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Sampo & Erhardt

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Social Media

Former Cast Members Could Be Among “Guest Readers” of Proposed iBook Version of Childrens’ Book

Okay, so it’s like this: our pal Ken Plume co-wrote a children’s book with a guy named John Robinson called “There’s a Zombie in My Treehouse.” It was illustrated by our pal Len Peralta.

So, now they want to do an iBook of the book, and they have started a Kickstarter thingy to […]

Josh Does Podcast Interview

The guys at Gizmonic Institute radio, having just finished up Season 1, speak with Josh about those days in a special episode.

Bill Interview & Podcast Appearance

Ellen Burkhardt of Minnesota Monthly interviews Bill and his collaborators about this show, which will be performed in Minneapolis this weekend.

Meanwhile, Bill is also a guest on the latest edition of our pal Joseph Scrimshaw’s podcast.

Kevin Interview

Derrick Blair of TRN Central’s “Now It’s The News” (who I think is an actual MSTie, not just a casual fan) interviews Kevin.

Joel to Host Film Competition Event

Joel will host the start of the sixth annual “Project Twenty1” film competition, in which filmmakers have 21 days to make a short film, which must contain a common “element” that will be announced at the kickoff event, which will take place Saturday, July 28, 2-6 p.m. at the Triumph Brewing Co. in […]