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Sampo & Erhardt

Sci-Fi Archives

Visit our archives of the MST3K pages previously hosted by the Sci-Fi Channel's SCIFI.COM.

Social Media

Mary Jo Interview/at Master Pancake

Mary Jo was interviewed in the Austin Decider about her fascination with a local attraction called the Cathedral of Junk. And, in passing, they mention that she will perform with local pro riffing group Mister Sinus Master Pancake Theater tonight.

Quick Comic-Con Guide

Here’s a brief guide to the MST3K-related events at Comic-Con:

Friday, July 24 2:30-2:55pm — Max The Hero — Screening of the animated short written and performed by Mystery Science Theater 3000’s Bill Corbett, Kevin Murphy and Michael J. Nelson. Produced and directed by Mike Salva, the short tells the story of an […]

Frank in “Dr. Floyd” at Comic-Con

Frank will once again be part of a live performance of “Dr. Floyd” at Comic-Con, Sunday, July 26, 10:30-11:30 a.m., Room 8. Click here for more information.

Frank Conniff Interview

The new online magazine Knee-Jerk interviews Frank about writing for MST3K, Cinematic Titanic, Cartoon Dump and more.

Video: Joel on Cartoon Dump

Our buddy Jerry Beck has posted this video of a performance of “Cartoon Dump” last year, featuring Joel Hodgson puppeteering “Dumpster Diver Dan.” Great stuff.

Thanks to our buddy Tom for the heads up!