Books by Sampo!



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Sampo & Erhardt

Sci-Fi Archives

Visit our archives of the MST3K pages previously hosted by the Sci-Fi Channel's SCIFI.COM.

Social Media

You’ll Get to See “Crow Vs. Crow”

Jordan Fields at Shout! Factory just contacted us to let everybody know that “we took to heart their request to see footage of ‘Crow Vs. Crow’ at Dragon*Con on a future MST3K box. We’ve arranged to have it taped, and it will appear as a bonus feature on MST3K XVII.”

<Mr. Burns>Excellent!</Mr. Burns>

Frank Podcast Interview

Frank is interviewed on the “Battleship Pretension” podcast, the hosts of which clearly did exactly zero research ahead of time. This leads to very familiar questions being asked. But Frank himself hasn’t offered his perspective on these often-asked questions, so it’s nice to get that. It’s also nice to get his take on […]

Mike Interview

David Hill of Examiner.Com interviews Mike.

Podcast with Bill

The Chronic Rift podcast interviews Bill about the upcoming “Plan 9” riff. The interview starts at about the 2:30 mark. The interview doesn’t really break any new ground, but, like most of these podcasts, the interviewer seems to be in MSTie heaven.

Photos/Video from Comic-Con

Reader BIG61AL sent us several pictures of Mike, Kevin, Bill and Frank from the recent San Diego Comic-Con. You can see them after the cut. Thanks, BIG61AL!

Also, if you went to the RiffTrax panel, this is the trailer you saw:
