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Sampo & Erhardt

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Social Media

Mary Jo to Guest at Master Pancake

If you find yourself in the vicinity of Austin, Tex., this weekend or next, Mary Jo will be guest riffer at Master Pancake Theater at the Alamo Draft House. The movie they’ll be riffing is the greatest chick flick ever, “The Sound of Music.”

More info here.

(For those who don’t know, Master […]

Podcast Again Features RiffTrax Regulars

If you aren’t already subscribed to the podcast for RiffTrax writer Conor Lastowka’s funny side project “[Citation Needed],” you probably should be, since his riffing mates Mike, Kevin and Bill are frequenly featured. He just released episode 4 and it features Mike in a sketch (as Hitler!) and a phone conversation with Kevin […]

Report on the Ernie Kovacs Retrospective featuring Joel

Alert correspondent Jamie Axtell was in the audience at the Paley Center in New York and sends this report:

Well, “It’s Been Real: The Life and Legacy of Ernie Kovacs” was great fun to attend. On a personal note, Joel was extremely kind and gracious to me. He even shooed away an overly […]

Josh and Joel Radio Interview

Josh (who was in Minneapolis this weekend doing standup) was a guest on a Twin Cities radio show, “Weekends with Mike and Natalie,” and Joel called in from his birdsong-filled back yard.

Click on “Hour 2.” Josh’s interview starts about halfway through.

Kevin Interview

…and by the awesome James Lileks, no less!

At the recent Wits show, somebody tweeted a photo of Kevin and Bill in prominent box seats with caption “Minnesota royalty.” That about says it.