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Sampo & Erhardt

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Social Media

Vol. 39–the end of the line?

We have news Shout about Volume 39 and the future of MST3K releases:

The set will be available Nov. 21, 2017, and available for pre-order on the Shout! Factory website and Amazon later this week. We hope you’ll share this update with your readers.

It will be a four-disc set, here are the […]

‘Vol. 2’ Re-release Reviews

It’s due out 5/24, so we’ll start off, as we so often do, with our buddy Bruce Westbrook.

Justin Remer at has a review…

Adam Frazier at has a review…

Weekend Discussion Thread: Your Favorite DVD Menus

Alert reader “Sitting Duck” suggests:

How about Favorite DVD Menu? The animated menus featured on the Shout Factory DVDs can be entertaining in their own right (which almost makes up for the lack of any scene selection menus) For me, it can be a bit hard to decide, so I’ll narrow it down […]

Weekend Discussion Thread: What You’d Like to See on DVD

Alert reader Scott writes:

What do MSTies think of the Rhino and Shout! DVDs in general? What did Rhino do better and vice and versa? What would they like to see as future Shout! extras? For me, I’m not a big fan of the stock Shout! DVD covers…I wish they would get rid […]

Out Now from RiffTrax…

Here’s a sample:

Download it here.

In other RiffTrax news: Bob Kostanczuk of the Post Tribune in Gary Indiana had done a short writeup of the upcoming live show.

Also, someone named Chad Dukes interviews Mike for a podcast that you can listen to here.

Neither of these break any new […]