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Sampo & Erhardt

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Frank and Josh In L.A. Show Tonight

This is extremely short notice, but if you happen to be in the L.A. area tonight you might want to drop by the Fake Gallery at 4319 Melrose Ave. to catch The Fake Show. The show will be co-hosted by Frank and will feature an appearance by Josh.


Bill & Kevin Podcast Interview

In Game Chat makes a rare exception and talks to two guys not in the video game business: Kevin and Bill. Warning: some salty language, especially after the interview is over.

Kevin Interview interviews Kevin about RiffTrax.

Philadelphia CT Publicity

Ahead of Cinematic Titanic’s appearance in Philadelphia this weekend (can’t wait!) The Philadelphia City Paper interviews Joel.

And my old pal Jonathan Takiff at the Daily News, a MSTie from WAY back, interviews Joel as well.

Mary Jo Interview…of sorts

A couple strange guys interviewed Mary Jo. She gives as good as she gets.