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Sampo & Erhardt

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Social Media

A.P. Piece about Movie Riffing

Alan Scher Zagier of the Associated Press has a piece about movie riffing in general, with quotes from Joel and Mike.

Update: It looks like this piece is getting picked on the wires and lots of different outlets are running it, including the Washington Post.

Updated: RiffTrax Pre-Show Press

John Hageman of the Peoria Star has an interview with Bill.

Chip Chandler at the Amarillo Globe-News gets Kevin to interview.

Somehow Timothy Guy of the Riverside, Calif. Press-Enterprise rates both Kevin AND Bill for his interview.

Alex Biese of the Asbury Park Press gets Kevin to interview.

Gael Fashingbauer Cooper of NBC […]

Joel Interview

Stephen Duesner interviews Joel for

Josh Guests on Podcast

Josh is a guest on the Dork Forest podcast with comedian Jackie Kashian. They have a great raport, and the discussion is wide-ranging to say the least.

Pre-Show Press for RiffTrax Live

Steven Bryan of the Yahoo Community Network interviews Mike.

Full info about the show here.