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Weekend Discussion Thread: Dream Guest Riffer

Alert commenter “DiskoJoe” suggests:

What guest riffer would you like to have seen in the theater with Joel/Mike and bots, if it was possible? The two people that come to my mind would be Ernie Kovacs and the early Woody Allen (circa “What’s Up Tiger Lily?”). I think that they could have given the bots a run for their money.

Well, Groucho Marx would be the obvious choice. I’d also love to have any or all of the members of Firesign Theatre in the seats.

Who would you pick?

164 Replies to “Weekend Discussion Thread: Dream Guest Riffer”

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  1. Trout says:

    I wish Joel would have gone into the theater just once on Souptaper…er…Soultaker.


  2. Fart Bargo says:

    Pee Wee Herman

    Dane Cook, NOT!


  3. trickymutha says:

    Richard Cheese


  4. Nuveena says:

    John Waters riffing one of his own films.


  5. Criswell says:

    Rip Taylor, throwing confetti at appropriate moments. And his hair would look great in silhouette!


  6. Dark Grandma of Death says:

    Any of the Pythons, but especially Michael Palin & Terry Jones.


  7. lovegravy says:

    Norm McDonald! surely he’s free occasionally or Joe Bob Briggs.


  8. Mr. B(ob) says:

    Michael Palin, Bruce McCulloch, Higgins Boys & Gruber, Harold Ramis, Andrea Martin, Rodney Dangerfield, Doug Kenney, Dave Thomas with Rick Moranis, Steve Allen, Bob and Ray, Chris Elliott, Russell Johnson (at the Conventio-Con he was REALLY quick & funny).


  9. Kenneth Morgan says:

    I just watched several episodes of “Fractured Flickers”, which could be considered one of MST’s ancestors, so I figure Jay Ward or Bill Scott might be good choices. Hey, I’ll even toss in June Foray and Hans Conreid.

    And, of course, Shatner.


  10. Smirkboy says:

    My Hero: Jean Shepherd.
    In the 60’s he would run commercials on his radio show for movies like “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Wolf” and drop some one-liners while they played.

    And he constantly goofed on actors like Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton and Barbara Streisand. He spent almost a whole show skewering Peter Sellers and his role in “What’s New Pussycat”.


  11. The Kids in the Hall and Conan O’Brien


  12. Smirkboy says:

    #2 Pee Wee Herman? Well don’t sit right in front of him.


  13. cambottalks says:

    Can you imagine some long-forgotten little actor, (whose name I think is Clint Eastwood), riffing along on that great movie masterpiece called “Revenge of the Creature”? Or maybe that little-remembered director wannabe (I think his name was something like Francis Ford Copolla) who wrote the English version of the foreign film classic, “The Magic Voyage of Sinbad”?


  14. Speedy says:

    Jonathon Winters or the Whose Line crew


  15. Mr. B(ob) says:

    Terry Jones, Bill Maher, John Candy, Julian Barratt and Noel Fielding, Rich Fulcher, Richard Aoyade, George Carlin, Harry Shearer, Bill Cosby, David Brenner, Jon Stewart.


  16. Doug says:

    Groucho Marx.

    Actually, Groucho, Chico and Zeppo would make an awesome riffing team; Harpo would only be in the sketches, naturally.


  17. Someone mentioned Conan, but actually Andy Richter is far funnier (he adds more to that show than most people realize) and would be a great riffer.

    While it might seem a little dark (although there were times, particularly during the shorts, that Joel/Mike and the bots got a little dark) one of my favorites is Louis C.K. and I suspect his observations would be a riot.

    For folks no longer with us the temptation would be to say Bob Hope, but as much as I loved his delivery he was really an actor (he relied almost totally on his writers. Unfortunately, to a large degree that was true of Groucho as well).


  18. Ralph C. says:

    I would have liked to see pre-Rebublican/SNL Update-era Dennis Miller riffing away. He was very reference-oriented with his stand-up act. Dennis Miller’s “Black & White” was really funny and I enjoyed his HBO show.


  19. Zee says:

    I like when Mike teams up with a guest riffer- we’ve watched Jurrassic Park with Weird Al at least five times, and I also enjoyed Neil Patrick Harris, Fred Willard, and Lowtax’s appearances. Haven’t heard the Richard Cheese or Joel McHale ones yet.

    I must second some other people’s choices: Woody Allen, Paul Reubens, John Waters and especially Joe Bob Briggs would be great.

    If I had my druthers, I would get these folks to make Rifftrax:

    Simon Pegg
    David Mitchell and/or Robert Webb
    John Landis
    Bruce Campbell
    Brian Posehn
    Eli Roth
    Chris Elliot
    Kevin MacDonald


  20. The Doctor says:

    I am so happy someone put the cast of the Mighty Boosh.

    I think, having listened to him on commemtary, Tom Baker would be awesome to listen riff.


  21. snowdog says:

    I’m not big on guest riffers, but I’d make an exception for Elvira.


  22. MPSh says:

    The Sklar Brothers.

    That’s all I can think of….


  23. HulkingExpressionlessPseuodocowboy says:

    Edward Albee (author of “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Wolfe?”)


  24. Laura says:

    Already had my dream guest riffer at Sketchfest: Adam Savage. Just wish whoever runs it would release it for those of us who have no way whatsoever of getting to San Francisco.


