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Statement from Shout! Factory about Vol. XXXIII

We at Shout! Factory know MSTies were looking forward to the titles for Volume XXXIII today, but unfortunately we cannot announce them at this time. We know the fans are just as excited for the next volume as we are, and the moment we can share the titles, we will. We appreciate your understanding.

Sarah J. De Bruin
Manager, Publicity
Shout! Factory

Stay tuned, folks.

109 Replies to “Statement from Shout! Factory about Vol. XXXIII”

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  1. Sean says:

    Whoa… This may be the biggest example of “a watched pot never boils” ever… Will wait patiently until I see bubbles.


  2. JohnnyRyde says:



  3. sol-survivor says:



  4. Andrew says:

    We’re all excited to see but appreciate Shout!’s regular releasing…they do a job eons better than the Rhino days when all we could hope for was, “Maybe another 4 shows next year?…” Thank you, Shout! Factory, for making us laugh, about love, etc.


  5. Torgoballz says:

    It’d kind of become standard procedure that they’d announce the next set right as the newest one gets released. It was nice of them to give us a heads up that for whatever reason they’re not quite ready yet.


  6. MS says:

    Are they out of episodes? I thought they had at least a couple of sets left. There should be roughly enough Public Domain movies left for a set.


  7. MSTie says:

    We don’t got movie sign. :-(

    That’s OK, I still need to catch up with buying some older box sets. Whenever Shout can announce the new titles is OK with me.


  8. Thomas says:

    Possibly something big? Maybe Susan Hart or Arkhoff?


  9. Thomas says:

    I am dreaming, but what if it is a Susan Hart set there are 2 Joel and 2 Mike. I know it is stretching, buy you never know.


  10. Edward J Grug III says:

    There’s still enough PD movies to fill a set (see below), so it’s not that we’re NOT getting a set, I’m sure. SO… Maybe they are close to nailing some difficult to get rights?!

    602 – Invasion USA (Public Domain)
    605 – Colossus and the Headhunters (Public Domain)
    618 – High School Big Shot (Public Domain)
    623 – The Amazing Transparent Man (Public Domain)
    1007 – Track of the Moon Beast (Public Domain)


  11. rvoyttbots says:

    I hope it means we are going to start getting Arkhoff titles.


  12. Slicer87 says:

    Probably just a delay in securing rights.


  13. KidFlash says:

    Are they out of episodes?I thought they had at least a couple of sets left. There should be roughly enough Public Domain movies left for a set.

    Most of the lists I’ve seen figure there’s about 18+ episodes that Shout has either the rights to through studio deals or are PD. So things get interesting sometime next year.

    Most list


  14. some 24 year old jerk says:

    Meanwhile over at the discussion board, moderator Torgo left this cryptic message:

    “‘Tru-Fan Vision’ reads that letter as:

    We here at Shout Factory don’t care about MSTies or your damn show. Screw you and your damn fanhood. Now take your fanrage and BURN THE INTERNET TO THE GROUND!”

    Now, I may be taking this a little too seriously and just don’t understand this man’s sense of humor, but does anybody else find the above statement to be completely irrational, entitled, immature, paranoid, embarrassing and/or psychotic (not to mention unfunny)? Is this an extreme form of nerdiness that I could never even begin to understand, let alone experience? Is it a generational gap?


  15. Professor Firefly says:

    Thanks Sarah for letting us know.Much appreciated.You guys have never let us down before…We’ll wait until the next set…..


  16. EveWriter says:

    I would agree that the delay probably has to do with a rights issue and/or a title change in order to get, possibly, an otherwise incredibly hard to obtain show like “The Undead”. Heck, they can call it the “Digger Smolken sing-along hour” for all I care, as long as it comes out! Not that that’s going to be in this particular set, but just using it as an example of why the announcement may be delayed. I feel in addition to the public domain titles, they still have access to more Universal titles such as “Riding with Death” and “Agent for H.A.R.M.”, and some other rights titles as well. So Pearl hasn’t crashed this Satellite to earth, just yet!!! It will still be floating for some time!!


  17. Flash Bazbo says:

    I’ve worked with Sarah before and she’s incredibly nice and accomodating. It’s a bummer the titles weren’t released today, but if they could, I know they would. It’s probably just a rights issue. There’s nothing worse than for the label to announce something and then have to backtrack because of something unexpected. Shout/Scream has been burned before like this.


  18. Danzilla "Cornjob" McLargehuge, Student of Kaijuology says:

    24 year old jerk:

    Although he might be TRYING (and failing) to be funny, there are some seriously entitled, super whiny complaining fans out there, and in every fandom. They are few in number, but make their irrational and obnoxious voices heard when they feel they aren’t getting what they deserve. I feel bad for those people, because that entitlement and the complaining about every little thing gets in the way of simply enjoying the subject of the fandom, even MST3K. It becomes more about what they want (or what they aren’t getting), and less about loving a funny show.

