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Sampo & Erhardt

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Social Media

Joel Interview

At KEGL-FM (97.1) The Eagle, “Scafaldi & Chris” interview Joel. Some questions that have been asked many many times, and some pretty good ones.

Joel Interviewed on Podcast

The Nerd Show podcast does a phone interview with Joel. These guys are not hardcore fans, they’re more “I’m too young to remember the Comedy Central era but I used to watch it on the Sci-Fi Channel sometimes/The episode I watched on youtube the other day was the first one I’ve seen in […]

How Was the Show?

An open thread for reports from this weekend’s Cinematic Titanic shows in Newark, N.J.

Also, if anybody went to the John Hodgman shows this weekend where Bill and Kevin performed, we would love to hear about it.

Reminder: Kevin & Bill Join John Hodgman This Weekend

John Hodgman (author and maybe best known as the guy who played the PC in those Mac commercials) is touring the country in support of his book “That Is All.” This weekend Kevin and Bill will be part of the show. The shows are:

Friday, March 30, in Madison at the Majestic, 115 […]

Bill Planning Comic Book and Looking for Your Help

Bill Corbett has opened up a kickstarter page to help finance a comic book he’s working on called “Super Powered Revenge Christmas.” He’s working with our pal the massively talented Len Peralta. Let Bill explain it all to you here.