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Sampo & Erhardt

Sci-Fi Archives

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Social Media

Josh Pens Sky Magazine Piece

Our pal “Toolmaster” Jeff was on a recent Delta flight and opened Sky Magazine to discover a piece about bad movies by a certain J. Elvis Weinstein!

He’s scanned it and posted it on his site.

Thanks, Jeff!

Dragon*Con Report Thread

An open thread for reports from Dragon*Con.

Send us pictures, too!

Darkstar Release Dates

DARKSTAR: The Interactive Movie will be available as an online download on November 5th via Strategy First and their partner sites. It will also be available at that time at in boxes as a physical copy and also on Amazon. The retail price will be $29.95. On February 14th 2011, COSMI Corporation […]

Mary Jo on Con Appearances

Curt Holman of Creative Loafing Atlanta brings us some observations by Mary Jo about being a con guest.

Dragon*Con Rundown

Trace, Frank, Bill, Joel, Kevin, Mary Jo and Josh will be at Dragon*Con Friday Sept. 3 through Sunday, Sept. 5, in Atlanta. Here’s what they’ll be doing.

Please note: Being poor little church mice who cannot afford to travel to Atlanta, we will not be there. We will have open threads for reports! […]