    I certainly hope this guy doesn’t think Shout! Factory has abandoned us. If he has, he’ll have a generous amount of egg on his face when the titles are announced!


  19. Kansas says:

    I detect the sinister hand of Fu Manchu behind this; or perhaps Phantom of Krankor.


  20. Dude in the city says:

    At least there’s still a lot of mst tape (DVD) traders easily accessible on the net. I’m hoping the real reason for the delay is that they’re spending some of the DVD budget on releasing the remaining seasons of McCloud. After all, MST3K and McCloud share a special bond, don’t they? McCLOUD!!!


  21. pondoscp says:

    Could it be Godzilla? or Mylar? lol Or will those be saved for the last set? Yes, we discovered Mylar, and are holding it back for the final set! *not actually true :)

    @14 and @18 – that’s why I stay here.


  22. TarlCabot says:

    I had a feeling it was something like this.
    They’re definitely not out of episodes. There’s enough PD, Universal, MGM, and other contracted rights-holders that they COULD have easily put out another set.

    They’re negotiating another rights-holder. Arkoff. Susan Hart. Lions Gate. Paramount. Maybe Wade Williams for 201. One of those.
    It has to be a pretty big one to delay a set. By now they have box art and everything done, so it has to be big enough. Otherwise they’d just plug in a PD episode and keep going.


  23. georgewendt says:

    Toho?!? I can dream! :drool:


  24. Alex says:

    Whatever the case is, I understand what must be going on at Shout Factory. I’m a patient guy, and I look forward to hearing what’s on the next box set whenever it gets its release. :)


  25. AmazingRando says:

    I’m also cool with waiting. I don’t trust businesses in general, but Shout Factory! has demonstrated they are willing to work harder to appease the fans of our favorite show. I really never thought we’d get all the episodes we have. All the Gamera titles? Revenge of the Creature and The Mole People? Season 1 altogether? (Minus the Rhino releases, at least). Shout has done a great job of making these impossible episodes happen.

    I worked out that there are about 38 episodes that have yet to see DVD release, or 39, if you count the blink-and-you’ll-miss-it release of Godzilla Vs. Megalon. I would think some of the toughest to get, as far as release rights go, are among those that are left. I’m happy they’re working on those. I’d love to see Rocketship X-M, Daddy-O, Girls Town, and Track of the Moon Beast in the next set. Danger: Diabolik would be more of a happy surprise, but maybe that will come later.


  26. GornCaptain says:

    #14 #18

    He’s obviously making fun of the extreme fans who do overreact that way. I can speak from personal experience that you don’t get to become a moderator of a forum if you’re an actual dickweed. A forum would wither and die otherwise. :-)

    I sense something is about to happen with the next set. Something wonderful! It may or may not involve sending Susan Hart a giant cake with a stripper inside…


  27. Disco 3:16 says:

    I’d imagine it’s a situation where they have two or three plans in place depending on a negotiation in progress that just hasn’t been resolved yet. I remember when Master Ninja displaced a couple other episodes, and I’d imagine they’d be looking to avoid the clunkiness of that change.


  28. snowdog says:

    The Master has not yet approved. Perhaps more beauties wresting in the dirt will persuade him.


  29. Bob (NotThatBob) says:

    Whatever the next set’ll be, I know it’ll be worth the waiting, and the waiting makes it all the more sweeter. This news actually made me grin – a grin I know will widen to unsettling Cheshire Cat-like proportions when the next set does get announced. I’ll keep my eyes glued here ’til the announcement…


  30. unsung zero says:

    I concur with #22. Taking the remaining PD, MGM, Sony, and Universal titles (plus #305 Stranded in Space) into account, Shout Factory has enough episodes for three more sets ready for release. I’m guessing a major deal with one of the holdouts is in the works, or maybe they found the owner/s of #420 The Human Duplicators or #913 Quest of the Delta Knights.


  31. Weepy Donuts says:

    As I’ve said before… as long as Shout! Factory doesn’t include a “re-release” with the new set, they are guaranteed my money. I can wait for an announcement, especially since the delay makes me more excited for Volume XXXIII. (Plus, it gives me some more time to just enjoy Volume XXXII.)


  32. Hiitch says:

    Let’s hope they’re trying to secure the rights to a KTMA episode. Superdome would be a great choice.


  33. Alex says:

    Let’s hope they’re trying to secure the rights to a KTMA episode. Superdome would be a great choice.

    No chance in hell, my friend. Sorry.


  34. Dr. Batch says:

    I think it’s just taking a bit longer to get a film they were planning.


