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New 20th Anniversary Edition Trailer

Our friends at Shout! Factory have provided us with a new trailer for the “Mystery Science Theater 3000: 20th Anniversary Edition” DVD set. And here it is:

54 Replies to “New 20th Anniversary Edition Trailer”

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  1. Pemmican says:

    Eeeee hehehe!

    I already have Laserblast and FutureWar, but the collection as a whole is a must-have!


  2. MikeK says:

    Who needs a trailer? This set sells itself.


  3. Creepygirl says:

    I really like the trailer! I’m so used to my VHS copies, the sharpness and picture looks great. I can’t wait.


  4. Sean says:

    Can. Not. Wait.


  5. OMGOMGOMG! It’s coming! I’m giving it to myself as an anniversary present (my 20th anniversary too! How about that???)and I’m signing my husband’s name on the card. I’ll be so pleased!


  6. Dames Like Her says:

    Yay! No more grainy episodes! No more sludgy audio! Can’t wait to get it, can’t wait for more.
    I feel like Tom Servo contemplating an ice cream freezer: “Gimmie gimmie gimmie- I want it, I want it!”


  7. Matt D. says:

    I’m thankful for this reminder, and the cool trailer. I didn’t know that so much stuff came with this collection. In fact, I just preordered it off of Amazon. Can’t wait.


  8. Katana says:

    I had a little spaz there. Alriiiight.

    As excited as I am, may I say that voiceover guy sounded like he was in the wrong ad? I think he belongs more in one that ends with “Sunday Sunday SUNDAAAAY” than selling a DVD boxset of a show that’s hit 20 years of existence.

    *resumes spazzing*


  9. Scooter says:

    It won’t play for me, and I don’t know why. I have Itunes and Quicktime installed and updated, even though I never use them. Ever.


  10. Naw, don’t want to install Quicktime.


  11. Jesus Thinks You're A Jerk says:

    So, is it a limited edition tin because only a billion were pressed? That certainly doesn’t leave enough on Earth for EVERYONE!


  12. Cabbage Patch Elvis says:

    I wet ’em!


  13. Bob says:

    I ordered my set from a few weeks ago. Is it Oct. 28 yet? Can’t wait!


  14. BathTub says:

    Audio isn’t working for me.


  15. William says:

    One thing I noticed… Shout Factory has already trounched Rhino in reagrds to the packaging. Each movie comes in it’s own case with spiffy new cover art. Fantastic! and even a tin case! I can’t wait to buy this bad boy on Oct 28th.


  16. Rhys says:

    Preodered on a while back.

    Im giddy with excitement!


  17. Timber says:

    I know Best Buy has been carrying the collections when Rhino published them, any idea if they will be carrying this one and subsequent “Shout Factory” published ones as well?


  18. I'm not a medium, I'm a petite says:

    I’m all aquiver. no really, in a completely unsarcastic manner. It’s old news, but it’s a really exciting trailer. I’ve got a huge smile on my face. really. I promise.


  19. Creepygirl says:

    This is certainly a very good and put together trailer, but where does a trailer like this get shown? It’s not put together like a national commercial. Come to think of it the only commercial I ever saw from the RHINO days was The Essentials. If RHINO advertised the VOLUMES nationally I’m sure they would have sold even more. Every person I turned on to MST3K didn’t even know the RHINO’s existed. I do hope this brings fans back to the show and creates new ones.


  20. John D. says:

    I shall simply scream and never stop!

    “where does a trailer like this get shown?”



  21. Doctorb says:

    You know what sucks? If you live in the UK, you have to have a credit card to buy stuff off of – PayPal won’t cut it. I think I’d better talk very nicely to the people I know that do have credit cards…


  22. crowschmo says:

    And the countdown begins. :mrgreen:


  23. Pemmican says:

    Rhino advertises? Hmm…

    Glad that the rights got passed on to that new outfit, whoever they are. We’d have the entire series on DVD by now, though, if the various rights-holders weren’t, uhm, holding out!

    Oh well, only fair that they get credit and a bit of compensation for their efforts.


  24. I got an email from EZTakes encouraging me to download, even though I’d already ordered the DVD. I definitely get the feeling they’d prefer everyone download.


  25. Oops. Wrong thread…


  26. Chuck says:

    I get no video.


  27. Robert Denby says:

    This might be the best set yet. Are there any others that top this one?


  28. Volume 2 was better than this (Pod People, Angels Revenge, Cave Dwellers and Shorts Volume 1.


  29. Meat Trademark says:

    WOW! The trailer looks exactly like the Amazon page selling the thing for which, apparently, this is the trailer!

    How do you know when it’s over? Are there credits or something? I’ve been lookin’ at this thing for a couple hours now.

