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Sampo & Erhardt

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Social Media

Two Teaser Images of Trace’s New Book

Our friend Len Peralta of Jawbone Radio has posted images of the cover and one of the pages from Trace Beaulieu’s new book, Silly Rhymes for Belligerent Children, which is slated to be released this summer. Len is the illustrator of the book.

Click on the images to open Flickr in a new […]

A Chat with Josh

If you enjoyed our buddy Ken Plume’s chat with Trace last week, you’ll probably also enjoy his followup with Josh “J. Elvis” Weinstein.

Bill and Kevin in Paul & Storm Video

Okay, I guess I have to start by explaining who Paul & Storm are, for those who don’t know. The are a comedy music duo, who often perform with Jonathan Coulton (who some will remember sang a couple of songs at the RiffTrax Live show in October). RiffTrax fans will also recall that […]

Joel Invites You to Twenty Wonder (Updated with more info)

Update: I’m not quite sure where she grabbed this from but this blogger has posted what appears to be a detailed press release with a LOT more information about this weekend’s event.

We’ve received this message from Joel Hodgson:

Greetings friends and fans of MST3K and Cinematic Titanic!

Just wanted to alert you […]

Two Online Chats

Bill Corbett’s recent appearance on is up for viewing. Warning: some salty language.

Meanwhile, our old pal Ken Plume has an audio chat with Trace Beaulieu on a site called Fred.