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Sampo & Erhardt

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Social Media

Josh Interview

Jeff Rubin of a podcast called “The Jeff Rubin Jeff Rubin Show” interviews Josh.

Rubin is personable but he clearly didn’t do any homework. Josh is patient with him, though.

Joel Radio Interview

A couple of months ago, Joel did a phone interview with Ted Coe of a radio show called “The Freak Power Ticket,” on KCSB-FM, the radio station for the University of California Santa Barbara. I think it’s taken this long for them to get around to posting a recording of it.

Joel Discusses Titles

Jonathan Dube of has an interesting interview with Joel about the titles of the show.

Joel Interview

Dan Tabor of interviews Joel.

‘An Evening With Mary Jo Pehl and Trace Beaulieu’

Clearly this is yet another reason to live in the Twin Cities, despite the winters…

Pommelhorse Productions presents An Evening With Mary Jo Pehl and Trace Beaulieu at the Wilde Roast Cafe Parlor Room, on December 21st from 6:30-7:30p.m. Wilde Roast Cafe | 65 Main St SE | Minneapolis, MN 55414 Admission is […]