldn’t they have some say in a second, updated version of this? Or they could at least resurface the orginal version for those who never got a chance to purchase a copy in the first place.

    I’ve noticed that copies on Amazon always seemed pretty steep, and that any copy on eBay winds up with relatively high bid amounts (for a book long out of circulation).


  8. Kenneth Morgan says:

    Fortunately, I still have my autographed copy. Still, an updated version would be pretty cool.


  9. Tor Johnson says:

    I have 2 copies of the original, the first fell apart for me as a previous poster noted.


  10. Jacob says:

    The one I have is JUST about to fall apart, so a new and updated version would be nice


  11. Lukas says:

    I bought a new copy two years ago, my original copy was presumed lost (actually, my cousin just found it while cleaning a few weeks ago, but I told him he could keep it).

    I’m treating it well, crappy binding and all.


  12. Andre says:

    I have 2 copies. One is still in the mailer box. I even printed out the ones from the Sci-Fi site and put them in a big three ring binder.
    (I worked night shift back in those days. Lot’s a free time.)


  13. Frank says:

    I know when this happened! I ordered a copy around December 10 when it was still “in stock,” and received a cancellation notice about a week later letting me know that the book was no longer available.


  14. John Seavey says:

    I’ll join the chorus of people who’d buy an updated book that included seasons 7-10 (the material for which has already been written, for this site and the Sci-Fi site. The publisher would just need to get the rights and compile it all.) Add a “Where are they now?” section, put it out for say, the 25th anniversary, and bam! Instant best-seller!

    Well, okay, probably not “best-seller”, but it’d certainly make money. :)


  15. Rowsdower42 says:

    Lame. My copy’s falling apart, and I was looking into a second.


  16. Nick-0 says:

    This is hardly surprising, given the book only had about one printing back when the series was on TV and going through a surge of popularity. The stock that was probably available probably was from the original first printing and it’s JUST taken this long to see that initial stock sell out.

    A 2nd edition with be a nice dream. Would Bantam want to do that? Who can say. It’s up to the marketing gods there.

    Another avenue would be seeing if Shout! Factory would do something like this. Granted they don’t do books… But maybe with each DVD release they do a booklet pages of MST3K episodes that you can clip into a binder? (I once saw a similar concept done with these Japanese re-releases of Transformers toys, the Optimus Prime figure came with a binder, and each subsequent release came with their tear out file cards which would go into the book)

    So like lets say the next box set comes out with a binder, and some pages. And they should like do a season at a time per box set (The pages, not the episodes. We’d never see the next release anytime soon if they did it by season box sets.. Eesh) And instead of just republishing the same old stuff maybe do a whole new set covering everything?


  17. MyMyselfAndI says:

    WOW!! :shock:

    $124.12 for a new copy of this book. Glad I have mine!!


  18. MinnyFan says:

    An updated edition, with Seasons 7-10, please.



  19. Cabbage Patch Elvis says:

    I see copies in my local(ish) used bookstores pretty regularly. Dog-eared, maybe, but they are out there for pretty cheap if one is willing to take a side road off the information superhighway. :grin:


  20. smallerdemon says:

    Ditto on two copies because the first one fell apart. Seems like it wasn’t an individual problem. :)


  21. H says:

    They’ve been out of fresh copies for a while. I know when I got my current copy about a year ago, they only had third party sellers. Granted, I got it for $20, so it didn’t make a difference. Glad I got it then, if these prices being quoted are accurate.

    I echo the sentiment for a print guide to Seasons 7-10.


  22. Timber says:

    I know the local Barnes and Noble by me occasionally have gotten copies in. (Even as recently as just a month ago!) I definitely suggest looking around at local bookstores before turning to ebay or such :)


  23. Opus says:

    Add me to the list of people that bought a second after my first copy fell apart. The second one is in almost as bad condition, but has Scotch tape holding the spine in place.


  24. The Bolem says:

    I’d gladly buy an updated book too, though the previous posts have made me glad that my copy just has a crease and a few scuffs on the back cover as opposed to being ready to fall apart.

    Should the second edition be called “The War of the Colossal Episode Guide”?


  25. jjb3k says:

    Fortunately, I’ve got my copy right next to me, which I bought new off Amazon a few years ago. It’s a little worn, but it’s in much better shape than I suspect it would be if I’d bought it in 1996. (I’m very careful with it, since I know how cheap the binding is.)


  26. Jeff says:

    I’m on my second copy as well, and would like to have a third, quite honestly…. however, I’m wondering if the binding is really that cheap, or if it’s just that we all (myself included), have read the ACEG about 85 times, when your average binding is only warrantied to 84 uses or 100 thousand miles, whichever comes first.


  27. Queen Shadowrama says:

    I remember them being out of stock last year before Comic-Con when I checked. I bought an “almost new” one from one of their sellers for about $30 including shipping because I wanted one for the Brains to sign that wasn’t all torn up like my original one! :mrgreen:


  28. S.Mc. says:

    I agree that it would be fantastic to have a 2nd updated edition! How unusual would it be to have a television series that’s already put out an episode guide publish an updated version? Is that something that’s just a pipe dream for us fans or an actual possibility?


  29. The Bolem says:

    Mine’s my second copy too, bought in the summer of ’99 after I lost the first.

    Or maybe the updated version should be called, “The Incredibly Strange MST3K That Jumped Networks And Produced This Mixed-Up Episode Guide”. I believe whoever owns the rights to the Colossal Man movies shares the late Ray Dennis Steckler’s opinion of the show, since they renegged on the video rights to TACM shortly after Rhino’s VHS release, so it’d be appropriate.


