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Sampo & Erhardt

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Social Media

Joel Riffs the ‘Blob’ Trailer

At his recent appearance at the Colonial Theater, Joel riffed the trailer for “The Blob,” as a promo for the town’s annual “Blobfest.”

Reminder: Josh, Frank and Gruber at Fundraiser

If you happen to be in Portland, OR on June 22, you might want to drop by the Alberta Rose Theatre to see “Laughter is the Best Medicine” hosted by Dave “Gruber” Allen and featuring Josh and Frank. It’s a comedy show benefitting the Vital Life Foundation and Alzheimer’s Association. You can find […]

Kevin and Bill on Sklarbro Country

Kevin and Bill are guests on the Sklar Brothers’ podcast “Sklarbro Country.” The interview starts at about 29:30.

Joel Interview

Robert Lamb has a music-oriented Q&A with Joel.

Frank’s YouTube Channel

Frank has started up his own YouTube Channel! He’s already done more than a dozen videos.

His latest is this adorable cat video!

By the way, Frank, your cat looks a lot like mine, but yours has more personality.

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