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Weekend Discussion Thread: Favorite Joel Moments

Since we did favorite Mike moments last week, let’s give the original host equal time. Let’s hear your favorite Joel moments. Here are my top ten, in episode order:

• 107- ROBOT MONSTER–Joel narrates the love scene, borrowing liberally from Alice Cooper
• 202- THE SIDEHACKERS–Song: Only Love Pads the Film–Joel has long stretches of unfunny lyrics directly from the movie to sing, but still makes them funny.
• 204- CATALINA CAPER–Joel vapor-locks as he remembers the ’60s. Joel is not known for being a master of long monologues, but he nails this one.
• 213- GODZILLA VS. THE SEA MONSTER–Joel succumbs to space madness. Joel actually sort of acts! And does well!
• 301- CAVE DWELLERS–His face in the final segment, when he complains to the Mads about the movie, is priceless.
• 310- FUGITIVE ALIEN–Old Joel Robinson had a farm? Every once in a while, the bots find Joel completely immersed in some odd reverie and have no idea how to react. This is probably my favorite.
• 407- THE KILLER SHREWS–And here’s another one: Joel vapor-locks while trying to do Will Rogers.
• 416- FIRE MAIDENS OF OUTER SPACE–Joel is pretty much brilliant throughout the whole Dark Timmy story arc.
• 512- MITCHELL–Joel departs, and gives us the exact right balance of pathos and silly.
• 1001- SOULTAKER–A returned Joel offers some uplifting thoughts, and handles his return splendidly.

Least favorite moment:
• 210- KING DINOSAUR–The Joey the Lemur sketch. I like the fact that people blow their lines and they just keep going, but Joel blows SO many here. Start again!

78 Replies to “Weekend Discussion Thread: Favorite Joel Moments”

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  1. Nicolletta says:

    In no particular order:

    “Soultaker”–Joel is back! Yay!

    “Manos: The Hands of Fate”–Joel is dressed up as the Master and Crow is a horrifying hellbeast.

    “Master Ninja”–Joel sings the “Master Ninja Theme Song”

    “Teenagers From Outer Space”–Joel and the bots model the space suits.

    “The The Eye Creatures”–They just didn’t care.

    “Being From Another Planet”–the Jack Palance kit and Joels loves brains!


  2. Bill says:



  3. adoptadog says:

    *Daddy-O – Joel vapor-locks while singing the “Pants Up” song. It’s a great song anyhow, and Joel really gets into it.

    *The Unearthly – Joel falling into a John Carradine imitation as he reads the instructions for the board game. I enjoy him ignoring the increasing annoyance of Tom & Crow as he slides deeper into Carradine-ism.

    *Operation Double 007 – Joel’s appearance as the “I know!” super villain.

    *Attack of the Giant Leeches – the insty-adolescence kit; I like the whole invention, but Joel’s scolding of Servo (“Oh, you’re doing your homework!”) is a terrific fillip.

    *Warrior of the Lost World – Joel’s take on the whiny warrior being driven by his mom.

    *Catalina Caper – as you said, Sampo, Joel nails the ranting 60s monologue. Probably one of my favorite moments ever.


  4. mst3m1 says:

    Bride of the Monster – The Hired parody song.


  5. b-Rad says:

    CAVEDWELLERS – when he points out the errors at the end of the movie.


  6. Mxy says:

    Pod People – Idiot Control Now, but mostly Clowns in the Sky. Joel is the cutest.


  7. underwoc says:

    My all-time favorite Joel moment: “Mmm. Waffles!” (the outtake is pretty funny too).

    And then there’s the bit in I ACCUSE MY PARENTS, during the segment where Gypsy sings “Are You Happy In Your Work?” Cambot pans over to Joel with a pencil-thin mustache and sloppily-donned wig – Joel turns and gives a sleazy, knowing glance… Cracks me up every time.

    I also love the outtake from MANOS: THE HANDS OF FATE where Joel is holding the steering wheel and the bots keep sputtering, and it keeps going, and then Joel loses it.


  8. MrRocco says:

    Eegah! Joels ‘transformation’ into Arch Hall Jr.


  9. Green Switch says:

    As is the case with Mike, there are a lot of great Joel moments that are worth remembering.

    202- The Sidehackers: Gotta second the choice for Joel’s soulful “Only Love Pads the Film” song. It made for a great DVD main menu.

    204- Catalina Caper: Joel’s delivery of “Get the funk outta my face.”

    206- Ring of Terror: Joel getting duped by the fake Movie Sign. His slow walk back to the table is always good for a laugh.

