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Sampo & Erhardt

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Social Media

Mary Jo Blogging at OpenSalon

Mary Jo Pehl has started a blog at Her first post is called “My Tiny Hypocrisy.”

Josh on Podcast

J. Elvis Weinstein is the guest on the latest Pop My Culture podcast with our pal Cole Stratton and Vanessa Ragland.

Play Co-Written by Bill to Be Performed in Orlando

The play “My Monster,” co-written by Bill Corbett and Joseph Scrimshaw, will have seven performances beginning Friday, May 20, as part of the Orlando Fringe Festival, in the Lowndes Shakespeare Center, 812 East Rollins St. in Orlando. More information here.

Here’s an interview with the director.

Mary Jo Appearances in Austin

Mary Jo will be one of the guests on “Writing on the Air” Wednesday, May 4, 6-7 p.m. Central Time on KOOP, 91.7 FM if you are in the Austin, Tex., area or by Other guests will be Nick Ramirez, one of the organizers behind Austin Sketch Fest 2011, and members of […]

Enlightening Email from Joel

Well, it’s interesting (and a little intimidating!) to learn that Joel seems to be dropping by this site once in a while…

Last week in the episode guide I again asked about the origin of the “hat party” gag that gets used a number of times on the show. Again, nobody knew for […]