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Sampo & Erhardt

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Social Media

Christmas Play by Bill

If you happen to find yourself in the Twin Cities area in December, you’re going to want to check out a new play called “Super-Powered Revenge Christmas #1,” by Bill Corbett, Dec. 2-18 at the Minneapolis Theater Garage, 711 W Franklin Ave. Tickets are on sale now. More info here.

Mike is a Craft Brewer

Our buddy Conor at RiffTrax has posted the following public service announcement. Enjoy!

ETA: Some people in the comments section are asking what this is a parody of. You can see the original Stone Brewing Company video HERE.


Mary Jo to Make W00tstock Appearance

Yet another former cast member is getting involved in the W00tstock. Mary Jo will be doing the show in her home town of Austin Tuesday, Nov. 2.

Bill Interview

Here’s that interview with Bill that was in Minneapolis + St. Paul Magazine but has not been available online until now.

Trace Web Site Interview

Author D.M. Cunningham interviews Trace about “Silly Rhymes for Belligerent Children.”