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Weekend Discussion Thread: My Dinner with…

A while back, alert reader Ken suggested “The character in a MSTed movie you could be friends with.” But I’m gonna change it up a little.

What character in a MSTed movie would you like to have dinner with, spend an evening with? What would you ask him or her (or it!)?

I’d pick Bart Fargo. Oh, the tales he could tell, and afterwards we could go to a club and he’d be the ultimate wingman.

What would your pick be?

(Keep those thread ideas coming!)

60 Replies to “Weekend Discussion Thread: My Dinner with…”

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  1. Droppo says:

    I’m trying to watch my weight so I’d choose Mitchell.


  2. Kenneth Morgan says:


    I suppose dinner with Henry Krasker would be pretty interesting, as he expounds on his theories about communicating with the dead, and his previous efforts aiding the police. The fact that I wouldn’t know which of stories were totally made-up would help me pay attention.


  3. TwirlingTibby says:

    I’d have dinner with Rowsdower. We could have great existential conversations like whether there is beer on the sun.


  4. DarkGrandmaofDeath says:

    Gamera. We’d go to a nice restaurant (I’d have the Caesar salad, he’d have snails and canned dog food) where we’d talk of annoying children and what it feels like to spin through space. Gamera is really neat! After dinner, Gamera would be filled with meat! I would talk with Gamera!


  5. Murdock Hauser says:

    For me I’d take Mila from “Cave Dwellers” out to the ends of the Earth where they have a great Sizzler restaurant any day of the week except on Tuesdays. After dinner I know a great spot where we can go four wheeling.


  6. DarkGrandmaofDeath says:

    On another night, I’d have dinner with Coleman Francis. We’d go to a sports bar and watch the game while eating beans and drinking coffee from cans. I’d ask him where he got his ideas, just how important small planes were to his artistic vision, and if he’d ever met Ed Wood. And then our attention would be caught by the TV over the bar, where the football game was showing. “Flag on the play. How’d it get there?”


  7. doug says:

    Appolonia James. I’d ask her how many people were lost and most importantly what’s the deal with the prejudice against anteaters.


  8. Saherrin says:

    Hmmmm. A lot of options that Incould use:

    Max Keller, not only would he know a good seafood dinner (and depending on service, might even pick up the check) but could discuss Eastern philosophy of union leadership, ninja ritualscan someone practice fung shui with a hamster cage, zen and the art of motorcycle racing and could his use of martial Rts (with no real martial training) merge with Daniel LaRussa’s minimalist martial arts training. Does Also, what’s Demi Moore really like???

    Note, in case he starts to become unintelligible, just nod and enjoy the crab legs…


  9. M'Hael says:

    Exeter and Brak, of course! And I *would* eat my fruit cup. ;)


  10. robot rump! says:

    my first choice might be Jimmy Wilson from IAMP. we’d have a light meal of hamburgers then afterwards maybe a drinking game wherein every time he told some wacky lie you drink. i have a feeling he’d win anyway.

    second would be Coleman Francis. just be sure to have beans, tuna helper and lots of coffee on hand. i would definitely recommend this one for those who don’t talk much during dinner.


  11. ck says:

    Dinner with Johnny Longbow. Bring a video phone or notepad to get
    all the great ethnic recipes he’s privy to. Think Michell’s cookbook
    can match that? Then go ahead on.


  12. ck says:

    Oh, and for a fresh from the stream seafood al fresco dining experience
    just ask Thong (Cave Dwellers) to load up the grill. A second order might be the unsurviving
    monsters in the Gamera movies—but I’m not sure how you’d classify them
    (fish, mammal, chicken, etc.).

    Then relax with a nice shot of stream water while Thong and his chum expound on their eras superior grasp of technology and philosophy (but watch out if their mentor or his turned to evil pupil show up). They will go on and on.


  13. Rachel says:

    Ev from Giant Spider Invasion. It’d be a liquid lunch, of course.


  14. spacface says:

    Mr. B Natural. Not only could I figure whether Mr. B is a boy or a girl, there might be a show with dinner! Or The Master, just to find out how to pick up girls.


  15. Dr. Erickson says:

    The Master. I bet me and him would really hit it off. I like to think that.


  16. MSTie says:

    For a girls’ night out dinner, I’d pick Margaret from Manos. She needs a break from her crabby husband, icky Torgo, and the rundown atmosphere of that motel. We’d share fab 1960s hair and makeup tips.

    For a date-type dinner, oh, the choices. I’d probably have to go with Sampo’s pick of Bart Fargo but for totally different reasons. Dinner, drinks, dancing, a moonlit walk, and … wait, what am I saying?!? He’d just toy with me and dump me for some mob boss’s wife. Well, maybe I could get a nice dinner out of it.


