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Sampo & Erhardt

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Frank a Contributor to Toon Book

Our pal Jerry Beck, the co-producer of “Cartoon Dump,” is getting ready to release a new book, “The 100 Greatest Looney Tunes Cartoons,” and Frank Conniff contributed a chapter to it.

We’d appreciate it if you’d use this link to preorder it. Thanks.

Podcast Interview with Mary Jo

The owner of the blog Atchka, which focuses on the issue of “fat acceptance,” interviews Mary Jo Pehl. They discuss MST3K and Cinematic Titanic, and in the second portion of the podcast they have a very frank discussion of the blog’s main topic, touching on Mary Jo’s own struggles with her weight, fat […]

Joel Interview

Dylan Dawson at interviews Joel.

Darkstar Interview

The Slightly Deranged site interviews Jeff Williams, producer of Darkstar. Short comments from Frank, Trace, Josh and Beez are included.