Books by Sampo!



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Sampo & Erhardt

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Social Media

Mary Jo’s New Book Is Out

Mary Jo Pehl’s new book, “Employee of The Month And Other Big Deals,” is now available. We’d appreciate it if you’d this link to order it.

Podcasts Galore

A show called “Radio Dead Air” interviewed Mike.

I’m not sure what channel this is, or what town the news show is in, but they did a short news item about RiffTrax. And on their web site, they posted a long video interview with Mike. Here it is in two parts.


Dragon*Con Schedule

Bill, Trace and Frank are headed to Atlanta and Dragon*Con this weekend. If you’re going (and we’re not, drat) he’s what they’ll be up to. All events are at the Hyatt unless otherwise indicated.

Friday, Sept 2 1 p.m.; Reg. VI–VII: Geek a Week Podcast Reunion–Our pal artist Len Peralta talks with […]

Short Frank/Trace/Josh Interview interviews Frank, Trace and Josh, briefly, as their fall tour approaches.

Mary Jo Comedy Performance

Mary Jo will be among the comics performing Wednesday, Aug. 31, at the The Velveeta Room,| 521 E. Sixth St., in her home town of Austin, Texas. The show is part of the Out of Bounds Comedy Festival. For more info, visit the web site or call the venue at (512) 469-9116.
