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Update: Pre-Show CT Press + Mary Jo Interviews

Update: Jake B. Grove of has a brief interview with Frank and Trace.

Neil “don’t call me” Shurley at previews the Greenville show and chats with Mary Jo.

Trace phones in the fresh quotes for Zach Smith at ahead of this weekend’s Cinematic Titanic show in Durham, N.C.

Meanwhile, Grant […]

Update: Trace Interview

Kara Kovalchik of has the first of a two-part (!) interview with Trace.

And here’s part two.

‘Man Saved by Condiments!’ Heads to New York

Mary Jo Pehl’s play “Man Saved By Condiments!” will begin a six-show run in New York City next week, as part of the NY Frigid Festival. Shows will be at the at the Red Room Theater, 85 East 4th St., in Manhattan. More info on the play is here.

How Was the Show?

Did anybody go to last night’s sold-out “Plan 9 from Outer Space” riff in Los Angeles, featuring Dana Gould, Trace, Frank and Josh?

Love to get a report.

Mary Jo on Self-Publishing and Movie-Skewering

Alex Zalben of MTV Geek News interviews Mary Jo.