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Sampo & Erhardt

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Social Media

Bill Guests on Podcast

Bill is the guest on Brian Thompson’s “Quit It” podcast, discussing, among other things, “the ubiquity of the term ‘geek.’”

Joel to Be among the Guests of Seinfeld Web Series

Thanks to alert reader Tim S. Turner, who caught the “blink and you’ll miss it” glimpse of Joel in the passenger seat.

REMINDER: Joel to Be Among the Performers at TwentyWonder

Well, if this doesn’t make you want to go, I don’t know what will.

More info here.

Kevin and Bill on Comedy Podcast

Kevin and Bill are among the voices on the latest Superego podcast, which I’d never heard of before, but wow it’s pretty funny. WARNING; ADULT LANGUAGE AND NSFW.

EW Piece on Movie Heckling

Entertainment Weekly, apparently picking up on the New York Times piece earlier this month, had a piece about movie heckling in last week’s issue. A condensed version has now reached the web.

Thanks to Jesse for the heads up.