    207- Wild Rebels: Loved the Wild Rebels Cereal song. “The nutritious cereal that’s like getting hit on the back of the head with a surfboard of FLAVOR!”

    301- Cave Dwellers: Joel’s sword antics as “That Mean John Saxon-Type Guy” during their take on the credit sequence.

    303- Pod People: There’s something about Joel’s delivery of “YOU ARE MAGIC, AREN’T YOU, TRUMPY?!” during the all-hell-breaks-loose skit that kills me every time.

    309- The Amazing Colossal Man: Joel conveying a humorous sense of gravity as the title character: “What sin could a man commit in a single lifetime to bring THIS upon himself? Ahhh…. AHHH! Noooooo!” and “I’m a 50-foot-tall man, you don’t care about me! Go away! Ooooh, noooo!”

    317- Viking Women and the Sea Serpent: the whole goofy waffles saga.

    320- The Unearthly: Joel being a stickler for reading the rules as they try to play a board game based on “The Unearthly.”

    321- Santa Claus Conquers the Martians: “MY SPINE!!!”

    322- Master Ninja I: Master Ninja Theme Song!

    401- Space Travelers: Joel’s aggravation when Crow wrecks the movie reenactment. It’s always funny when Joel gives Crow a stern talking-to.

    402- The Giant Gila Monster: Joel trying his hardest to keep his soda shop sketch together until he finally loses it.

    403- City Limits: Joel’s quiet discomfort about the Mr. Moose ping-pong ball barrage.

    408- Hercules Unchained: Joel waxing poetic as he eats The Green Bean and French Onion Casserole of Happiness. It’s a great moment when Joel gets so happy, he doesn’t even panic when Movie Sign comes on (at first, anyway).

    415- The Beatniks: “Dish of ice cream? Don’t tempt me!” (Joel’s spinning of the newspapers is a wonderfully offbeat touch in that one skit, too.)

    420- The Human Duplicators: any time that Joel broke out his Richard Kiel impression in the theater. He got the rhythm down eerily and everything.

    423- Bride of the Monster: Joel’s funny-as-hell Bela Lugosi face as Cambot helps them re-edit the final scene. He really captured the absurdity of the ending with the over-the-top reactions to the gunshots.

    424- Manos: The Hands of Fate: Joel being too friendly to make an effective Master: “But Tom… COME TO ME, FOR I AM THE MAGNET! AND YOU ARE STEEL!”

    506- Eegah: Joel’s thoughts about the subtle forms of Hell. In terms of writing, I think it’s one of the best skits in the history of the show, and Joel knocks this one out of the park with his delivery, especially when he describes how “we as a nation said NO… to Yahoo Serious.”

    His horror at being mishmashed into Arch Hall, Jr. is pretty funny as well: “But I don’t WANNA be Arch Hall, Jr!”

    507- I Accuse My Parents: Joel’s portrayal of multiple characters during the night club scene. More often than not, Joel’s at his funniest when he gets to mug for the camera in a sly manner (like when he played the “I know” villain in #508, Operation 007).

    512- Mitchell: the Hexfield farewell to the ‘Bots – all in all, Joel handled that scene very well, especially with the “Sorry, folks, I can’t come back! I don’t know how it works!” nod to “The Wizard of Oz.”

    1001- Soultaker: Joel’s energetic pep talk at the end. In the end, Joel Hodgson reminded us once again that Joel Robinson was a fun, fun character.


  10. Invader Pet says:

    Joel’s song “Clown in the Sky” is indeed awesome.

    BTW if we can include moments from the Poopie Reel, might I include: “Pancakes… oh I blew it.”


  11. RCFagnan says:

    “Mighty Jack”-Slow the plot down! I haven’t seen the episode, just that host segment, and it had me in stitches.
    “Attack of the the Eye Creatures”-Ladies and gentlemen, they just didn’t care!
    “Soultaker”-Do you think you could maybe take us back to Earth with you? No, I don’t really feel like it.
    “Godzilla Vs. Megalon”-The easy-to-make Halloween costumes.
    “Manos”-Is Torgo a monster?
    “Truck Farmer”-Here a preteen is put to work. Her beauty will soon fade. (Pretty dark for Joel)
    -“Gunslinger”-I was around for the NINETEEN seventies, and, you’re right, it was a pretty foul decade.
    -I can’t seem to recall the episode, but when Joel reminces about the sixties and doesn’t “only remember the good things about the sixties like everyone else”.
    -The Prologue and Invention Exchange Segment of “Teenage Caveman”.
    -“It Conquered the World”-Dinner scene reenactment.


