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Frank Guests on a Podcast

“The Fort” podcast had Frank Conniff as a guest. His portion begins at about the 15:30 mark.

FYI: The conversation wanders into some adult themes and the hosts use some salty language.

Bill on Podcast

Bill Corbett was a guest on the most recent installment of the rather strange “Amateur Scientist” podcast. Warning: salty language and generally NSFW. Bill’s portion begins around the 21-minute mark.

Frank in “Comics and Comics”

Frank Conniff is on the bill for Friday night’s “Comics and Comics, ” the “all-fanboy” standup comedy show. Also on the bill are Matt McKenna, Asterios Kokkinos, Michael D’Bey, Ron Swallow and Tom Franck.

The show starts at 8 p.m. aT Meltdown Comics, 7522 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, CA. Admission is $4. Visit this […]

More Silly Rhymes

Our buddy Len Peralta has alerted us that he’s posted the image from the Trace Beaulieu’s forthcoming book, “Silly Rhymes For Belligerent Children” that was made available during the event over the weekend.

Mary Jo Interview interviews Mary Jo.