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Sampo & Erhardt

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Social Media

Frank Guests on a Podcast

Frank Conniff is the guest on the latest Pop My Culture podcast with our pal Cole Stratton and and Vanessa Ragland. Topics include Glamour’s “50 Sexiest Men,” cat people, The Expendables, the Minneapolis stand-up scene, Albert Brooks, The Rockford Files reboot, the early days of MST3K, Sabrina The Teenage Witch, Kim Cattrall, spaceship […]

Update: Frank in ‘Funny or Die’ Videos

Frank pops up with comedian/actor Eddie Pepitone in a video on the Funny or Die website. Frank and Eddie discuss what all manly men discuss at work.

Part two has now been posted.

Frank Guests on Podcast

Frank Conniff is the guest of comics and filmmakers Graham Elwood and Chris Mancini on the latest edition of their Comedy Film Nerds podcast. Frank pretty much is there for the entire thing, and is very funny (of course!).

Darkstar Panel at DragonCon

Beez McKeever, Trace Beaulieu, Clive Robertson, and Darkstar creator J. Allen Williams will be appearing in a Darkstar panel at DragonCon on Friday, September 3. A special teaser for the game will be shown, followed by a Q&A session. The final, official release schedule will also finally, officially be announced.

Don’t know what […]

Tucson Receives “Hate Mail”

DaVinci Underground will present “Hate Mail,” the play by Bill Corbett and Kira Obolensky, from July 22 – August 1 at Studio Connections, 9071 E. Old Spanish Trail, Tucson, AZ. Tickets are $10 each, with a special “buy one get one free” offer for the introduction show.