  12. J.R. Ewing says:

    I’ve always wanted to know, what does “Vapor-Lock” mean?


  13. MDH1980 says:

    Fugitive Alien II – The most animated I every recall seeing Joel was his performance during the song medley.


  14. Nick-0 says:

    What movie was it… Monster a Go-Go I think? Where they do that whole throwing out of movie theater junk in space? Joel looks so excited in that one.

    The Manos sketch where Joel and the Bots talk about what their movie-monster deformity would be, Joel’s reactions to what Tom and Crow come up with are priceless.


  15. RPG says:

    Fugitive Alien II – Joel forgets to bring Tom into the theater and has to go back.


  16. Sampo says:

    J.R. Ewing:

    Essentially it’s when an engine seizes up.


  17. Fifty "percent" Kreiger says:

    ‘Can it, fireplug!”


  18. Bob says:

    Some favorite Joel H. moments:
    – Joel is the “Amazing Colossal Man” in a cardboard “house” while the ‘Bots tease him with Barbie dolls. Extra hilarious all around!
    – Joel teaches the ‘Bots about what’s funny floating in Rocketship X-M in one of the best host segments ever in the best episode ever.
    – Joel during the Wild Rebels cereal commercial.
    – Joel is a soda jerk and gets upset when the ‘Bots ruin his sketch. Great stuff!
    – Joel refuses to talk about sex when the ‘Bots ask him what Hercules and the “nice lady” do all day during Hercules Unchained. Great comedic timing and delivery throughout by everyone.
    – Joel advertises the “old school” in Ring of Terror. Clever, well delivered bit.
    – Joel does the Joey the Lemur bit in King Dinosaur. The minor errors in delivering his lines make it even funnier.
    – Joel sings the “Sidehackin'” song during Sidehackers.


  19. J.R. Ewing says:



  20. Kenotic says:

    Favorite moments:

    321 – Santa Claus v. The Martians: Joel’s ode to the 70s office party that ends with Gypsy’s manger scene. Funny, deadpan, poignant, and sweet all at once.

    MST3k 10.2 reunion – Joel looks older but doesn’t miss a beat. It was like finding a lost host segment. More please! Find excuses to get these 3 together again (and if you can talk Josh/Kevin into doing Tom’s voice all the better!)


  21. Stickboy says:

    You guys have already picked my favorites.

    The subtleties of Hell in Eegha.–“What do you think of the band Styxx?”

    List of monstrosities in Manos.–“Think how disturbing that would be, aahhh!”

    How about these:
    Joel’s line in Cave Dwellers:”It’s the speedy delivery man, and has he got a package!” Every time I see a delivery guy, I cannot stop this line from entering my head.

    In Santa Clause Conquers the Martians, and maybe in some others:”They’re on a collision course with wackiness.” Love that line.

    Again from Cave Dwellers:”Oww, I fell on my eight-sided dice!” As a former D&D geek, this makes me happy to hear.


  22. MPSh says:

    Joel’s performing style and sense of humor seem subtler and more cerebral than Mike’s. This plus the fact that Joel didn’t play characters nearly as often as Mike did, makes it harder to come up with a lot of great Joel moments.

    But they are there. For instance:

    – Joel doing the whole “What sin could a man commit?” scene in “The Amazing Colossal Man”

    – His take on Mannequin’s G. W. Bailey (“SWITCHER!!”) in “City Limits”

    – The Don Martens invention exchange (I can;t remember the episode off the top of my head)

    – And of course, his pep talk to Mike (“It made a man out of me, and just maybe it will make a man out of you”) from “Soultaker”

    He is also good at facial expressions:

    – His take on the bots’ “though your feet smell like cheese, we prefer to think they smell like good cheese” (“Amazing Colossal Man”)

    – The goofy looks on his face and cheesy wig he wears in the “Are You Happy in You Work” skit from “I Accuse My Parents”

    And many others….


  23. NeonMaetdreams says:

    I’m just repeating now but my favorite Joel moment are the “I know,” sketch from Double 007 and of course “Clown in the Sky” I miss you Joel…


  24. Cornjob says:

    Joel had such a cool “Joel” quality. I loved his expressions. The look on his face while crow gave his report on Rutherford B. Hayes made the sketch twice as funny. Also when crow was doing his “Great Crowdini” bit and started describing the chains as pleasurable, Joel got such a great “I don’t know if this is appropriate” look”.


