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Sampo & Erhardt

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Social Media

Frank on ‘This Week in Mad Men’

“This Week in Mad Men” is weekly web video series in which, you guessed it, they discuss “Mad Men.” In this week’s edition, Frank was one of the discussers.

Bill (and Virginia) on a Podcast

“The Brangelina of Twitter,” Bill and Virginia Corbett, are guests on Emily Volman’s podcast. Their portion starts about 19:30.

Mary Jo Interview interviews Mary Jo.

Franks’ Video Commentaries on Salon

Since the beginning of May, Frank has been posting video commentaries on

He posted commentaries on May 4, May 7, May 11 and, most recently, on May 14.

Frank’s views are his own and do not necessarily reflect those of Satellite News. We present these links because we are interested in anything […]

Update?: Joel Hosts College Riff Contest in Pa.

Did anybody go to this? Report! ————— If you live in the Philadelphia area, you might find this of interest: This semester at Bucks County Community College, Joel has been teaching a workshop on movie riffing.

I’ll stop and let that sink in.

Anyway, on Friday, May 4, he and his students will […]