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Social Media

Kevin & Bill to Join Hodgman on Tour

John Hodgman (author and maybe best known as the guy who played the PC in those Mac commercials) is touring the country in support of his book “That Is All.” On four dates in the Midwest, Kevin and Bill will be part of the show. The shows are:

Thursday, March 29, in Minneapolis […]

Vote on CT Movies in Durham, Princeton, plus ‘O2Be’

Going to the Cinematic Titanic shows in Durham, N.C., or Princeton, N.J.? Vote for the movie you’d like them to riff. Vote for the Durham show here and vote for the Princeton show here.

By the way, remember “O2Be,” the short-lived 2002 series starring Liz Winstead on which Frank was a consulting producer? […]

Mike, Kevin & Bill Interview, Plus a Bill Mention

Jessica Johnson interviews Mike, Kevin and Bill for Time Out Chicago.

And by the way, Matt Silverman of has a piece today about “How to Be Funny in 140 characters,” in which Bill gets a mention, ’cause he is.

Joel Interview

Joel does a long and fascinating phone interview with Stephen Sajdak of the “We Hate Movies” podcast. I was aware this was coming but I think it slipped by me while I was in SF.

Reminder: Bill & Kevin To Again Appear at SF SketchFest

Bill and Kevin will once again be a part of the SF SketchFest comedy festival in San Francisco.

They will kick off the festival Thursday, Jan. 19, with “RiffTrax Presents: Night of the Shorts III: The Search for Schlock” along with guest riffers David Cross, John Hodgman, Bruce McCulloch, Paul F. Tompkins, Cole […]