  17. Mr. B(ob) says:

    I’d have dinner with Rocky Jones, he could fly us to the Moon and tell me of his space adventures. Or perhaps I’d take little Johnny to dinner and I’d watch him carefully and make sure he didn’t wander off and get lost like his stupid parents did in Johnny At The Fair.


  18. Professor Gunther says:

    I’d like to have dinner with Jenni Whitlock from THE SCREAMING SKULL. I teach literature, and I would love to hear her develop her ideas on THE BEAST IN THE JUNGLE. We would then invite Mickey for dessert and wait for the Bra Fairy to appear before plotting our revenge on her husband.

    (Unrelated: Henry James must roll in his grave every time he witnesses Jenni cradle his work against her bosoms….)


  19. Son of Peanut says:

    I’d call up my old buddy Nick Miller from Time Chasers and head to the FOOD COURTS OF THE FUTURE!!!


  20. VeryDisturbing says:

    I think this qualifies as the WORST character to have dinner with:
    Sherif Geronimo, from Final Justice.
    I think after watching him down glasses of Alfredo sauce and liquid beef, and plates of doughnuts, I think I’d start to get queasy. That, and just staring at his lumpy face.


  21. Mr. B(ob) says:

    I’d take the lovely Jungle Goddess to Red Robin for a “hamburger and some nice French fried potatoes”. Then she could tell me all about her years lost in the jungle.


  22. Kansas says:

    I’ve always been interested in Greek mythology, so I would have dinner with Hercules (Ulysses would probably spend all his time chasing the waitresses and Queen Omphale would try to kill me and turn me into a wax museum exhibit). Not only would Hercules have a lot of interesting stories to tell, but the restraurant staff would definitely be on their best behavior with him around.


  23. Ken McElhaney says:

    It would not be much of an intellectual experience, but my first choice would be the beer-swilling Dr. West from “Devil Fish”. He’s got a nice boat, a couple of hot friends and plenty of beer. Other than a blurry, slow moving devil fish lurking below, what’s not to enjoy?


  24. Mr. B(ob) says:

    My wife just reminded me, Tina (Venita Wolf) from Catalina Caper. ’nuff said. If I was born ten years sooner so I’d be the same age and could go back in time and have dinner with her in the mid-1960s, oh yeah.


  25. Terry the Sensitive Knight says:

    Mata Greta. I’d have a charbroiled hamburger sammich and some french fried potatuhs!

    Or maybe I could go to that diner where they play Yipe Stripes 24/7. With my best girl who I am forbidden to see, of course.


  26. Terry the Sensitive Knight says:

    Also, don’t forget to bring the Waiter Baiter!


  27. snowdog says:

    Crash Corrigan. You can imagine the Undersea Kingdom would have some great seafood.


  28. David Mello says:

    Two ideas:
    Tony Farms, aka PumaMan, and I’d ask him if dinosaurs died out because they forgot how to love each other, could they have been saved if they saw dino porn. I might ask him why he’s never been part of a big superhero franchise, or why Vadinho left and wound up in a doomed ship in the Bermuda Triangle, but he may suggest we don’t discuss that.
    OR…I’d have dinner with the guy in the suit from Laserblast and ask him why he was in the movie just to talk to the senile general.


  29. Flying Saucers Over Oz says:

    Oh Winky, definitely. For one thing, he’d be so grateful. For another, we could both enjoy the gay nightlife together. And depending on when I caught him, I might be able to ask him about his days in The Little Rascals.


  30. robot rump! says:

    Late entry for me…the younger sister from the Crawling Eye. ok she has ‘british teeth’ but she’s cute and i still kind of have a thing for her, and i can see a lovely date by candle light…until ..she ..ALWAYS KNOWS what i’m about to say BEFORE i say it…..AAAARRRGGHHHH!!


  31. bartcow says:

    I think I’d like to meet Al from I Accuse My Parents for lunch. There’s nothing like a good burger with French fried potatoes garnish after church…


  32. Suzanne says:

    There’s probably a more interesting choice–Gamera, maybe?–but dinner with Johnny Longbow could be nice. He’d make stew and tell me interesting stories about lizards and how archaeology is better than geology, even at the graduate level, and how the police sometimes bring him in as a consultant. After dinner we could go out to listen to some seventies folk rock. Maybe do a little star-gazing. Then maybe he could show me why he’s called Johnny Longbone–I mean, Longbow.


  33. sol-survivor says:

    Maybe go out with Potato Girl and her Mom to 1 Potato 2. Just have to make sure not to suggest anything with rabbit in it.


