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Sampo & Erhardt

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Visit our archives of the MST3K pages previously hosted by the Sci-Fi Channel's SCIFI.COM.

Social Media

Professor Bill

Bill Corbett will be teaching a class on “Writing Comedy” at IFP in St. Paul in October. Scroll down on this page to see the course listing.

Update: Dragon*Con Open Thread

Use the comments in this thread to give us reports on the doings of Trace, Frank, Mary Jo and Bill at Dragon*Con in Atlanta this weekend, and to discuss those reports. If you have photos, email them to us and if we like them we’ll post them.

Update: Coverage on!

DragonCon Preview

Trace, Mary Jo, Frank and Bill will be at DragonCon in Atlanta starting today.

We won’t. :::sigh:::

But if you are going, here’s a preview (Descriptions by DragonCon): Friday Bill Corbett Live! Meet the writer and performer behind MST3Kís second incarnation of the robot Crow, and the alien, all-powerful but clueless “The Observer” […]

Update: 30 Years Later, Jim’s Prank Prompts City Council Resolution

Update: An L.A. Times blogger picks up the story, and has a photo and mentions Jim.

Thanks to Mary B for the heads up. reports:

One of the greatest college pranks ever has inspired Madison leaders to name the plastic pink flamingo the city’s official bird. The Madison City Council voted 15-4 […]

“Hate Mail” Sent to Illinois

Bill Corbett and Kira Obolensky’s play “Hate Mail” will be staged by the Theatre on The Green Repertory Company in Woodstock, IL on September 17, 18, 19, 24, 26, and 27. Tickets are $10.00 each in advance or $15.00 each at the door. Visit the company’s Web site or call 815-354-7435 for more information.