  25. magicvoice says:

    Paper Scissors Rock. Joel is mean to the Bots and Gypsy puts the smack down on him! Can’t remember the episode.
    In Santa Claus Conquers the Martians when they open their gifts. Joel is so warm and fuzzy in that sketch!
    When Joel and the Bots sang “Hear the Engines Roar” from Pod People.
    When Joel and the Bots sang “Hike Up Your Pants” from Daddy-O and vapor locks at the end
    When Joel does the “Want some? I want an answer!” sketch in Daddy-O
    In Sidehackers when Joel has his calm moment with Gypsy unplugged from the ship and feels close to her afterwards.
    The “I Know” sketch from Double 007.
    “The Old School” from Ring of Terror.
    There are so many I could just go on and on!


  26. Mike says:

    I just need to say that I am laughing my head off at what people suggest.

    I think without reflecting too long on it, I’d say Joel vapor-locking in reflection of the 60’s is my all time favorite, but I’m sure I’m missing some. When he says “DUN-O-VUN” (in reference to the “Sunshine Superman” and “Mellow Yellow” guy,) I lose it every time. My old room mate from college (who also loves Donovan, MST3K and coerces me into getting copies of episodes featuring musical performances in the movies) and I refer to Donovan as “DUN-O-VUN” whenever we come across one of his albums while going through crates of old vinyl.)

    Actually, I think Joel vapor-locking in the “Reel to Real” sketch of Teenager From Outer Space is wonderful too: “My hip hurts, why?!”

    Mike was a great host as well, but Joel will always be no. 1 in my eyes.


  27. Samwell says:

    Happy Birthday Mike!


  28. jlp1 says:

    I love it when Joel says, during Mr. B Natural, “What would you know about dignity, Mr. B?”


  29. beth563 says:

    Gotta love Soultaker, ’cause him coming back and giving Mike some tough love was the greatest.

    But my favorite Joel sketch was the one in Daddy-O, I believe, with the Pants Up song.
    The joy on his face as he sings that was is heartwarming. He really seemed to be enjoying himself.


  30. beth563 says:

    Another one I like, just for its subtlety, is during the last skit of It Conquered the World, when they’re all listening to the Peter Graves’ “He learned too late that man is a feeling creature” speech.
    They’re all there with their tv dinners, and Joel gives all the bots a bite to eat, ’cause, you know, their arms don’t work.


  31. John M. Hanna says:

    The look of horror on Joel’s face after viewing Crow’s dream about Tom in the “Bride Of The Monster” episode. Also, the “waffles” line from “Viking Women Vs. The Sea Serpent.


  32. Smog Monster says:

    “…the exact right balance of pathos and silly.”

    Now … isn’t that the entire show summed up in just eight words?

    Also, I think that Joel was more of an accessory to the bots whereas Mike stole the show with his problems, anecdotes, lucrative dance career, and attempts to get off the ship. Bleuch. Joel couldn’t stay in the show long enough…


  33. crowschmo says:

    Ah, Joel. It’s all good. :cool:

    I liked any time he was trying to cheer up the bots when they were freaking out over a movie, and how no matter how bad the Mads got, he always tried to not sink to their level and found ways to stay upbeat (though occasionally losing sanity for a moment or two).

    Whenever he flubbed a line or zoned out, even though maybe it wasn’t all intentional, I like to think they kept going because it made it seem more “real”, like he was just winging it, as, after all, he was supposed to be just this poor sap stuck in space, not only forced to watch bad movies, but to do it in front of a camera with an audience, if you know what I’m saying. It made it seem less perfect and like he was really wondering what to do next to fill the time.

    I like all the stuff that was already mentioned.

    I also liked when he made that puppet channel cat and the bots were freaking out over it (The Magic Voyage of Sinbad).

    There’s really too much to mention – liked most of the riffs and host segments that involved Joel, a few draggy moments here and there, but, overall, pretty darn good, I’d say.

    “Put her DOWN, Jerry Lee!” (Tormented)


  34. Steve K says:

    Is this limited to MST3K? Because the moment I knew I would love CT was the following Joel line from The Oozing Skull:

    “It’s the Mod Squad — In Color!… Oh, I’m old.”

    The text doesn’t do Joel’s delivery justice.


  35. Anglagard1 says:

    1. I just purchased Volume 4 of Rhino and watched Attack of the Giant Leeches for the first time. It probably won’t stike me the same on successive viewings, but the whole clown station freakout was a true WTF moment for me.
    2. Joel stealing lines from Donna Reed in It’s a Wonderful Life while the ‘bots are breaking down in their sketch during Manos.


