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Sampo & Erhardt

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Social Media

Mary Jo at SXSW

You kids today with your fax machines and your hula hoops and your South By South West conferences…aaaahhhhhh!

But if you are at SWSX, here’s a last-minute addition to your schedule: Mary Jo will be part of a panel Tuesday, March 15.

Joel Interview

Longtime MSTie John Scott Lewinski interviews Joel for

Update: Joel to Appear at Ernie Kovacs Tribute

The Paley Center for Media in New York City will hold a tribute to and retrospective of the great Ernie Kovacs on Tuesday, April 12, and Joel Hodgson (a big fan of Kovacs and winner of the Ernie Kovacs Award at the Dallas Film Festival) will be on the panel. Keith Olbermann will […]

Mike Interview

Scott Wampler at does a long interview with Mike.

Frank to Appear on Internet Radio Telethon

Frank Conniff will appear on internet radio station LuxuriaMusic’s “Bucks For Lux” Telethon this Thursday, March 3rd, at approximately 9:00 pm Pacific Time. The 24 hour telethon, which begins at 12:00 pm PT, will be held to help keep the station on the air.