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Mystery Science Theater 3000 XIV Extras

Our sources at Shout! Factory has given us the scoop on what the extras will be on the next MST3K DVD set–”Mystery Science Theater 3000 XIV.”

They are:
• A new interview With “Soultaker” star and MST3K favorite Joe Estevez.
• Mike, Tom and Crow’s appearance on ESPN Classic’s “Cheap Seats Without Ron Parker.”
• A new interview with “Final Justice” writer/director Greydon Clark.

Also note: We’re told that inaccurate information about extras for this release is being circulated. If you see information about any extras other than these, it’s not accurate.

57 Replies to “Mystery Science Theater 3000 XIV Extras”

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  1. Jason says:

    The full episode of “Cheap Seats”? That is a great extra :grin:


  2. happy says:

    Sounds like something Rhino would do :)
    So far so good. Cant wait to pre-order it…
    This set , Back to the Future and Four Flies on Grey Velvet with the impending Sony DVD release box set Mothra,Rebirth of Mothra 3, Battle in Outer Space, & H-Man PLUS the potential of more MST3K sets released in a year than ever sounds like a great year so far -come on 2009 ! :)


  3. Rhys says:

    Estevez interview? I’m sold on that one thing alone. The Greydon Clark interview is also a sweet extra.


  4. MikeK says:

    Excellent! :mrgreen:

    I think it’ll be nice to hear from Joe Estevez and Greydon Clark. I hope both men talk about all of the MSTied movies, not just Soul Taker and Final Justice. I would especially like from Greydon Clark, since he also produced Hobgoblins and I think he was the director of Angel’s Revenge.


  5. Katana says:

    I gasped aloud at the Cheap Seats part. Sweet!


  6. H says:

    Sounds great. The set’s really coming together. Nice job, SF.


  7. M "Leaktaker" Sipher says:

    … niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice. I just hope the interviews are as fun as Fiveson’s…


  8. sebulbajohnny says:

    Servo figure ?


  9. magicvoice says:

    This is great! So far so good with SF.
    Happy, I was also thrilled to see the pending release of 4 flies on Grey Velvet. FINALLY!!


  10. jessie says:

    does anyone know what eps will be on this version?and yay a new version.all we have atour best buy is the last volume with gila di bought it cause i dont have gila monster and my teenage strangler is MIA.but G vs M isw just too funny.too funny

    Interviews woot


  11. Th1rt3eN says:

    extras, how about the sci-fi channel movie trailer spechial, or was it comedy central. I can never remember.


  12. Gorn Captain says:

    No Goosio interview? :lol:


  13. Omega says:

    Goosio is only going to get beat up by Tom and Crow. Meanwhile I’m extremely curious as to what Greydon Clark is going to say since three movie he worked on got the MST3K treatment.


  14. The Professor says:

    Who would spend time to circulate false information about MST3K DVD extras? That is the lamest thing i’ve ever heard in my life.


  15. MattG says:

    Wow, so the “guest star” clips of Mike and the Bots on other shows are on the table now? This opens up a lot of material I never thought we’d see again outside of YouTube. Bring on the moments from MTV News, Talk Soup, CBS This Morning, and a bunch of other stuff I know I’m forgetting right now.

    And yeah, no Servo figure? That’s really my only scowl at this point, but Shout Factory has to know the fan demand is there. I’m sure we’ll see him eventually.


  16. I have said it before, and I will say it again:

    I would take a Servo figure over a Crow figure ANY day.

    Me want Servo!!!


  17. Bob says:

    The Cheap Seats extra feature is good news. I really liked the show and the MST3K appearance on the show was a lot of fun.

    The other stuff sounds mildly interesting, although it certainly wouldn’t have been what I was looking to add to the set if I had been developing this collection. There are a lot of other more essential things out there fans might want than Joe Estevez and Greydon Clark interviews. Joe Estevez and MST3K favorite? I enjoyed the way MST3K made fun of him the way they made fun of Neil Connery a few years earlier, but I wouldn’t have thought of him as a favorite!?!


  18. happy says:

    ID like a Servo figure too, but I think we will have to be patient. The 2 movies on the Joel side, Manhunt in Space and the Mad Monster are older movies, so I dont know if SF could find anyone to interview. Is Winky still alive or Rocky Jones ? I know that kid in the Rocky Jones movie must be in his late mid-late 60s by now maybe ??
    Id like the MSt3K Scrapbook on one SF’s sets as well as the 2 This is MST3K specials that aired on CC and the SF channel


  19. Alex Smith, UK says:

    Am I the only one that wants a Mike figure?

    Anyway, the extras sound great and I’ve just this moment realised I’ve never seen Manhunt in Space! Happy days!!


  20. Andre says:

    I’d take a Timmy figurine over Servo any day! – Crowjunkie :razz:

    Acually, now that I finally have a Crow figurine (one that is not made by me out of Legos), I want a Satellite of Love.


  21. majorjoe23 says:

    I’m hoping that the Cheap Seats clip being featured means Shout Factory might be in talks about getting that show on DVD.


  22. outerspace says:

    Contrary to popular belief, Greydon Clark had nothing to do with the movie Hobogoblins so he won’t really be able to tell us anything about the movie. Its sort of similar to the whole Meritt stone not being in Rebel Set devical.


  23. Invader Pet says:

    Dang, I was hoping for a Joe Don Baker interview. Oh well. :roll:


  24. JLH says:

    The guy who played Winky committed suicide (no, he did not have a pact with the guy who played Torgo).

    I’m surprised SF isn’t including a SoapNet documentary on the history of “General Hospital” to go with the set!