    Huh, That much looking does make me want it though, so good job trailer!

    please make it stop now


  30. Scooter says:

    well now it plays…
    is it just me or did they use a lot of Crows riffs? I think I only heard one from someone else used.


  31. Vernicious Knid says:

    I don’t mean to be a nitpicker… the content rules… but why a tin? They’re a pain. They don’t fit on dvd shelves, they scratch easily, and I’ve never seen a collector’s tin ever appreciate in value.


  32. Katana says:

    Vernicious: I think its more for means of durability…Afterall, your only other alternatives for a DVD box are cardboard or plastic. Cardboard gets mangled pretty easily, while plastic just doesn’t have the zing that a tin box does.

    Besides, it’s shiny, and who isn’t distracted by shiny things?


  33. beth563 says:

    So, 50 bucks for four episodes of MST3K that I already have copies of, huh?
    Even with the new “history of mst3k” and comic con panel with EVERYBODY, I have a hard time wanting to spend that much money on this. I’ve bought the book, attended the ’96 convention and have copies of every other “making of.” I even have copies of ktma and season one episodes. What’d be new?

    And also, who the heck thought it’d be interesting having Patton Oswalt moderate the comic con panel?


  34. Smog Monster says:

    Robin Williams isn’t buying a set…


  35. Scooter says:

    If you have the episodes converted onto dvds, ignore this first part. DVDs allow you to skip to certain scenes, no rewinding, and are more durable than VHS

    These are professionally made DVDs, so the quality is far better than dvds converted from vhs. Also, pressed dvds will last longer than burned ones. To me, that is worth the price alone (but that’s just me).
    The extras stuff is really just to keep people from complaining that there aren’t extra.

    And as for Patton Oswalt moderating, he is fairly popular and known for being a “nerd” comedian. And believe it or not, MST3K can easily be considered “nerdy”.

    oh, and admit it, you want that Crow figurine


  36. Spector says:

    I agree with beth563. For those of you who don’t have those episodes or any of the former “Making of…” docs that appeared on Comedy Central and Sci Fi or the ACEG or saw the YouTube footage of ComicCon (as grainy as it was), then yes, go buy this.

    But I have those eps, the docs, the ACEG and saw the ComicCon footage, so I just can’t bring myself to plunk down $50 bucks for this. As much as I love the show and the cast, and have supported them in the past, this time, I have to pass.

    Sorry to be a killjoy. Just my opinion.


  37. Jamescush says:

    Just ordered mine! Can’t wait!


  38. b-Rad says:

    50 dollars well spent in my opinion.
    and yes I do want my crow figurine.


  39. Thunder Dan says:

    I don’t know about this, I’m not used to a lot of effort being put into my commercial MST DVD releases.

    new things frighten me.



  40. mumbles says:

    Doctorb, accept paypal and as they’re based in the EU there won’t be any import charges (Unlike Amazon .com).


  41. Matty-O says:

    Ordered my copy months ago, but not that it’s getting close to finally getting here, it’s a lot like reciting memorized baseball card stats to to hold back my giddy anticipation and premature eEeEeEj…. Darn! Be right back. I need to change. :oops:


  42. Mike says:

    98% Awesome. They lose two percentage points for having Patton Oswalt in the special features.


  43. Bobo "BuckDat" Briggs says:

    I kind of agree with the Patton thing. It should have been Ken Plume. That guy knows his MST. I actually thought Patton was a fine choice until he did the “What movie did you wish you could have riffed?” question. I NEVER would have seen that coming.

    But I guess the point was having a (somewhat) celebrity. If a few more people buy it for cool extras then I can’t complain.


  44. Glennman says:

    Um, does anyone find this to be unfairly Mike-biased? I’m a fan of both, but there are 3 Mike eps (all terrific ones) and 1 Joel, and it’s not a great ep one. It feels like a Rhino boxset that got spruced up a bit.


  45. The Professor says:

    Well, i’m just glad a Season 7 episode is finally being released. I think that season gets a bad rap.


  46. losingmydignity says:

    The packaging looks great and the extras too. Still, I little false advertising here to say these are the most requested eps. First Spaceship? Is anyone excited about that one? Again, surely they could have picked some higher quality Joel eps…


  47. Smog Monster says:

    44: Especially when THEY ARE doing movies that they wish they had riffed in the form of Cinematic Titanic and Rifftrax!


  48. Doctorb says:

    mumbles, you’re my new hero! Thank you thank you THANK YOU! :grin:


  49. John Seavey says:

    For myself, at least, I try to buy commercial copies even if I taped the episodes off TV, because Joel and Mike and the rest of the cast do get residuals from DVD sales, and I think they deserve financial reward for their efforts.

    (In this particular case, it’s a little easier because the only one I had on tape was ‘Werewolf’, and that got taped over by the five-year-old daughter of a friend of mine. But it’s still my general policy.)


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