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Sampo & Erhardt

Sci-Fi Archives

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Social Media

Very Confessional Podcast Interview with Frank

It is the policy of this Web site to keep the private lives of the people we cover private, unless they’re willing to talk about it. We were aware that Frank was recently featured on comedian Paul Gilmartin’s “Mental Illness Happy Hour” but since the podcast deals almost entirely with Frank’s personal issues, […]

Bill on Reddit

Bill popped over to Reddit today and did an “Iama.” Read the results here.

By the way, if you missed when Mike did an “Iama” it’s here.

Mike Interview

Dan Brooks of did an interview with Mike.

Mary Jo: Web Site Makeover & Riffing with Master Pancake

Mary Jo, whose web site just got a nifty makeover, will be joining Master Pancake Theater as they riff “Twilight: New Moon” at the Alamo Drafthouse in Austin Fridays and Saturdays through July at 7 and 10 p.m.

Bill Doing Voice Work for Animated Film

Bill Corbett is doing voice work for an animated film called “Tigtone.” More info here (where the creator is looking for funds to help complete the project).