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Sampo & Erhardt

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Social Media

How the Show Was

Well, I will give you a brief report on the Colonial Theater event, and then open it up for reports from others.

In the days leading up to the event, Joel informed me that right before intermission they would be doing a “riff melee” in which he and all his students — […]

Piece about Joel in the NYT

Holy moley, there’s a big ol’ story about Joel in today’s New York Times!

Reminder: ‘Chaos at the Colonial’

Well, this should be fun…

Saturday, June 2, 8 p.m. Joel Hodgson (creator, writer and star of MST3K) and his students from Riff Camp 2012 are bringing some college-level movie riffing to the Colonial Theatre, 227 Bridge St., Phoenixville, Pa., in a movie riffing battle royale. Four groups will compete on stage riffing […]

Mary Jo Interview

Well, we missed it when this was posted back in March, but at the same blog, Mac Blake has posted a short interview with her about what’s she’s up to.

Trace Interviewed on Podcast

Ron Purtee of “The Ron Experience” interviews Trace.