Episode 701T- Night of the Blood Beast
Kids smothered in love at Auntie's, I was free to concentrate on becoming freakish man-woman Mr. B. Natural. I think Mr. B's costume was one of the first that Beez McKeever designed and made. The boots, I recall, had to be spray painted to match the aqua jacket. I especially fell in love with the treble clef belt buckle! That outfit actually made me feel "like a happy king!"
Writing for Pearl was fun because of the newness of it and because Mary Jo laughed so hard at ideas for her in the writing room. The scene where everyone is lined up at the table and Pearl prays as if she were General Patton particularly cracked me up, even into the shoot day. In fact, I think I blew one take with anticipatory laughter. Trace was immediately up to speed with Forrester's newfound hen-peckedness, and writing ideas for Pearl and him were abundant.
I distinctly remember being very disturbed by Pitch's beard, but can't recall why. Mike and I had a good time playing opposite each other. In one scene, Jack Perkins lays a big kiss on Mr.B. Mike had these big fake teeth in, and instead of kissing, we actually just clanked teeth, cutting my gum slightly.
It really was a fun time on the show. The movie was over and we were back writing what we wanted to write, so we wrote everyone in to the show! Jim was even in it as Michael Feinstein's back. I remember thinking, during the final scene where all the guests lay dying, that I was pretty lucky to have such a fun job with so many great people. Bridget Jones
All content contained within this Episode Guide is copyright © 2001 by Chris Cornell and Brian Henry. Please do not reproduce this guide or any portion thereof in any form without express written permission from the copyright owners. |