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Reminder (as if you needed one): Shout! Presents: A Web Version of Turkey Day

Shout!Factory will present a web version of Turkey Day hosted by Joel Hodgson today starting at noon Eastern, 11 a.m. Mountain, 10 a.m. Central, 9 a.m. Pacific. There will be six eps, selected by Joel based on your tweets to him over the last week.


106 Replies to “Reminder (as if you needed one): Shout! Presents: A Web Version of Turkey Day”

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  1. Creeping-Death says:

    Just when I thought I could love Shout! no more.


  2. Graboidz says:

    Wow!! So cool, I’m really hoping that Shout does this on an annual basis!!! Great job, and I’ll be tuning in for sure!


  3. “They’re famous for being stupid and delicious.”

    Like Scarlett Johansson…


  4. Jenni Forth says:

    If Shout Factory was a handsome single man, I would want to have its babies. That’s how much I love what they do for us!


  5. Tarantulas says:

    My suggestions for the marathon: Sure, there aren’t enough hours in the marathon to accommodate a fraction of these episodes, but I feel that many of them represent that heart of the show or at the very least cover many of the big events in the show’s history.

    101 – For most people where it all began (get well soon, Josh!)
    201 – First appearance of Kevin Murphy as Servo and Frank Conniff as well.. Frank!
    304 – Gotta have at least one Gamera flick in there
    424 – MANOS!
    507 – Joel Hodgson’s favorite episode
    512 – Joel’s final episode
    513 – Michael J Nelson’s first episode as host
    604 – Corrects an old wrong.. Adam West host turkey day that year because (the story goes that) CC lowballed BBI on payment to make the wraps
    607 – Mary Jo Pehl’s first appearance as Pearl!
    611 – Mirror Mirror!
    624 – Goodbye, Frank!
    701T – An episode with built in Thanksgiving host segments
    706 – Goodbye, Trace!
    801 – Hello, Bill!
    810 – It’s a giant spider invasion of savings at Menards!
    814 – Failed TV show repackaged as a movie? A must for any marathon
    907 – Rick Slone at his best/worst
    910 – Canada Bashing 101
    1001 – Joel and Frank return!
    1004 – FUTURE WAX!
    1008 – One last buttery slam on JDB
    1013 – That’s all, folks!


  6. Jason says:

    This is eighteen kinds of awesome. I’m assuming the shorter episode count (six versus the traditional fifteen) is to accomodate Joel, especially if he’s doing his interstitials, whatever they’ll actually be, live.

    Man alive am I excited.


  7. ready4sumfootball says:

    This is pretty cool, but it’s got me thinking that if they wanted to do this on network TV in the not too distant future they could probably have a fair chance at getting Me-TV to do a deal. That station already has Svengoolie, another show with B-movies. It may not be that much of a long shot.


  8. Droppo says:

    This is great! And hosted by Joel no less! Woo-hoo!!!!

    Yay Shout Factory!

    My personal requests:

    Master Ninja I and/or II (of course – my favorites ever)

    Shout Factory is seriously the best!


  9. snowdog says:

    Yes! I am so there. Thanks to Joel and Shout!


  10. Bill Haverchuck says:

    I’m assuming we can only request the episodes that are licensed for DVD / streaming so far? If so, here are my requests:

    303 – Pod People
    321 – Santa Claus Conquers the Martians
    422 – The Day The Earth Froze
    521 – Santa Claus
    701T – Night of the Blood Beast (Turkey Day version)
    821 – Time Chasers


  11. KidFlash25 says:

    This is pretty cool, but it’s got me thinking that if they wanted to do this on network TV in the not too distant future they could probably have a fair chance at getting Me-TV to do a deal. That station already has Svengoolie, another show with B-movies. It may not be that much of a long shot.

    I’ve been beating the drum for this idea lately. Clearly, there’s an audience for MST reruns, and the Saturday midnight slot for Me-TV would be perfect. The one stumbling block would be renegotiating the rights, not to mention the older Rhino eps and the 50-odd ones not yet on DVD. But, we can dream…


  12. JC says:

    I’m totally excited for this! I never saw the original Turkey Day marathons, so this will be a real treat for me. I’m going out for Thanksgiving lunch with my mother, so hopefully I’ll be back around 4:00 EST to watch the rest of the marathon. I would love to see half Joel/half Mike episodes (3 each and alternating back and forth). My ideal viewing would be:

    306 – Time of the Apes
    415 – The Beatniks
    501 – Warrior of the Lost World
    521 – Santa Claus
    810 – The Giant Spider Invasion
    1003 – Merlin’s Shop of Mystical Wonders

    I’m staying away from some of the classics (e.g. Manos, Mitchell, The Brain That Wouldn’t Die) just to spice things up a bit ;-) But I would love to see Joel pull at least 2 episodes from the SciFi Channel years.

