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Sampo & Erhardt

Sci-Fi Archives

Visit our archives of the MST3K pages previously hosted by the Sci-Fi Channel's SCIFI.COM.

Social Media

Mike, Kevin & Bill in Podcasts

We try to stay within our wheelhouse here at Satellite News, so normally wouldn’t mention a side project by one of the non-MST3K RiffTrax guys (much as we love Conor) but the MST3K guys can be heard on these so… RiffTrax’s Conor Lastowka is highly amused by poorly written Wikipedia entries, and has […]

Weekend Discussion Thread: Favorite Bill Corbett Moments

Every time we post an updated list of all the discussion topics we’ve done, alert regular “Crowschmoe” complains that we’ve somehow missed doing a “Favorite Bill Corbett moments” thread. Well, let’s rectify that!

As Crow, one of my favorite bits of his is in episode 902- PHANTOM PLANET, in which Crow expresses his […]

Mike Interview

Eric Whitman of “The Daily Blam” interviews Mike.

Frank Hawks My 4Square Alibi

Yes, this is a real website that claims it will let you specify your check in location on FourSquare, Facebook and Twitter even though you’re really nowhere near that location (but it’s actually a joke). Check out the site for more hilarious videos from other comedians.

Thanks to alert reader Ben for […]

JoCoCruiseCrazy Videos

From the recently completed JoCoCruiseCrazy Cruise…

“Sparkly Vampires.”

Bill and Kevin riff “Shake Hands with Danger”

What I’m guessing is a new RiffTones song, “It’s a Trap!”

And, finally, JoCo and the whole crew join in for a re-creation of the United Servo Academy Choir.