  35. There are plenty of Public Domain and titles with established rights holders available, so my guess would be that they are completing negotiations with some of the until-now holdouts: Wade Williams, Roger Corman, Susan Hart, the Arkoff Estate, Toho, Paramount, and Lions Gate. Another possibility is they may have worked out a deal to release The Human Duplicators or The Quest of the Delta Knights whose owners were uncertain. One other thing to consider: A film might be in the Public Domain, but not the music. For example – Track of the Moon Beast. That film is in the Public Domain, but the score and the song “California Lady” may have current ownership. Anyway, I hope we hear something soon.


  36. Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy says:

    I’m a doctor, Jim! Not some prognosticator of DVD box sets! Now let me give Ms. Hart the vaccine before she mutates, blast it all to the devil!


  37. G R Robertson says:

    Its good that they let us know. Doctor Who fans have waited years for the release of The Underwater Menance on DVD and theres even a petition to get it released on DVD. I don’t want downloads or streaming, I want DVDs. Keep up the good work Shout Factory !!


  38. jason says:

    It sounds to me that are just crossing the T’s and dotting the I’s. Making sure they have everything sorted out before announcing the next episodes. Maybe its diabolic or rocketship x-m. Could be godzilla ones but I really amazed if that was the case, but you never know. I have a feeling it something major. just a gut feeling


  39. dsman71 says:

    Personally speaking I think there is something to those buttons with those AIP titles Lionsgate USED to have.. I think they just might be waiting for a signature or something to clear. I really think its possible that we might at least get the Arkoff titles held by Lionsgate such as the She Creature, Viking Woman, War of the Colossal Beast, Teenage Caveman, Earth vs the Spider ..they could create an entire set with them like they did the Gamera titles or mix them up with other volumes.


  40. Chuck says:

    It’s Obama’s fault!



  41. ck says:

    Perhaps after they’re done issuing sets with all the movies they can get Shout! would consider reissuing,
    with extras, single movies. For example, my copy of Cave Dwellers self-destructed and right now I’d have to
    buy the set of four it comes in just to get Cave Dwellers.


  42. fatbarkeep says:

    Speculate, speculate, worry worry.
    If anyone has earned the trust of a group of fans it’s Shout! At the rate they are going we will have every episode (minus the Pilot and KTMA) on DVD within 5 years.
    I trust them and can almost guarantee this next volume will contain at least one “surprising” episode.
    Rave on Shout!
    Just don’t keep us waiting too long, Sarah. Some of these people’s heads might explode!


  43. BDMcNalley says:

    Every year of my life, I grow more and more convinced that the wisest and best is to fix our attention on the good and the beautiful… and let Shout do what they have been doing and watch as they deliver amazing sets to us MSTies. I would love to see the two Amazing Colossal Man movies, maybe Invasion of the Neptune Men but who knows if that will ever happen. I can dream at least.


  44. Creeping-Death says:

    Would be sweet to have Godzilla vs. the Sea Monster and a re-release of Godzilla vs. Megalon, rather than having to put down $300+ for 3 DVDs I already have and one I don’t.


  45. TarlCabot says:

    I’ve looked at the list of unreleased episodes and their rights-holders. If Shout! were totally unable to secure the rights to any other currently unavailable films, there’d only be about 16 films left, or 4 more volumes. The last one would come out July 2016.

    On the positive side, if Shout! were able to license ALL of the remaining films (minus 213, that’s just not happening), or 37 episodes, they’d have enough for 9 more volumes +1 extra episode. The last of which would come out March 2018.

    Basically, it’s starting to get into crunch time.


  46. EricJ says:

    I’m in with the other conspiracy theorists watching those rights holder-outers–
    Not that I think we’re going to get Amazing Colossal Man finally on disk, but there’s a lot that Susan Hart-less is holding onto that’s overdue for disk, let alone Shout MST3K disk.
    Getting Gmmmrfff vs. Mmmmrrffrff back again from Toho, however, is a lost cause.

    (@26 – Not the Deep 13 Instant Stripper Cake Kit, hopefully…)


  47. Aaron Bossig says:

    If we’re bringing up re-releases, what about a re-release of Volume 9? I’d rather have all-new episodes too, but I was one of the unlucky who missed out on 9. :-(


  48. David J says:

    They probably had a set lined up but had some late copyright complications with on of the four films. If that’s the case we’ll hear more when they choose an episode to replace it with.


  49. TarlCabot says:

    I’m sticking with the theory they’re working on a new contract with a big rights-holder. It probably isn’t Paramount or Lions Gate as they’re big companies and any contract would’ve been settled by now, for them it’s about money, not pride or anything.

    Wade Williams is very protective of Rocketship XM, so I could see that getting contentious.
    Susan Hart is nuts, but I don’t think she’s even approachable for a deal, currently.
    A big chunk of the Arkoff Estate was until recently being distributed, by Lions Gate, but that deal apparently expired. So, there might be some movement there.


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