    Thank you, Shout Factory! You know how to treat a fan base right.


  13. pondoscp says:

    This is awesome news! I’ll have to interrupt my Turkey Day marathon for the REAL Turkey Day marathon! I’m so pleased, they could show any 6 and I’d be happy with it.


  14. Goshzilla says:

    Actual turkeys are
    horrifying. Their temperament is
    terrible, and they’re just tall enough
    to go for your crotch. And they seem
    to have a genetic predisposition to go
    for your crotch. They’re also really
    stupid, right? They’re famous for
    being stupid and delicious.

    That just made my day. Possibly my whole week.


  15. KidFlash25 says:

    I’d hope that this is similar to last year’s Ustream Rifftrax collection, where the stream was available through Christmas, at least.


  16. TrumpyCanDoMagicThings says:

    As has already been mentioned, I’m unclear if these have to be episodes already released on DVD by Shout! Factory, or if they can be ANY episodes. Can we get some clarification on that point? Either way, this is AWESOME, and I can’t thank the fine folks at Shout! enough for putting this together. I hope it continues every year!


  17. Depressing Aunt says:

    It’s wonderful to see Joel’s positive comments about the Sci-Fi episodes in the “EW” article. Oh Joel, if my heart had a face, it would be smiling.

    This should be great fun!


  18. ck says:

    1- Starfighters. Because after dinner everyone can doze during this one and not miss a thing.
    2- The Giant Spider Invasion. The Packers win the Superbowl!Whoo!
    3- Manos. For fans of the dark side of the Force.
    4- Catalina Caper. For fans of he light side of the Force.
    5- This Island Earth. A quickie for the penultimate show. And The Professor can make pumpkin
    pie for everyone out of coconuts.
    6- Time Chasers. Hey, what can I say. If Joel’s favorite movie can be The Circus of Dr. Lao then one of my favorite’s here can be TC (don’t make me choose OatMB). And everyone gets Vermont maple syrup to take home. Hell, they’re giving the stuff away.


  19. Mibbitmaker says:

    Or, if not through Christmas, at least through Thanksgiving Weekend. I’ll have to miss the first 2 or 3 episodes on the holiday itself for actual Thanksgiving, so it would be a chance to catch those, as well with Joel’s new parts.

    I also hope we’ll know which episodes get chosen before it airs, since I’ll most likely watch an episode on DVD/VHS/YouTube before it’s time to go to the family get-together as well.


  20. GizmonicTemp says:

    Joel will testing my MST3K knowledge? Bring it on!! (The “K” stands for Karl, and Karl is the man who invented lightning.)
    pondoscp #13 – I agree. Any 6 episodes spent with the Community and the Creator are the best 6 episodes.


  21. KidFlash25 says:

    Or, if not through Christmas, at least through Thanksgiving Weekend. I’ll have to miss the first 2 or 3 episodes on the holiday itself for actual Thanksgiving, so it would be a chance to catch those, as well with Joel’s new parts.

    I also hope we’ll know which episodes get chosen before it airs, since I’ll most likely watch an episode on DVD/VHS/YouTube before it’s time to go to the family get-together as well.

    Yeah, I was looking forward to grabbing my local library’s copy of the 20th Anniversary set and Volume 24, and just having it on in the background all day and Friday. My family eats late, so I’ll at least know all six eps before turkey time.


  22. jjb3k says:

    And yet another reason why I’d kill to have a computer made within the last ten years, one that actually supports streaming video. I miss out on everything with this machine :(

    Still, it does warm my heart to know that Joel thinks the SciFi episodes are hilarious. I was always kind of curious to know what his opinion was of the episodes made after he left, and it’s great to see that he likes ’em.

    I also echo the sentiment of others who say that MeTV would be the perfect home for MST3K reruns, if they could somehow finagle the broadcast rights. I know that’s a very different animal from DVD rights, though, so they’d probably have to jump through all the same hoops Shout! went through, only all over again from the beginning. And with 176 movies to secure, it would probably take forever.


  23. asdf says:

    omgomgomgomgomgomg this is awesome


  24. Captn Ross Hagen says:

    Hey Sampo:
    I asked this in the past but never checked for an answer. If I type a 4 or 5 line post and then hit preview it still locks up
    and I get the ERROR SCREEN. Am I taking up too much space?