  36. jessiethegeek says:

    ahh well as a joel fangirl/crsh i have many.i love it when hes a bond villain.i also love whenever he says Saayy!!.
    oh and When hes in the SOLtie awards and he goes”Welli thought i had a shot”oh and i loved him singing only love pads the film
    and the entire episoe of godzilla vs megalon.but what won me over with him was his genral sleepy cute geeky Av kid personaliuty.caue im the dorky thetre geek .ahh i love joel. :razz: s


  37. jessiethegeek says:

    ack i forgt but when joel reads to the botsAWWWWWWW.
    and i loved it when he acted all fatherly and stuff.and of course
    SUPER FREAKOUT!!!!!!!!!

    oh and the outtake
    Pancakes ,oh i blew it”
    simply sumd him up.ahh i loove joel :grin:
    ohyes and hwo can forget joel getting trapped in the airduct(tormented)ahh he has lovely calfs


  38. jessiethegeek says:

    gahh im sorry ill stop but i have to say this
    His rant about the sixties.Especialy the end”No Joel you cant go to woodstock your nine years old,we’re gonna go to the musuem,youll get a shopping cart for your birthday”


  39. norgavue says:

    I love his remembering the 60’s conversation. Also on soultaker his reluctance to take mike and the bots back to earth.


  40. Mxy says:

    Ohh, there’s another one I just remembered.It is in the closing segment of the utterly evil Castle of Fu Manchu. All of them are breaking down while the Mads are gloating and them Joel comes with something like:

    “You haven’t won yet, Sirs. Cause we are Robinsons – roughly – and that’s what Robinsons do! We survive… basically…”


  41. From Gamera Vs. Barugon “This is our vanilla cross country killing spree with fudge sauce, one bite of this and you lock tongues with Loki Evil God of Strife and Discourse on the seventh platform of hell I’m kidding it’s a little rich can I get you one?”

    From Time of the Apes when the spaceship shows Godo his tragic past and then leaves “Hurts, don’t? Buh-bye!”

    On the home Economic Story everything Joel says is GOLD. I always thought his sarcasm was by far the most ripping out of any robot or human.


  42. K10 – the original barber sketch (it’s funnier)
    K19 – tapping into Crow’s brain
    202 – “Sidehackin'”
    317 – Waffles!
    407 – Mixing the Killer Shrew
    416 – Universal switches and Timmy
    1001 – It’s Joel!!!!


  43. crowschmo says:

    Another thing I liked was when he did that animal voice – also used for some kids -“What are you LOOKING at!”

    And whenever he did a variation of the “I’m tasting metal” schtick. :mrgreen:

    Or when a character in a movie would look at another character as if looking for answers to their situatioan and Joel would cry: “WHAT!?”
    As if to say, not MY fault, don’t look at ME. (He did that once also when the camera panned up to the sky, as if it were God saying it).

    Good stuff.


  44. crowschmo says:

    “situation” :shock:


  45. Winchester says:

    “I accuse my Parents’ when he was listing all the things wrong with Jimmy.

    ‘Wild Rebels Cereal commerical’ is awesome!

    The ‘Side Hackin’ song and ‘Idiot Control. Two of my favs MST songs.

    I can’t remember what episode it was, but they had the ‘waters of forgetfulness’ and it was awesome.


  46. crowschmo says:

    #45 – Winchester:

    That movie was ep #408 – Hercules Unchained.


  47. Stacey says:

    I will always like his wonderous look in his eyes during the breaks in Let’s Have a Patrick Swayze Christmas. I also liked his expression after viewing CaveDwellers.


  48. jcbjr6887 says:

    I love the invention exchange of the “Andrew Loyd Webber Grill” as well as the “Making Halloween Costumes From Things Around The House” where Joel covers his whole head with tinfoil and yells out “I am Iron-Man!!” (From the Black Sabbath song)


  49. lump516 says:

    Plenty of others, I’m sure, but the bit I’ve always loved is at the beginning of MEGALON VS. GODZILLA–Crow is announcing a visit by Wanda McHale and her Whale of a Tail, and Joel gets this goofy smirk on his face. Just priceless.


  50. Anglagard1 says:

    I knew I would forget something. I want to second Kenotic in saying that it felt really special seeing the 10.2 bonus. I wasn’t expecting any extras on the supplement I received and to see Joel, Trace and Frank (?) back on the satellite of love was a treat.


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