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Sampo & Erhardt

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Social Media

Mike Guests on Podcast

Mike is a guest on a podcast called “Grizzly Bear Egg Cafe.”

His interview starts at about the 28-minute mark.

This one may be the best example yet of a problem I see again and again when MST3K folks are interviewed, a problem that can be summed up with the statement: “Just […]

Trace’s “Silly Rhymes for Belligerent Children” On Sale Now

You can now order Trace Beaulieu’s weird and wonderful “Silly Rhymes for Belligerent Children,” with illustrations by our pal Len Peralta. We’ve read it, and it’s hilarious. It’s the perfect gift for all the belligerent children you know!

Joel and Trace Video Interview at Dragon*Con

Radio Dead Air interviews Joel and Trace at Dragon*Con.

“Triptosane” on DVD

The independent movie “Triptosane” featuring the voice of Trace Beaulieu as “SYD the egomaniac computer” is now available on DVD. We’re told Mary Jo Pehl also has a audio cameo in the film and that the DVD includes a cut scene with Trace. For more information about the movie, visit their site. To […]

“Max the Hero” To Be Shown at NYC Festival

“Max the Hero,” an cartoon short written and voiced by Mike, Kevin and Bill, is slated to be shown twice next week as part of the New York Television Festival. Get tickets here.

Here’s the trailer, if you haven’t seen it.