  25. harshtimes says:

    “Contrary to popular belief, Greydon Clark had nothing to do with the movie Hobogoblins”

    except producing it…


  26. outerspace says:

    “Contrary to popular belief, Greydon Clark had nothing to do with the movie Hobogoblins”

    “except producing it…”

    Nope. Craig Clark Produced it. But no Greydon Clark. As I have previously stated, its the Merrit Stone and Casey Adams devical. The mst3k cast thought he was in the movie, but he wasn’t.


  27. Travis says:

    The extras sound great!


  28. IMDB says:

    FYI, the IMDB (not authoritative) does list Greydon Clark as a producer for Hobgoblins…


  29. norgavue says:

    No figure…. dang it I’ll live but still….


  30. Joe Sixpack says:

    “Who would spend time to circulate false information about MST3K DVD extras?”

    Martha Stewart.


  31. outerspace says:

    “FYI, the IMDB (not authoritative) does list Greydon Clark as a producer for Hobgoblins…”

    I know, but if you watch hobgoblins his name never apears in the credits.


  32. outerspace says:

    “Who would spend time to circulate false information about MST3K DVD extras?”

    Attack of the Show.


  33. I’m not a medium, I’m a petite says says:

    yes per IMDB, Greydon Clark may have produced Hobgoblins, but he doesn’t list it at However, his writing & directing of Angels Revenge more than makes up for that in the MST3K relevance department, no ?

    and he’s flogging a bunch of stuff at his website…


  34. crowschmo says:



  35. I’m not a medium, I’m a petite says says:

    yeah I was wondering about ‘devical’ myself…. can’t find a reliable reference yet. Maybe it’s meant to be ‘debacle’ ?


  36. outerspace says:

    Thats it Debical. An honest mistake. Did I spell Mistake right?


  37. Joe Sixpack says:

    “Hobgoblins (1988)

    Written and Directed by Rick Sloane

    Produced by Greydon Clark, Rick Sloane, Craig Turkel”

    Who is this Craig Clark you speak of?


  38. outerspace says:

    Written and Directed by Rick Sloane

    Produced by Greydon Clark, Rick Sloane, Craig Turkel”

    Who is this Craig Clark you speak of?

    And your source is..?


  39. outerspace says:

    My source is the film itself.


  40. IMDB says:

    yes per IMDB, Greydon Clark may have produced Hobgoblins, but he doesn’t list it at

    Well, you wouldn’t, would you? ;>


  41. I’m not a medium, I’m a petite says says:

    Maybe Craig Clark is the partner of Greydon Turkel ? nyuk.

    But seriously, the IMDB entry on Hobgoblins has one Craig Clark as something called a ‘production artist’.


  42. I’m not a medium, I’m a petite says says:

    re 40 IMDB: Hee Hee very good point, but…. look at the stuff he DOES have there. Wow. You could feed CT & RT and the Filmcrew for years on this one man’s output.

    Actually, he may only have his director / writer credits there.


  43. Matt D. says:

    This whole thread has been quite the devical/debacle/debical, right?

    At this rate, we will need a whole new “new” interview with Greydon Clark just to see if he bears any responsibility for the second worst MST3K movie (after Manos).

    Seriously though, I’ve never seen the Cheap Seats show, so that extra makes me happy.


  44. Ransom says:

    MattG said “Wow, so the “guest star” clips of Mike and the Bots on other shows are on the table now? This opens up a lot of material I never thought we’d see again outside of YouTube. Bring on the moments from MTV News, Talk Soup, CBS This Morning, and a bunch of other stuff I know I’m forgetting right now.”

    Is it inappropriate to mention the DAP on here? I see the DAP mention Satellite News from time to time but never the other way around. They seem to be the most honest version of “keep circulating the tapes”.


  45. The Professor says:

    Yeah. I was suprised that it was never announced here that DAP has a video of the pilot episode, The Green Slime. :shock:


  46. I’m not a medium, I’m a petite says says:

    Re Ransom #44 ( part 2 ). Agreed, and I’ve often wondered the same thing myself.

    I know Sampo himself doesn’t DAP, due to techno-financial restrictions, but I don’t know about Erhardt.

    I know that SN has a pretty tight relationship with the current and former Brains, and maybe that has something to do with their reticence… but I’ve always been of the impression that the Brains are OK with DAP.


  47. Wack'd says:

    Just found the MST3K Cheap Seats video on YouTube. Pretty good. “This is stupid–a cable show where you make fun of other people’s videos. It’ll never last.”


  48. Ransom says:

    the DAP does a good job of blacklisting any eps that come commercially available and promoting the purchase of said episodes.

    They had an April fools joke a while back that said that Jim Mallon was going to sell CD’s with the riffing portion of all the ep’s (like rifftrax) thus shutting down the MST3K portion of the DAP, I fell for it and was wondering how I’d find some of the original versions of some of the more obscure ep’s.


  49. Smog Monster says:

    18: Ahh — yeah!! That’s right! We need to get a hold of people from yester-year to hear from them! Find something from these movies, Shout Factory!!!:

    —> Undersea Kingdom

    —> The Phantom Creeps

    —> The Corpse Vanishes

    —> I Accuse My Parents

    —> Robot Monster

    —> Revenge of the Creature

    —> The She Creature

    Also, in reviewing Daddy-O’s Year Sort list as a relative newbie to MST3K and somebody who doesn’t really want to know too much about the movies until I watch them for the first time, I am a little bit shocked at what I see … so few movies from the 1940s ? I Accuse My Parents is the 3rd oldest full-length movie done by MST3K ? Robot Monster is from the 50s ???

    This is all somehow very surprising to me and I think I need to take a rest for a moment ………


  50. Steve Vil says:

    I’d love to see the Talk Soup episode on DVD. Also I’d love to see any of the specials on DVD as well (Summer Blockbuster Reviews 1 & 2, etc.).


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