  25. CaptainPolarith says:

    Frank Zappa


  26. FredBurroughs says:

    Spalding Gray


  27. lancecorbain says:

    Damn, great thoughts so far, this is tough! I especially agree with Joe Bob Briggs and Elvira. I’m gonna initiate time travel and have Vincent Price join the trio in the theater so they could do The Tingler, House On Haunted Hill, Last Man On Earth, House Of Wax, and maybe The Conquerer Worm. I realize getting the rights to these would have been hard for MST, but time travel’s impossible too.


  28. Green Switch says:

    One name came to mind instantly: Mel Blanc.


  29. Cabbage Patch Elvis says:

    Maybe they could get Martin Scorsese. He could go on and on about the artistic virtue of Manos, then they could bonk him with the clown hammer. :rotfl:

    Truthfully, if time and death aren’t factors, either Cary Grant or William Powell would be hilarious.


  30. Stickboy says:

    Definitely Eddie Izzard. And Patton Oswald; he certainly loved the show and understood what it was about.


  31. Green Switch says:

    #29 – “Maybe they could get Martin Scorsese. He could go on and on about the artistic virtue of Manos, then they could bonk him with the clown hammer.”

    To that end, how about the real Jack Perkins?


  32. Well, the obvious choice is: Myself. It would be great to even meet them, not to mention getting to make jokes with them. I also remember a couple episodes of M*A*S*H where Hawkeye and some of the other characters made fun of someone’s family footage from home, which was pretty funny. Alan Alda on MST3K would have been cool. Like a mixture of my two favorite shows.


  33. bad wolf says:

    As was already suggested, Dennis Miller; also Dana Gould (appears in a Cinematic Titanic spot so he knows the crew) and Adam Carolla (has already done some ‘Basic Cable Commentary’ himself).


  34. klisch says:

    Me, of couse!


  35. warthog says:

    The first name to come to my mind was Steve Allen.


  36. Anglagard1 says:

    I second Jonathon Winters. When he is on, he is the funniest man alive. Also, Red Green. I heard him on radio and he had me curled in a ball fighting to catch my breath from laughing. The radio host was laughing just as hard.


  37. Larry says:

    @ #32 – Wow, echoed my thoughts perfectly. The M*A*S*H ep where the guys rag on Frank’s Wedding film while Frank is outside trapped in a ditch with a jeep parked over it is something that NEVER gets old for me! I’d love to see Alan Alda riffing in Hawkeye mode!

    Also, someone else mentioned him, I’ll also say Norm MacDonald. Aside from his “Ridiculous” comedy album misstep (his recent Stand-Up album makes up for it) and “A Minute With Stan Hooper” (the series, not the SNK skit), I’ve loved pretty much everything he’s done. IMO he’d make a GREAT riffer!


  38. Larry says:

    EDIT: SNL Skit, Not SNK skit! D’oh!


  39. digital_trucker says:

    Mel Brooks


  40. Hopkins says:

    Green Switch suggesting Mel Blanc made me think of Mel Brooks, who would be great in the writers room as well as in the theater. Richard Belzer came to mind also. Possibly Richard Lewis, too.


  41. Edwin B says:

    Vanessa Ragland and Cole Startton from the Pop My Culture podcast. When they had the Rifftrax guys on and Frank Conniff it was great, and they have a skewed way of looking at things.


  42. Edwin B says:

    EDOT: Cole Stratton, not Startton. Startton sounds like as character from Fugitive Alien!


  43. Edwin B says:

    EDIT: EDIT, not EDOT. Sheesh!


  44. Cambot J. Nelson says:

    I’d like to hear the voice of Mr. Harry S. Plinkett from the Red Letter Media movie reviews alongside Mike’s and the guys’.


  45. ck says:

    Bill Murray, who improvs all the time in movies (I believe
    a good bit of his work in Caddyshack was done that way).


  46. The DA says:

    Robin Williams and Steve Martin


  47. diskojoe says:

    First off, thanks for using my idea for this weekend’s discussion.

    Smirkboy (#10), I’m also a big fan of Jean Shepherd, who, for the benefit of those here who may not know, is the guy who wrote the movie A Christmas Story, which is a small tip of the iceberg of the vast work that he did, which included being on radio for 20 yrs. & starting one of the greatest literary hoaxes, the “I, Libertine” matter. Here’s a link to the main Jean Shepherd website:


  48. Weepy Donuts says:

    Dave Thomas and Rick Moranis… especially after listening to their delightful commentary on Disney’s Brother Bear DVD.

    Alan Partridge… Steve Coogan as Alan Partridge never fails to make me laugh.


  49. ck says:

    Jean Shephard was a large part of vintage radio (pre-talk/shout
    radio). In the Philadelphia area you could pick up Jean Shepard,
    Barry Farber, and Bob and Ray (and all day interview shows, forget
    some of the people on (one featured theater) and there was a great
    late night talk/interview show on WOR, with “interesting” people like
    Ivan Sanderson-until the sad day they went shout radio. :(


  50. Bob (NotThatBob) says:

    I think Paula Poundstone woulda been great. She’s a really quick wit, and if you’ve ever seen her perform, you know what an awesome ad-libber she is.


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