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Trace’s Book Pops Up in Gift List

On his blog, astronomer Phil Plait, host of the Discovery Channel’s “Bad Astronomy” has a list books that are good gifts for science geeks.

Not sure how Trace’s “Silly Rhymes for Belligerent Children” fits the category, but, hey, a plug’s a plug!

Thanks to J/P for the heads up.

Bill Interview

Here’s a collision of cool: James Lileks interviews Bill Corbett.

James neglects to mention in his intro, however, that Bill has a play running right now in the Twin Cities: “Super-Powered Revenge Christmas #1,” running through Dec. 18 at the Minneapolis Theater Garage, 711 W Franklin Ave. Tickets are on sale now. More […]

Joel Interview

Aimee Levitt at the Riverfront Times interviews Joel ahead of this Saturday’s Cinematic Titanic show.

Mary Jo and Trace at MIT

Wish you were there a week or so ago when Mary Jo and Trace spoke at MIT?

Here’s the audio of their talk.

Mary Jo Interview

At Alonso Duralde interviews Mary Jo on bad movies, good jokes and filthy lucre.