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Sampo & Erhardt

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Social Media

Wikipedia showcases “Overdrawn at the Memory Bank”

An article about the movie in episode 822- OVERDRAWN AT THE MEMORY BANK is the Featured Article at Wikipedia today.

Thanks to Gordon for the heads up.

National Review Celebrates the Show

Jeffrey Blehar at the National Review offers a nice long piece about the show.

Wikipedia Dissects ‘Squirm’

The Featured Article of the Day over at Wikipedia is the one on the movie in episode 1012-SQUIRM. The show gets a mention.

Thanks to Gordon for the heads up.

Oral History of the Movie

Cheers to the gang at the AV Club for pulling together a history of “MST3K: The Movie” in the cast’s own words. There’s a lot in here I’m hearing about for the first time. (The idea of the Mads having a booth at the Mad Scientist Convention is brilliant.)


Comic Strip Mention

Somebody at the “Gil Thorpe” comic strip likes a certain cowtowm puppet show.

Thanks to Joseph.