Books by Sampo!



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Sampo & Erhardt

Sci-Fi Archives

Visit our archives of the MST3K pages previously hosted by the Sci-Fi Channel's SCIFI.COM.

Social Media

A New Bookmark

Kevin has a new blog.

MJ on Your iPhone

The electronic version of Mary Jo’s new collection of short stories, “Snapshots,” is available for download to your iPhone.

Frank Takes Part in Podcast

Frank returns to the Paul Goebel Show podcast. Warning: plenty of salty language.

Thanks to our buddy Joe for the heads up.

Press for CT in Boston Begins

The Boston Globe has a short article about Cinematic Titanic to promote this weekend’s live show.

The Boston Phoenix also has an article…

Trace Interview

Trace was interviewed for a piece about the 20th anniversary of the show in the Washington Post’s “Express Night Out” publication.