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Sampo & Erhardt

Sci-Fi Archives

Visit our archives of the MST3K pages previously hosted by the Sci-Fi Channel's SCIFI.COM.

Social Media

Bill Interview

Keith Daniels at interviews Bill.

Frank on Podcast

Frank is one of the guests who takes part in a discussion of B-Movies in the latest Chronic Rift podcast.

Mike Answers Questions at Reddit

At, Mike is answering many many many questions in a “IAmA” forum.

Warning: Some adult language by the questioners.

“Lazlow” Interviews Josh and Trace

Our pal “Lazlow the MST3K Guy” was planning to interview Joel while Cinematic Titanic was in Arizona recently, but Joel had to cancel at the last minute and Josh and Trace filled in. Lazlow also found himself unexpectedly filming outside without a windsock on the mic, so bear with him.

One Snarky Tweet Makes Talentless Teen Rich

Get the full story about how Mike made Rebecca Black a star here.

Update: Yesterday she tweeted to Mike: “So apparently you’re the one to ‘blame’ for these past couple days. If that’s the case – Thanks so much! :) xoxo.”

The Seattle Post-Intelligencer’s “Film Hound” blog tells the story — and mentions […]