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Sampo & Erhardt

Sci-Fi Archives

Visit our archives of the MST3K pages previously hosted by the Sci-Fi Channel's SCIFI.COM.

Social Media

Mary Jo Interview has posted an interview with Mary Jo Pehl that includes some interesting tidbits about her solo writing projects.

Weekend Discussion Thread: Mike’s Bacon “Stupidity”

If you read the RiffTrax blog, or have read any one of 10,000 twitters on the subject, you know that Mike announced at the beginning of February that he would eat nothing but bacon (while permitting himself various beverages including martinis) for the entire month.

Bridget seems to be resigned to the whole […]

Joel Interview

PlanetOut writer (and “resident MST3K expert”) William Rankin interviews Joel.

Updated: Cinematic Titanic Hits the Road Again

As the Titans hit the road for their winter tour, J. Elvis sent out an email with some news: In San Francisco this weekend, they will riff on Blood of the Vampires on Friday. J. Elvis calls it “one of our very favorite riffing films, soon to be our next release.” On Saturday […]

American Scary

American Scary, a documentary about late night TV horror shows that includes an interview with Joel Hodgson, is finally being released on DVD on February 17. You can pre-order it now from Amazon for $17.99.