  34. The Louisville Slugger says:

    David Ryder from Space Mutiny. Just want to pick his brain on how to become Bigger McLargerHuger.


  35. Blowie the Dolphin says:

    I’d love to have dinner with Natalie from “Werewolf”, ’cause I’m sure she’d be absolutely fascinating company.


  36. littleaimishboy says:

    “If you’re all finished with the apple pie, sir, I’ll just take – Aaaugh! My hand!”

    “It’s my job to keep that pie on the table, and no one questions how I do it!”


  37. Bob (NotThatBob) says:

    I’d have dinner with Trumpy! Oh sure, he’d eat most of my peanuts, but as an Irishman, I know we’d have a love of potatoes in common. And as some of you have mentioned, I too am on a diet, so I know there’d not be a lot of leftovers. After dinner, he could make my living room furniture dance around in the air, and since all the furniture’s all up in the air, he could vacuum all those hard to reach places under it.


  38. ready4sumfootball says:

    I’d have dinner with Deathstalker. Potatoes are what we eat.


  39. XZB says:

    Perhaps the parents(?) in Touch of Satan for a peanut based meal and some CARNATION ICE CREAM after a light lunch of olive loaf crammed into my loser face.

    Or better yet some steak and eggs with deep fried butter while the sherif and I discuss giant spiders, invasions, and if he thinks we don’t know he’s the skipper. That “Hi little buddy” line isn’t covering up anything Alan.


  40. Eva Martin from ‘Indestructible Man’. She seems to not mind long, meandering dinner conversation, which I have in spades.


  41. robot rump! says:

    One for the LAYdeeees.. a nice romantic night at chez generic no guarantees that the guy you show up with is the one you go home with. and for heaven’s sake HIDE THE POOPIE SUIT!


  42. Fart Bargo says:

    I would like to take Iole from Hercules out to a nice Greek restaurant, dine on roasted leg of lamb, drink lots of grappa, Metaxa and Ouzo. Since I’m the sensitive sort she would be greatly relieved that she was talking to a man who would rather listen to her than uproot trees and throw them at her horses. She would confide about what a muscle head “Jerkales” is and intimate that he has major problems in the area of amore due to his rampant steroid use. We would then take a moonlit chariot ride down to the Waters of Forgetfulness and stroll. The evening would end with my head in her lap while she sang “Evening Star”.


  43. robot rump! says:

    #42 Fart Bargo
    sounds like a nice time, just lay off the waters or forgetfulness or you might…you..know umm what was i talking about?


  44. Valeria. And, during dinner she can tell me what the hell that accent is.


  45. Tim_Servo says:

    Only one ,of course.

    Would be the equivalent of dining with ,perhaps ,Mao,Fidel , Il Duce or perhaps one of the Caesars,
    And that wouldhave to be (In keeping with the theme of the “my Dinner with Andre” approach,,(I CALLED IT FIRST!!))

    to discuss the cruelty of fate and ,perhaps the ultimate and very real loneliness of the universe the cruelty of fate and the existentialemptiness of command….. and weather or not to


    KRANKOR of course!!!!

    “consider yourselves conquered I have to go!”


  46. jaybird3rd says:

    Henry Krasker for me, too. I think he’s one of the most oddly likable characters ever featured in a MSTed movie. Krasker would do most of the talking, and most of it would probably be crazy, but it would certainly be interesting.

    Another good choice from the same movie would be the landlady of the boarding house where Henry Krasker lives. The way she packs it away, I’d eat enough to last me a week!


  47. Kali says:

    I think I’d want to have dinner with co-pilot what’s-his-name from The Phantom Planet. It would be a nice psychological conversation. And if he got really boring, we could serve him some of Pearl’s turkey surprise.


  48. georgieyoung says:

    Jimmy’s mom from IAMP! (Can’t help it…I’m easy, and she’s a cheap date!).


  49. Dr. Erickson says:

    I also think hot dogs with Jackie Coogan would be fun. Kick back in our tiny shorts, debate civil defense policy, then duck out of there for a quick dip before Joe Gambel shows up with that chip on his shoulder.


  50. ck says:

    For existential angst, enjoy some chicken soup with Aron Fingol and his mom,
    while they discuss the nature of existence (for example, did Aron really boink Felicia,
    does a Fingol in a computerland realm need chicken soup for sustenance, etc.).
    Be polite to Mrs. Fingol or your main course might be a filthy, disgusting anteater.

    With any luck one of your waitresses will be named Wanda Cannon. Now there’s a name for a Hooters server if a bot ever heard one!


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