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Sampo & Erhardt

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Social Media

Another installment of “Space Hospital” with Frank

Frank Conniff is making a guest appearance on a web show called “Space Hospital.”

Here’s part 1, which came out about a week ago.

And here’s the latest installment.

Kevin and Bill Show Their ‘Wits’ Tonight

If you happen to be in St. Paul, MN, this evening, you might want to drop by the Fitzgerald Theater to see Kevin Murphy and Bill Corbett participate in the “Wits Special Edition With John Hodgman” radio show. Also appearing are Neil Gaiman and a bunch of men named John. For more information, […]

Side Projects

* Trace Beaulieu and Bill Corbett will be the guest judges for a live show in Minneapolis called “PowerPoint Karaoke.” The game is this: Four people take the stage to give a PowerPoint presentation. The catch is: the presenters have never seen it before, and the slides are complete nonsense! Performers will include […]

UPDATE: Bill’s Cinemadness Coming to Minneapolis

UPDATE: Love to get some reports on these shows!

Ed Huyck has a nice piece in the Minneapolis City Pages about this.

Bill Corbett and a funny fellow named Joseph Scrimshaw previously co-wrote the play “My Monster,” and last year Joseph starred in Bill’s “Super-Powered Revenge Christmas.”

The two are now teaming up […]

Trace & Frank to Riff “Plan 9” in Seattle

Well, this sure sounds like fun:

SIFF Cinema and People’s Republic of Komedy present Ed Wood’s “Plan 9 From Outer Space” with commentary by Dana Gould (“The Simpsons”), Frank Conniff and Trace Beaulieu of Cinematic Titanic and MST3K. Edward D. Wood Jr’s legendary “so bad it’s good classic” is back on the […]