  30. Smog Monster says:

    Maybe MST3K could make a second version of the A.C.E.G. and take the BS introductions out and use the paper for Seasons 7, 8, 9, 10, & KTMA …


  31. Kenneth Morgan says:

    RE: Smog Monster (#30)
    Maybe MST3K could make a second version of the A.C.E.G. and take the BS introductions out and use the paper for Seasons 7, 8, 9, 10, & KTMA …

    On the contrary, I’d not only want the intros left in, I’d want more intros from those who didn’t participate in the first printing (Joel, Josh/J. Elvis, Bill and Bridget).


  32. Vornoff says:

    I discovered this last summer. I was able to get a copy from


  33. Rex Dart says:

    Darn. I only have my first copy, which, as everyone has said, is falling apart. I had wanted to buy a second one so I could keep it in the basement next to my mint condition X-Men comics.


  34. casimar says:

    Yes, I noticed this I think in November. My copy, too, is falling apart. I tried to buy a used one but apparently “excellent condition” means “warped and crinkly from water damage”.


  35. asimperson says:

    I ordered this on August 1st according to Amazon. They said they had copies at the time (which is why I ordered it). The ship day came and went and eventually they put it on backorder, where it’s been ever since.


  36. Yipe Striper says:

    mine has pages falling out, as well.

    tons of good reading. Especially the Miles O’Keefe page.


  37. pearliemae says:

    Great idea – check local bookstores, large and small. Check used bookstores. Never know where you might find a copy. Heck, even garage sales. Comic book stores? (Sorry, I meant Graphic Novels). Pardon my smug, but I bought 2 copies at the time – one I had signed at the last Conventio-Con, and put away. The other I use, very carefully. And, I have been keeping a binder for the episode summaries from this website, and whatever else I come across – like I have finally learned to relax and embrace my geekdom.


  38. Klisch says:

    I’ve got a great condition copy just collecting dust at home and now that it’s out of print, maybe this would be a good time to sell…


  39. Cabbage Patch Elvis says:

    #32 Vornoff – good link, even better if you can visit the store in person. I’m lucky to live in Oregon (though not in Portland) and get to stop by Powell’s fairly regularly. I go in with a short list of 4-5 titles, but inevitably end up getting sucked in for a good 2-3 hours, often resulting in a parking ticket. The place is MAMMOTH, and well worth checking out.

    I’ve also noticed that while my copy of the book is holding together better than most, it appears that I should wash my hands more often. Smudgy fingerprints everywhere! Shame on me. Thirty lashes with a wet noodle.


  40. Zee says:

    Hey, I wrote a blog about that book not too long ago (and other MST disappointments)

    as one as one today about the 10 best episodes not yet on DVD:


  41. Zee says:

    My blog:

    featured an entry on the shortcomings of this book and the need for an updated version:


  42. 1 adam 12 says:

    Include me on the list to buy a new printing. Anybody else with me?


  43. I'm not a medium, I'm a petite says:

    another vote for both an additonal printing of the original A.C.E.G. and for the creation and release of the “SUPER A.C.E.G”., or maybe even the “A. SUPER C.E.G.”.

    Or if they can’t everyone working in harmony, I’ll take a re-release of the original A.C.E.G. and then the “Space Child of the A.C.E.G.” for the latter seasons… or maybe “Beyond the Valley of the A.C.E.G.”


  44. Bob(NotThatBob) says:

    Maybe they could finally release a “second edition” that would include the season 7 stuff and the Sci-Fi Channel stuff the cast wrote online. I’ve been meaning to get another copy – the glue doesn’t hold together very well (or maybe it’s cause I’m constantly reading it) and I’ve had two copies that have fallen apart so far.


  45. jimmy says:

    Uh-oh. I’ve been meaning to get a new one for a while now, because mine also fell apart into a few different pieces. Mike’s biography of himself at the end of the book is one of my favorite things, ever.


  46. Zillamon51 says:

    My GF (a fan since the Comedy Central days who introduced me to the show) has a copy that like so many others is literally coming apart at the seams. If an updated version was released, I’d probably buy two (one for each of us). Start the presses!


  47. Roman Martel says:

    I’ve bought this puppy twice as well. The first copy was shortly after it was released. I read that thing so many times (and loaned it others to read) that it fell apart sometime around 2000 or so. I gave the fragments to my brother in law who was a pretty big fan.

    Then I bought a new one and will pull it out every once in a while to review a favorite part.

    I think the possibility of getting an updated version of this is slim. The show’s been off the air for too long and the market for TV series related books is shrinking. Most of that kind of thing is available on the internet. I think that if you’ve got it, take care of it and enjoy it while it lasts.


  48. MLD says:

    I didn’t know about this book until the show was off the air, and tried looking for one.

    When I saw that it wasn’t a COMPLETE run of ALL episodes, I stopped looking (even though I never found a store that had one).

    MAKE a COMPLETE book with ALL episodes and it will sell! Look how many here want one (including me of course).

    I read my Twilight Zone Companion a lot, and wish that a book about MST3K was done in the same fashion. With this weak economy though…I don’t think it will happen.


  49. Holly says:

    Barnes & Noble is out too, I checked at work yesterday. I agree with everyone in wanting a complete guide. Some shows, like Farscape, got an episode guide for every season, so it doesn’t seem too unreasonable.


  50. MSTAnon says:

    My original copy of the book is literally a pile of paper, while my 2nd copy is essentially in cold-storage. It’s still-in-the-store-bag new.

    Requests for a revised edition: hardcover, full-color pages, the rest of the writers, more screenshots and photos. It could even be a coffee table book.


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