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Sampo & Erhardt

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Social Media

Kevin Interview

Our pal Bruce Westbrook has a great interview with Kevin Murphy at his blog.

Reminder: Bill Unleashes His New “Monster” in Minneapolis

A screenwriter’s pompous lecture spins out of control when he creates a new character live onstage! It’s Frankenstein meets Mamet with fewer swear words in this comic exploration of the Hollywood machine!

That’s the description for the new play “My Monster” written by Bill Corbett and Joseph Scrimshaw. The duo will perform […]

New Video Featuring Frank

Frank says: “For anyone out there who’ve been waiting for me to make a short comedy video with Donny Osmond, their prayers have finally been answered.”

Bill at the BOOseum

Bill Corbett will be appearing in a live variety show on Saturday, Oct. 24 during the Excelsior-Lake Minnetonka Historical Society’s annual “BOOseum” event. The show event will take place from 6 to 9 p.m. For more info, visit the society’s web site or check out the event’s Facebook group.

Josh Performing Live in Minneapolis

If you happen to find yourself in the Twin Cities area anytime in the next five days, you should know that Josh is performing with Chris Bliss at the Acme Comedy Co. through Saturday. Check it out!