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Sampo & Erhardt

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Social Media

Interview with Joel

“Creative Loafing Atlanta” has a short interview with Joel, in advance of next weekend’s Cinematic Titanic shows.

Updated: Media Mentions

Update: another die-hard MSTie reveals himself — this one a writer at Portland Monthly Magazine.

DVD Talk reviews the RiffTrax “Reefer Madness” DVD…is quoted in a story about Chicago club owner Chris Ritter…

Joel Hodgson is quoted in a story about Chicago club owner Chris Ritter…

And the Oddly Enough blog at Reuters […]

XV Extras Update

Shout! Factory tells us that, due to technical quality issues, they’re replacing the footage of Joel and Trace’s MIT appearance with another bonus feature to be named later. They assure us they still plan to produce a featurette on “The Speculative Science and Technology of MST3K” with Joel and Trace for a future release.

Mary Jo Interview on Podcast

Writer Mur Lafferty interviews Mary Jo for her podcast “I Should Be Writing.” Mary Jo comes in about 12 minutes in, and beware, the file, apparently recorded on Skype, has some glitches.

Thanks to Grant for the heads up.

MST3K: The Movie Showing in Fargo

If, next weekend, you should step outside and find that you are in Fargo, N.D., there’s good news and bad news. The bad news you already know: You’re looking at at least another month of winter. The good news: The Fargo Theater, 314 Broadway, will be showing “Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie” […]