  25. Creeping-Death says:

    I’ve been copying down my posts or typing them in Word before posting here, so if I get the Database Error screen when submitting, I can just repost it.


  26. MattK says:

    I appreciate the clarification from Shout just in case some people were getting false expectations, but just having an official Turkey Day Marathon is enough. Anything else is just gravy on the turkey!


  27. Captn Ross Hagen says:

    #25 Thanks.
    My wife said she’d show me how to do that.


  28. Ramzy Darwish says:

    Hi msties!
    Of course, like all of you, I am psyched for this.

    However, I’m wondering if anyone here uses XBMC. I am having my usual marathon. With XBMC, I just make a playlist to watch my marathon. Just set it and forget it!

    Now, does anyone know a way to stream this video through XBMC? Is there a plugin that can stream any feed? There is a reddit plugin (which I’ve never used); would this work since it’s through a different URL? Any ideas?



  29. MikeF says:

    So psyched for this. Hoping for some biker movies- Wild Rebels, Hellcats or Side Hackers. Feels like I got hit in the head with a surfboard of flavor!


  30. C. says:

    @11: Svengoolie is on MeTV, so I think their horror niche is already filled.


  31. insidemyhead says:

    #30 The post you’re referring to already mentions Svengoolie, and, in any case, I can’t imagine many would classify MST3K as horror, even when it features horror-type movies. METV would be a perfect fit, I think.


  32. thequietman says:

    This sounds like a fantastic way to spend Thanksgiving. While I understand Shout! not being able to mount something like the great CC Turkey Days of the 90s, wouldn’t it be cool if Trace or Frank were able to participate as well? Just an idle daydream from someone who was too young for MST3K at the time…


  33. John Troutman says:

    @28: There’s no specific plugin for any stream ever, though obviously FreeCable and SportsDevil covers a lot of stuff. For this special one-time-only stream, I suspect you’ll wanna just open a browser window in XBMC and play it directly from the site.


  34. pondoscp says:

    Joel Tweeted: @JoelGHodgson – “Thanks to everyone who made a suggestion! I have my movie picks. But If you remember any mo T-days from the past I’d love to hear it.”


  35. Richard Trimbo says:

    It’s doesn’t matter. We’re all fans & we’ll love it no matter what movies are shown. Can’t want gobble gobble


  36. John Troutman says:

    Once again @28: Since the stream is apparently being hosted on YouTube, it’s easy as pie to watch it through XBMC. Just use the YouTube add-on and search for “MST3K Turkey Day Marathon 2013.” TA-DA.


  37. Of No Account says:

    Sampo, I think you have your Central & Mountain times mixed up.

    Sadly, I’ll be on the road most of the day, and then eating out with my parents, so I’ll miss pretty much all of this. Hope it’s great!


  38. Hoping they upload the 2013 host segments after the marathon. :)


  39. Trilaan says:

    The first episode of MST3K on this Turkey Day is Space Mutiny! An interesting experiment in what some people might call drama. With something even fewer people might call “sexy.” But by no means is there any part endorsed by Jon Lovitz’s World’s Greatest Actor.


  40. Doug says:

    I like that Joel isn’t going in chronological order to keep us guessing. I almost feel like he picked it to reassure us that all eras of MST3K will be represented.


  41. Jason Manley says:

    So I guess this means…

    SPACE MUTINY is in our future as a Shout! Select title? Yippee!


  42. Trilaan says:

    Yay! It’s I Accuse My Parents! A movie near and dear to my heart. I also accuse my parents of things. Mostly my dad telling me about his horrible medical problems during dinner.


  43. Jason Manley says:

    Yet another Shout! Select candidate.

    Truck Farmer: The Special Edition


  44. Rachel says:

    If they don’t show Riding With Death with Turkey Volume Guessing Man I’ll be sorely disappointed. :D


  45. Duane Zykov says:

    I like how Cambot is helping out. I guess that answers the question of what happened to him.


  46. Trilaan says:



  47. Watching this is making me extremely happy. Man, I love Joel. I am so thankful for his existence.

    The best is that they are also using some of the classic bumpers from Turkey Days gone past. How great is that?!!



  48. Doug says:

    WURWILF!!! Joel, you is a wonderful man.


  49. Dan says:

    Is “I Accuse My Parents” available in a box set? I’ve never seen it before today and I loved it!


  50. Duane Zykov says:

    #49 – No, sadly it isn’t. Rhino released it as a single in 1997 and 2002, but those are both out of print.


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